View Full Version : Breaking social norms...

11-20-2008, 09:39 PM
I'm looking into an extra credit opportunity that looks to have potential of being really fun.

I want to make a video of myself and a few friends/classmates breaking social norms and recording unknowing "victim" 's responses. I'm looking for ideas. There are a lot of good examples on you tube..

What I have:
free hugs
standing in an elevator facing the opposite way
sitting right next to someone when there are loads of empty seats in the room
bringing your boom box to a popular reading spot to listen while you read.
paying in all pennies or another small denomination coin
driving through drive through backwards

What do you guys have? :cheers:

11-20-2008, 09:56 PM
I'm not so sure all of those would be social norms (well opposite or whatever) but some might be just common courtesy

:cool: should be interesting though

11-20-2008, 10:01 PM
I'm not so sure all of those would be social norms (well opposite or whatever) but some might be just common courtesy

:cool: should be interesting though
the boom box is really rude. I voted against, but I'm in a group of three and I must be the nice guy.

11-20-2008, 10:09 PM
If someone smokes you could roll your own cigarette?

Idk maybe this will give you some ideas


Hilltop Customs
11-20-2008, 10:13 PM
hmmm gotto think of a good one that wont get you arrested :)

11-20-2008, 10:24 PM
these could be slightly amusing
# Men often avoid conversation and eye contact in a public restroom, and might only nod or very shortly greet a coworker with whom they would typically start a conversation ("Hey").
# Men should avoid adjacent or closely-situated urinals and toilets when others are available. One should look only straight ahead or down when there is someone at an adjacent urinal.[6]

11-21-2008, 12:21 AM
Try wearing socks with sandals.

/its great.

11-21-2008, 12:38 AM
these could be slightly amusing
# Men often avoid conversation and eye contact in a public restroom, and might only nod or very shortly greet a coworker with whom they would typically start a conversation ("Hey").
# Men should avoid adjacent or closely-situated urinals and toilets when others are available. One should look only straight ahead or down when there is someone at an adjacent urinal.[6]

Just don't cross streams.

Hilltop Customs
11-21-2008, 12:45 AM
walk around barefoot in public

go to a restaurant and dont tip :eek:

order delivery and pay with change.......Ive done this once be4 lol

follow around an over the top gay guy in a sports bar filming peoples reactions

go to class, fall asleep and snore really loud :D

11-21-2008, 01:52 AM
i think this is a stupid idea.

paying in change/ not tipping is stupid.

this is usually where i'd say something mean, but this is AO, i'll restrain.

Hilltop Customs
11-21-2008, 02:08 AM
why is paying with change stupid? its the same value as bills, just a smaller denomination. Have you ever been at a cash register where they ran out of bills and they gave you your change in smaller bills or change? I'm not talking about something crazy like pennies. I wouldnt do it anytime someone is busy or cause other customers to wait for you.

say goodbye when you first see someone and hello when you walk away
go onto PBN and act civil and rational

11-21-2008, 03:10 AM
umm......for getting reactions

rollerblades on the bus/train (pads,helmet,spandex adds to the tourist look)

do other peoples jobes for them while they stand watching trying to figure out what to do.

get cozy at a matress/couch furniture store.

keep ordering food at a restraunt untill the waitress/er stops you or untill everything is ordered.

Do thi chi/yoga/meditation is very noisy busy area.

For now....

11-21-2008, 11:06 AM
why is paying with change stupid? its the same value as bills, just a smaller denomination....

go onto PBN and act civil and rational

I paid for my first intelliframe with nickels dimes and quarters. :D

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: @pbn

11-21-2008, 11:09 AM
Open firearm carry is legal in many jurisdictions :) I'm thinking a John Wayne style gun belt


/What did you really expect from me?

11-21-2008, 12:57 PM
Open firearm carry is legal in many jurisdictions :) I'm thinking a John Wayne style gun belt


/What did you really expect from me?
I think your useful post count just went up to 7! :clap:

11-22-2008, 08:28 PM
walk up to some random person and accuse them of steeling your bike. also, act a tad slow ;)

when in an elevator, stand as close as possible to the other person in there. works best when its only you and some one else. and when they move, move to them again.

dress up like on halloween (not cheap costume but face paint ect) and go into stores.

sing really badly in a store. and sing loud.

all those are pro for getting great reactions. tried and true :ninja:

11-23-2008, 01:45 AM
not sure if anyone said this but its probably illegal to go through the drive through backwards, it may not be because its private property but better check that out.

i agree that the boombox is a bit disrespectful and i dont think it would prove your point.

if your doing this for school or legit study you have to keep in mind the ethics of it, they are pretty serious about that. i know for my senior Psych study for college, i had to go infront of a review board (IRB) before my study could be approved... and it was basically just a survey.

when your doing experiments on people you have to take a bunch of stuff into account...
cant cause harm psycological or physical
there has to be a debrief and sometimes a follow up

just a few thoughts, i work in the field and the program i work for is based on Normative Culture.