View Full Version : Quad o-ring in RT on/off, some help please.

11-15-2008, 06:29 PM
I want to put a quad o-ring in my RT on/off to lighten the trigger pull. Trouble is I don't know what size the o-ring is and I don't know the recommended durometer for the ring either. So my question is, what size and durometer quad o-ring should I look for. Or even better yet does someone on here have a few I could buy. I know this isn't the BST section but it's just an o-ring so please any help is great. I do live near a good hydraulic shop so if I knew the size and durometer I bet they could get them too.

Thanks in advance for the help. :clap:

11-15-2008, 08:27 PM
MANN hooked me up, thanks MANN. :bounce: