View Full Version : Reason I got for cockers over mags

01-27-2002, 01:45 AM
I was talking to a bunch of people on the fields about cockers vs mags... the reason Alot of them give for going cocker is they feel the prices on parts are equal to the items they are getting... Take a cocker body and compare the price to an RT body.... with a cocker u get a full 2 chamber body that is worth the ammount of money they spend but if u look at an RT body or a mag body its just a tube so they dont feel its worth the price.

I think AGD does charge a bit much for their parts but i am still devoted fan to the mag line.

I think AGD would benifit alot more if they lowered their prices a bit on their parts alot of my friends who use cockers would switch if the prices where more nominal.

01-27-2002, 01:48 AM
Mag bodies are more expensive because they are made of stainless steel instead of aluminum ;)


01-27-2002, 07:49 AM
The reason some of my slightly noobish playing amigos bought cockers is they dont have to run nitro. They are great players, but 16-17 years old and would rather spend money on cars, and just play really often.

01-27-2002, 08:01 AM
FOR SOME REASON i just wish i got a coker instead of my mag becuase i want to mill it and u cant mill a mag !!! if u can can comebody tell me !

01-27-2002, 08:55 AM
is that all you care about in a gun? milling it? how about performance? ok go buy a cocker and mill as many holes in it as possible so you can see all the moving parts. then go play and fall in the dirt and get it clogged wth everything.....now you have a broken gun, which wouldn't happen with a mag :)

01-27-2002, 09:38 AM
no, people use Cockers beause they are all customizable. Ususally there will be no Cocker that is the same as another if it's custom built or tricked out.

01-27-2002, 11:56 AM
The reason they are all customized is that they don't work right once you have fooled with them. People change the factory settings and then can't get back to where they were so they think they have to buy something to fix it!

It's much like the trigger rod on the mag, mess with it at your own risk!

Cockers are good guns, but take more maintenance. I like to play, not work on my gun, so I play with a mag.(Emag and Classic). Customized Cockers do LOOK COOL, so I may buy one someday to tinker with, but I doubt it will ever be my primary gun.

From what I've seen, cockers work better on Nitro, too.


01-27-2002, 06:38 PM
very true but i like to look good when im playin :) but u do give a good point about the dirt in the gun and also i like working on my gun lol becuz i never have money to play !!! i havent even shot my new mag !! i wont be able to till july

Major Ho
01-27-2002, 06:39 PM
Woo Hoo, bravo bravo! Thats by far the best arguement I have ever heard! Choosing a gun because it has one chamber more than another.

More bang for your buck according to the body style...
Can we not see past the 1 or two chambers and see that is only because of the way the gun is designed?
Cocker - Top "chamber" - for the bolt
Bottom "chamber" - valve, springs etc....

Mag - One "chamber" - The whole kit and kaboodle

Does anyone else see the Absurdity of this tireless debate cocker vs mag.

01-28-2002, 12:07 AM
They are both great. Cockers are fun to upgrade, adjust, and even fun to screw up. You learn something after you figure out how to correct "tinkering" mistakes. When c&c extremes finally come out I'll own my first mag, I think I'll avoid messing with it though.

01-28-2002, 02:37 AM
why did you post this in an automag form, all yer guna get is automag propaganda. I say that people should stick questions and news about mags to the mag forms, and general discussion to other forms on the net.

01-28-2002, 07:12 AM
We are all paintball friendly here liigod. Chill dude. I see nothing wrong with this kind of debate. Sure he will get a bit more "Mag Friendly" arguments posting it here on AO. So what?

01-28-2002, 09:06 AM
I was looking at custom Cocker bodies on Action Village and they were all over $250. My polished Mag body was $100. I'm not sure what those guys at your field are talking about.

01-28-2002, 09:33 AM
i think pro's contribute a big part
guys who are "semi-new" to the sport, and no little see th epro's toting tricked otu cockers, and angel, and they say, well i havent got money for an angel, so why not get a cocker, they only go for looks

and all tehy watch is the pro's, who have alot of money, now if tehy go to a local tourny, they will see guys toting practially stock cockers, and sotck mags, or semi tricked markers, and some even with m98's and pirahna's

its all based around looks if u ask me, newbies come out to me and say, and i quote "i have seen beter guns at canadian tire" (they sell raptors, and talon's), because all the see is the tube right, and they think hahaha, my m98 looks better than that

do you remeber your first time, you looked at a mag and thought nothign of it, you just thought it was a P.O.S gun, but then the guy came in with the cocker you got scared, why because of the pnematics on the front, and the crazy back block

if you ask me, most new people base there opinions on waht the pro's use, and how they play

not me I LOVE MY MAG

just my $0.02:D