View Full Version : 1 final emag problem at least i hope this is the end of it!

12-10-2008, 03:28 AM
Hey all so i now have the right sized emag pin the .712 or what ever it was susposed to be and now the sear still will not react when im in "M" mode although im not sure if it even works in "E" mode either at the moment because i just got my charger for it but am now out of air stupid rocket launchers. but is there something else i need to do to make the emag work because i think im doing everything right but im new to emags so im not quite sure oh and i have a tac one body on it but i highly doubt that matters because im using the emag rail that it came with when i bought the lowers.


P.S. i have a secinario this weekend and this is my only marker so i kinda need it working otherwise i would have to rent so what ever it takes to get this working i will do.

12-10-2008, 06:46 PM
Does the sear rod come forward when you air it up?
Check your frame screws and make sure they arent to tight or to loose

12-10-2008, 10:06 PM
Emags need air to work.

You will be able to hear a slight amount of movement from the solenoid (like a tiny dull thud), but the Emag's solenoid doesn't have a real loud click like some other guns.

Old School 626
12-10-2008, 11:31 PM
Or - Pull the valve out and put your finger on the sear to press it down and see if the noid cycles. The sear should *firmly* push back on your finger. This will only give you an idea if all else is working. You really need air to test it properly.

12-11-2008, 12:32 AM
the frame is tight i will check tomorow if the sear pushes back or not and thanks guys for all the help!