View Full Version : Hi and thanks AO

11-28-2008, 03:07 PM
Hi everybody,
just wan't to say thanks to AO in general and Mr. Kaye in particular, I've been a proud and happy owner of a RT pro for the last two years and a lurker on this forum since then.

I must say that I've learned a lot more about paintball and Automags since I've been coming here than the 5 years of paintball before that. This is a great forum about greats markers. Seeing the jaws of our locals speedballers drop when they first heard and saw my mag shooting with 1200 psi through it will always be a fond memorie.

So many thanks again and keep on. :headbang:

11-28-2008, 04:28 PM

11-28-2008, 05:15 PM
yeah a lot of good people here and great information :)

hat's off to another Quebec automagger ;)

11-28-2008, 05:21 PM
You should post more often... :D
Welcome to AO, neighbor to the north.

11-28-2008, 05:51 PM
Thanks guys, :D
there's not many maggers around here but I'm spreading the good news, 2 of my teammates are about to get a mag, one day we might be enough to have our own AO-Qc meeting.

happy black friday to all my southern neighbors :cheers:

11-28-2008, 06:05 PM
Thanks guys, :D
there's not many maggers around here but I'm spreading the good news, 2 of my teammates are about to get a mag, one day we might be enough to have our own AO-Qc meeting.

happy black friday to all my southern neighbors :cheers:

We actually have an AO meeting every year on Gatineau for Gatineau and ottawa players.
unfortunately this year it was canceled for some reason.
So maybe next year you could come down :)
I know it's kinda far.. but it will be worth it if you are a good group :)

12-01-2008, 11:55 AM
Cool, keep me inform for next year and I'll see if I can make the trip, right now we're only two in the team who own mags but who knows maybe I'll be able to convince more to join the family. :cheers:

12-01-2008, 01:00 PM

You know, you ..uh.. northern guys could collect some info on CO2 in cold weather for the FAQ. :D

I expect most of you use HPA, but if you come across anyone using CO2 in the snow, it would be interesting to hear what the performance is. There's a few posts about it, but not much.

There's an average rate of fire that goes with the temperature and total shooting time where you see the velocity drop off pretty badly. It would make an easier answer for "Can I use CO2 in cold weather?".

For instance, in 70 degree weather my velocity dropped after about 8 minutes at an average of about 1 bps with a vertical bottle. But because it's CO2, you can't completely apply that to a mag that is adjusted to shoot with 35 degree CO2 in the first place.


12-01-2008, 04:35 PM
I'll keep an eye opened but I haven't played with CO2 in 3 years and everybody on my team use HPA. If it can help our local field usually close for the winter when temperature drop below 45-50 degree because all his rentals Tippmanns runs on CO2 and even at slow ROF they have velocity and freezing issues.

To be honest I never saw someone use CO2 below the freezing point but if I do see someone using that this winter I'll make sure to get his feedback and post his experience here.


12-01-2008, 05:18 PM
I do play with HPA. All my friends with Co2 do not play during winter.

Check here (http://www.scubatoys.com/store/Paintball/Air_Systems/whichtank.asp) and you will see a table of the PSI by temperature for Co2.
Example: if you know that your marker does not operate under 600 PSI, well you cannot play with CO2 under about 50 degree F.

I am sure that is not 100% accurate, but it can help :)

12-01-2008, 05:48 PM
God, I love Miami. I think we got 50 degree weather once... back in '77 or something.

It's actually made me renew my interest in CO2. I think there's a lot of untapped potential in that gas - or any gas that is stored as a liquid.

12-01-2008, 05:57 PM
I do play with HPA. All my friends with Co2 do not play during winter.

Check here (http://www.scubatoys.com/store/Paintball/Air_Systems/whichtank.asp) and you will see a table of the PSI by temperature for Co2.
Example: if you know that your marker does not operate under 600 PSI, well you cannot play with CO2 under about 50 degree F.

I am sure that is not 100% accurate, but it can help :)
I've always considered 50F right at too cold for a CO2 mag practically; however, sometimes you see a post about how "I play in the snow and have no problems with CO2". I've only played in 50F rain, which didn't work well for me or the mag, and the opportunity to play in dry snow doesn't come up much around here. :p

The vapor pressure numbers look right, but your temperature starts dropping when you shoot, which is related to the liquid vaporized which is affected by the efficiency of the gas expansion in the barrel. I could figure out a ball park firing rate from the thermo tables for given conditions, but I doubt anyone would believe it and we would want some real data anyway.

12-01-2008, 06:14 PM
well maybe that person plays with another marker than a Mag... or maybe he has a hot blanket for his Co2 bottle while playing :) haha

All I have are 2 xvalves.. so I would not try Co2 with them :)

But if ever I get an older mag with an older valve I might try it... as I have 2 Co2 Tanks for my girlfriends tippmann 98.

12-01-2008, 07:19 PM
Take care of your new mags Gate. I already miss them dearly :cry:

12-01-2008, 08:18 PM
I played a woodsball game last week in Cary, IL (home of mags of course). Out of 8 players I was the only guy with HPA, everyone else was CO2 with Tippmanns. It was ~35 degrees so almost freezing. Everyone shot a little less but we had zero issues based on weather.

Also last week my friend went out to his backyard and shot about 1000 rounds with CO2 in about 10 minutes. He put a wool sock over his tank with a couple hand warmers in there. He said it worked fine, he had pressure and he wasn't blowing any ice out the barrel. Of course with any warmers you need to be careful not to overheat CO2 and explode.

12-01-2008, 08:47 PM
Also last week my friend went out to his backyard and shot about 1000 rounds with CO2 in about 10 minutes. He put a wool sock over his tank with a couple hand warmers in there. He said it worked fine, he had pressure and he wasn't blowing any ice out the barrel. Of course with any warmers you need to be careful not to overheat CO2 and explode.
I always wondered if that would condense CO2 further down the line. Was that a tippy or mag?

12-01-2008, 09:34 PM
I always wondered if that would condense CO2 further down the line. Was that a tippy or mag?
Liquid can't be condensed further. Well....it can. But the "pressure vs difference in volume" graph is almost vertical. Maybe i didn't fully understand your post though.

12-01-2008, 10:36 PM
I always wondered if that would condense CO2 further down the line. Was that a tippy or mag?

98 custom, everyone I know still shoots tippmann, I just converted myself from an a5. I have know idea how a mag would do. I have an rt pro so I am not too interested in seeing what would happen if I ran in some CO2.

From what I know, when it is cold the CO2 just doesn't "boil" back to a gas very fast. I don't know what the actual boiling point is, I know it is way below zero Fahrenheit, but it is a matter of "boiling" fast enough when it is cold.

I do have a cheap autocoker trilogy and it is about 25 degrees today if anyone wants me to run any experiments.

12-01-2008, 11:11 PM
Liquid can't be condensed further. Well....it can. But the "pressure vs difference in volume" graph is almost vertical. Maybe i didn't fully understand your post though.
I was just referring to heating the CO2 in a bottle, warmer than ambient temperature and higher than normal pressure for the ambient temperature, then chilling the vapor back down under the same pressure, seems like it should be 'wet' with some amount of liquid and gas. Maybe just condensation on the inside of the hose.

We'll have to start a thread in the tech section...

Thanks, for the space Gate.

12-02-2008, 10:41 AM
Take care of your new mags Gate. I already miss them dearly
don't worry, they're in good loving hands, my friend who got the pewter one wanted a mag for a long time, around 1999-2000 he almost bought an X-mag but went for a shoebox Shocker instead :nono: , I never miss a chance to remind him about what a "Smart" choice he made :tard: .

As for CO2, I remember that we used to do the same thing that the friend of MKing did, a wool sock with hand warmers, results weren't as good as with HPA but we were able to at least play with lower but decents velocities.

Thanks, for the space Gate.
my pleasure :)
Gate :cheers: