View Full Version : Classic valve tune to fire

11-27-2008, 03:10 AM
Hey guys, Im trying to get a classic valve up and running.

Keep in mind, i dont have it in posession as I sold it but the buyer is having some difficulties getting it to fire.

So far,

He pulls the trigger and nothing happens. No air hissing, no popping, nothing happens.

I have instructed him to turn up the velocity and that failed.
I also told him to make sure the sear and pin are in spec, I am awaiting results.

Any other ideas?

Its a lvl 7 classic valve and beyond that, im not sure.
I will get more info

11-27-2008, 07:34 AM
How is his air source... is it low?

Is there a restriction or blockage someplace?

remove bolt and spring, put valve back in body/rail/frame and while holding the trigger air it up. No air should leak down the barrel. release the trigger and see if you leak air down the barrel. if still no air at this point you have a problem between the air source and the on-off.

11-27-2008, 09:52 AM
How is his air source... is it low?

Is there a restriction or blockage someplace?

remove bolt and spring, put valve back in body/rail/frame and while holding the trigger air it up. No air should leak down the barrel. release the trigger and see if you leak air down the barrel. if still no air at this point you have a problem between the air source and the on-off.

Hehe, good advice.

/pat /pat /pat. :)

Also have him use CO2 or make sure he is using an HP not a LP tank.
Also make sure he has the safety off (dumb I know).

11-27-2008, 12:34 PM
Hehe, good advice.Just passing on what I have learned from your past posts :headbang:
I should have footnoted the post with "creds" to you.

11-28-2008, 01:52 AM
The above test was done and it has air going to the valve but there is no firing.

I instructed him to assemble it and tighten down the screws minus the frame in place.
if the marker will fire by moving teh sear, the rod will need to be extended.

Any other ideas?

I haven't teched a mag since I last used mine in early 07.

11-28-2008, 11:32 AM
if the marker will fire by moving teh sear, the rod will need to be extended.

I don't quite understand what you are saying by the above, but it sounds as if he took the marker apart and either lost the rail bushing, needs to unscrew the trigger rod to lengthen it, or can't figure out how to aim the trigger rod into the space it needs to go through on the frame.

Point him towards this video, specifically at 4:25 into it:

11-28-2008, 11:55 AM
My method will tell him if the trigger rod needs to be extended or not.

Ill point him to the video.

11-28-2008, 01:43 PM
My method will tell him if the trigger rod needs to be extended or not.

Ill point him to the video.

Ah, I see. You instructed him but haven't heard back from him yet. Won't he need shorter screws?

11-29-2008, 02:12 AM
He either needs shorter screws or some washers to compensate.
I told him that, I'm awaiting a response.

I think he is going to go ahead and just lengthen the trigger rod.
It seems it was corroded in place...