View Full Version : Well, if it all goes through.....

11-09-2008, 09:59 AM
I will be trading off my last mag for a pump sniper. I had been holding on to my wife's splash mag just in case she ever played again. She decided that she was really done. Already pretty obvious since she has not been on the field in years...I decided to take the advice of some folks on here and give pump play a try.
At this point I am pretty much decided that I will not make a return to tourney ball next year. I did it this year to prove to myself that I could. We made second in our division, which I am very proud of, and have nothing left to accomplish. With most of the team players being effected pretty harshly by this economic downturn we just decided it would be best to put it on the back burner.
In the intrest of making walk on rec ball days more fun as well as more economical I decided to try out some pump play. I know that at first I will be getting my butt handed to me, and look forward to the challenge.

I traded off her Eclipse splashed mag for an SS-25. Hopefully I will have it in hand towards the end of the month. Thanks AGD for an excellent run. I have enjoyed the markers a lot. Had a great time building up custom X valved monsters and the go to reliability of the classic. Maybe I will be back one day from the dark side.

11-09-2008, 10:21 AM
They always come back, I love agd, for so many reasons, one being resale, the fact that 3 of my markers are worth over 1k and are staying there makes me very happy, in a year from now they'll still be worth what I paid, if not more, I can buy a used flavor of the week super gun, 06 pevs ego, for what I pretty much made off a 68 classic mag with a pump kit and some pretty parts, lol any of these 07 super flavor of the week guns are on par with our average ule pnuemag set up, so I gotta say, I love mags, and I may pick up this gun or that gun, but ill always rely on my mags and they'll always be at the top of the food chain, because you can't replace a classic muscle car with your run of the mill honda, no matter how much you upgrade it, that 67 comaro will still blow its doors off

11-09-2008, 04:25 PM
If you were a real man you would have built a pump mag. :D

Seriously though.

You will probably love playing pump. And you can't have a better gun to start with then an ss-25.

I'm actually afraid to even try an ss-25 because then I will have to buy one.

11-09-2008, 10:27 PM
If you were a real man you would have built a pump mag. :D

Seriously though.

You will probably love playing pump. And you can't have a better gun to start with then an ss-25.

I'm actually afraid to even try an ss-25 because then I will have to buy one.

I had a pump mag. I didnt like it. Too finicky .

I did like the SS25. Only reason I got rid of it was I ended up with a Series 6 which I still have.
You will end up with a mag again, probably a mech, just because they are a blast to play with.


11-09-2008, 10:45 PM
I had a pump mag. I didnt like it. Too finicky .

I did like the SS25. Only reason I got rid of it was I ended up with a Series 6 which I still have.
You will end up with a mag again, probably a mech, just because they are a blast to play with.


The S-6 is SOOO nice. Even just looking at them is a joy in itself. The price for one new is not bad either, considering that I see them for sale for as much and more than they sell new for. CCM markers seem to hold their value well.

I was noting that the SS-25 has Spyder sized lower tube components and uses a Spyder like vert asa. Kind of odd.

11-10-2008, 07:24 AM
how come I cant find a ss-25 for a splashed mag setup :)

I ended up giving up my AGD stuff in favor of a pump and a Invert Mini, tried to get back in to a Mech mag setup, but could never get anyone interested in trading for my freeflow pump.
