View Full Version : More Positive Paintball Press

01-26-2002, 03:21 PM
This article was published friday in The Daily Wildcat. That would be the local newspaper for the University of Arizona. From what I gathered, a huge number of people read it, and have responded to it. By the way, lloyd miller is me :D


01-26-2002, 03:42 PM
Nice job, way to go at starting a club/team in college. Hope you guys find those other two players. I could always skip my Junior and Senior year and fly out there to be on the team :-D. Being 5"8 and 125 pounds would give me a slight advantage at tucking in.

01-26-2002, 04:11 PM
We couldnt ask you to do that. Pay maybe, but we couldnt ask :D

Yeah, we have like 15 guys who want to join. So its seriously a matter of who we want.