View Full Version : So, about the Dye Rail....?

12-07-2008, 11:23 PM
Tell me honestly guys, is this thing crap?

I am thinking that either, they are crap, or my friend's son has a cursed one.

He bought the marker used a while back and it had some minor issues that the local shop dealt with. Worked fine all summer long. Now it has gotten cold out, and it started having various issues. Leaking, bolt stick, inconsistant, etc.

So I took it home and cleaned it, lubed it, checked it out, turned the dwell up. Shot fine at home, gave it back to him. Did not change a thing, would not work.
Took the thing to the local shop, who happen to be Dye wizards. Long time sponsorship with Dye and very proficient at working on them. He spent maybe five minutes working on it, and it was fine. Told me that if it was cold out to increase the dwell by five if it had bolt stick.

Took it out, instantly started acting stupid again. Back to the shop, guy looks it over, nothing wrong.
Back at the field today, it is once again acting stupid. We turn the dwell up, try to fire it. No luck. Go through this process until the dwell is topped out at 40. It shoots, but blowing through air like...well like a marker with a dwell of 40.
Plays one game with it, and the noid starts leaking, again.

So he is pretty fed up with it. The local shop owner keeps looking at me like I am crazy when I bring it in and it works fine. Mind you this is generally at room temperature and not 40* like it was today.
I am not 'unfamiliar' with markers in general, but I am beginning to think that this thing has issues. I mean I seem to be unable to fix it to work right in cold weather. It can work all day long in the house, but if it is not going to act right after it gets ready to be used...well I guess we can use it to hold down paper on buddies desk or something.

I just wonder, is this a common thing for these, or is this one just special?

12-07-2008, 11:40 PM
im guessing you mean a pmr. any matrix will have these issues in the cold.

12-07-2008, 11:48 PM
im guessing you mean a pmr. any matrix will have these issues in the cold.

yeah, sorry was being lazy in not specifically calling it the Proto.

I can understand the dwell issue. I have owned quite a few spoolers, and the Dye is not exclusive in having to be dialed up a bit for cold weather performance. It just strikes me as odd that this thing is just one issue after another, constantly.

He has an old Diablo Matrix as well. I took it home and put the mojo on it and it works like a charm aside from not having eyes. Of course you want to talk about a gas hog. Those old full size trixes can use some air....

12-08-2008, 12:14 AM
Try watering your grease down with some liquid lube. That'll help it keep moving in the cold but won't last as long as more viscous stuff.

12-08-2008, 04:15 AM
yeah what grease are you using?

in cold whether you need a really thin lube. i suggest Lurker Lube. VERY good lube and works great in cold weather

also, in cold weather i highly suggest relubing the gun every day its used. sometimes 2x one before and during playing.

also, lurker is only like $8 plus shipping for a nice tube that should last a long long time.

12-08-2008, 09:16 AM
were you using the same air source when playing and repairing?

Probably just the cold but there might be other variables...

12-08-2008, 10:12 AM
Not sure if this is a good idea, but I have seen a DM5 become 'unfrozen' so to speak, with the use of a little KC trouble free oil.

12-08-2008, 10:45 AM
I only use Dow 33 in any marker that requires grease rather than oil.

If I were to "dilude" the grease with an oil....
Would I make a paste as it were and apply directly, or put drops of oil in the asa?

As far as the air source I have used his bottle and mine, both during the repair process and at the field. His is a HP output bottle. I have used my LP and an HP bottle.

I am stumped.

I guess the overall concensus is that these kind of problems out of this little Proto is not what one should expect?

12-08-2008, 10:48 AM
No matter what grease you use, it will gum up in the cold. The oil does also, but not nearly as bad.

12-08-2008, 11:02 AM
I never had a single problem shooting outside in 25* temperatures with my droid, lubed with nothing but Macdev's "Militia Lube"

12-08-2008, 01:00 PM
Stick with the oil in the cold. Leave the ones that you have out in the cold (40F) and then feel each one to see what they do. Some greases like krytox don't change at all, while others get really thick. You might even consider something like an air tool oil that normally doesn't cling much at all.

On the other side, the orings get stiffer and the bores can shrink, so even when if your lube performs the same, the seal friction goes up and you need something lighter anyway. Even though many solenoid valves are designed to be run 'oil free', they are sensitive to lube and temperature.

12-08-2008, 02:41 PM
dow 33 or even the lighter dow 55 both work great in optimal temperatures. but when it gets cold it thickens relatively fast and will cause issues. a more synthetic lube or pure sythetic lube will hold up far better in cold temperatures. most lubes that come out now are partially or fully sythetic. even Smartparts sends the guns with i believe dow 33 mixed with a some sort of sythetic material.

as i said before, get a after market lube that is a little thinner then dow 33, and sythetic. will solve most if not all winter issues.

http://www.lurkerpaintball.com/lurkerlube.html $8 shipped and JUST AS GOOD IF NOT BETTER then the $15-$30 lubes out there.

12-08-2008, 03:03 PM
Ive got slick honey for my DM6, use just enough to make the o-rings look wet and no more. Then I shoot 2 or so drops of Extreme Lube through my marker. I'm playing in 40* weather with no problems. Dwell at 16, LPR at 2 turns out. Most bike shops will carry slick honey.

12-08-2008, 03:22 PM
It's 40* where you are? You suck! Here it's freezing and my dorm is either a freezer or a sauna, and right now it's a freezer.

12-13-2008, 02:57 PM
I love Florida. Yeah, its true we have some idiots here, but then so does Georgia and every other state in the union, and every country in North and South America.

But its 67 degrees here right now. Love it heheh .



12-13-2008, 04:59 PM
I never had a single problem shooting outside in 25* temperatures with my droid, lubed with nothing but Macdev's "Militia Lube"

True statement...same droid same militia lube...handled iowa 20* temp like a champ...try some macdev militia lube!

12-13-2008, 06:48 PM
Also ,most people notice issues with lube in the winter when theres too much.

In warmer weathers, gunked up lube wont really slow the gun down. When it gets colder and thicker, too much lube will make or break it.

Just enough to make the orings look wet.