View Full Version : Hyperframe Tourney Lock Problem

11-06-2008, 02:28 AM
I have a 13bps hyperframe that won't un-tourneylock. I feel like the pushbutton for the tourney lock must have gone bad. Before I start messing with the board, I was just wondering if anyone has had this problem and what it is most likely caused by. If anybody knows an easy fix I'm all ears.


11-06-2008, 12:53 PM
What do you mean by "un-tournylock"?

I am not familiar with the hyperframe first-hand, but if we know what you want, we might figure out how you can get it.

11-06-2008, 06:38 PM
if you open up the grip of a hyperframe there is a little push button that locks in your settings if you push it for 3 seconds (or some amount of time) i bet hes saying he cant unlock his settings to change it. i personaly cant get mine to lock but that is how it is supposed to work

11-06-2008, 10:39 PM
if you open up the grip of a hyperframe there is a little push button that locks in your settings if you push it for 3 seconds (or some amount of time) i bet hes saying he cant unlock his settings to change it. i personaly cant get mine to lock but that is how it is supposed to work

Yeah, that's right. Did yours used to work and stop working? I got mine used and it was like this. If it's the same problem but it still shoots it's got to be either a software issue or that button is malfunctioning. I'm going to start looking around for a replacement button...

11-07-2008, 06:28 PM
i got it used and i just have not been able to get it to work but it may be user error, i havent put too much effort into it.