View Full Version : Emag problems

11-09-2008, 11:52 PM
Ok so i just bought my first emag lowers and put a tac one body on it with my xvalve which works in all my other mags so here is my question. Does the on/off pin have to be longer for the emag because when i go to pull the trigger the seer rod is to close to the frame and will not go back far enough to shoot. so do i need to legthen the seer rod or do i need to buy a new on/off pin???


EDIT:yes i am in mech mode and yes there is pleanty of air in my tank i think im doing everything correctly except it does say that there is low battary and i dont have a charger as of yet but that wouldnt matter when im in mech mode right?

11-10-2008, 12:35 AM
You must have an RT on off, not an ULT and the pin length is different... you MUST have the E-mag pin, not the RT pin. I think the E-mag pin is the shorter one - but not 100% on that.

dark blade
11-10-2008, 01:00 AM
yes the emag pin is shorter... the standard pin length is a .725 and the emag pin length is a .712

just go to homedepot and "rent" a pair of digital calipers and slowely grind down the flat skinny end of the pin until it is correct length.

or purchase one that is correct length... your call

11-10-2008, 11:29 AM
ok thank you

11-10-2008, 03:52 PM
Yes, get the proper length on-off pin or make yours the correct length. By using the standard length pin, the front chamber is probably not getting a charge of air. Thus, by pulling the trigger, there is no air to push the bolt forward and propel the ball.