View Full Version : Tac-1 q-loader stock mounting

12-08-2008, 06:10 PM
I put my q-loader on different positions on my Tac-one, always attached to the foregrip. I've played two days with it pointing backwards (due to not having received a Custom Mounting Socket yet), and yesterday I used my new CMS and put it on pointing forwards.

Having made my own aluminium stock, I'm playing with the idea of putting the CMS on top of my stock, with the q-pod pointing backwards. Using the CMS long L-bracket under the grip creates problems for my hand (I'm a big guy, with equally big hands) not fitting well between the bracket and the grip. Playing around, I found that attaching the small L bracket directly to my stock does create enough room for my hand.

Now, before cutting my precious last piece of Q-loader tube to the desired length and drilling extra holes in my stock, I would like to tap into the collected wisdom present here on the AO forums and see if there are serious downsides to what I'm about to do. I was thinking about possible issues with:

-reloading (difficult with rear facing and above stock?)
-balance (rear-heavy)
-too long q-loader tube/too many needed prewinds on the q-pods
-anything else I haven't thought about... :-)

Mind you, I'm a noob, with only 5 days of paintball experience, and although I'm not afraid to tread off the beaten path, I prefer to learn form other people's mistakes before making my own! :-)

Picture of the marker now (yes, we can have PB silencers here in the Netherlands, and no, that's not a silencer, it's only to keep the all too common rain here out of the ports in the barrel :-) ):


Picture of what I'm thinking about doing:
