View Full Version : a funny day at the field

01-27-2002, 05:51 PM
well today at the field my cousin chris and rt 01037 (justin) were haveing a litle duel on the field and justin runs up on my cousins bunker little did he know that chris was there so chris shoots over missing justin a few times and hits his tank but justin returns fire and gets chris on the hip tank hopper and finger but here is the finger pic and yes that is justins barrel he was being funny and the other funny thing is the band-aid wouldnt stick so he duct taped it. lol

01-27-2002, 06:09 PM
that looks REALLY nasty...I'll stick to my armour back gloves thank you....Hehe, how close were they when he got shot on the finger like that? point blank?

01-27-2002, 06:11 PM
the length was almost identical to how that picture looks so yeah point blank

01-27-2002, 08:26 PM
wow!!!! lol i got shot in the wrist from that close
(maghappy) but it never bleed like that... that looks painfull!! :eek:

01-27-2002, 09:04 PM
Got hit in the neck from a foot away... ouch.

Not as bad as my friend, took a second and a half from an Angel shooting 3 foot tall guy shooting at chest height to bring him to a fetal position... *shiver*


01-27-2002, 09:31 PM
Sounds like someone needs to work on their bunker crushing skills... And maybe needs a good pair of gloves. I was still looking for the funny part. Maybe you should change the thread name to "painful day at the field"... Ouch, that makes my hand hurt just looking at it...

01-27-2002, 09:37 PM
can we turn this into a worst hit thread??
...works for me, yeah well you guys and me are happy i didnt take any pics of my worst hit, it left me on the ground for 5 min swearing anything & everything bad i could think of, and still nobody came to help me... well did u guess where i got hit, thats right, the guy only took one shot, and square in the head, no, not that head, the other head, the one thats in your pants... anyways, when i finally mustered the strength to return to my feet, i noticed my gun was about 10 feet from where i was lying... apparently i threw it on the way down...

01-27-2002, 10:27 PM
I'm getting phantom pains as I write!

01-27-2002, 10:32 PM
Shot myself in the hand before :)

I was testing my Maverick, and I put my hand over the barrel to keep it from making so much noise (they are LOUD!). Ghost ball still chambered :) I was spinning in circles with my hand pinched between my legs. Luckily it was an unported barrel and I was pressing hard, I think it slowed the ball down a bit, but it still hurt like crazy.

01-27-2002, 10:32 PM
I got hit in the twiggen berries once...NOT A FUN THING. That was no doubt my most painful shot ever, that and the one from 2 feet away with my friend's flatline tippman. I didnt hear him call me out so he shot me...

01-28-2002, 07:52 PM
yeah i guess it was a "painful day" but not for me i was laughing my butt off so it was a "funny day at the field" but yeah if you want to make this the worst hit thread go for it.

01-28-2002, 08:06 PM
oh man...i get worse than that on my thighs...dont know why only place that hurts

01-28-2002, 08:14 PM
i got hit in my trigger finger while fireing, well lets just say these half cut gloves wont cut it i need full fingers.

RT 01037
01-28-2002, 08:30 PM
just to correct things he did not hit me in the tank. missed lol !!!

01-28-2002, 08:31 PM
MOst painful shot, hmmm...i would say, but i haven't ever gotten shot.

O wait, there was that one time...

The hit that i got that looked the worst was on the inside of my thigh. it didn't hurt too much when i happened but then as i was walking my pants started rubbing up against where it hit and it was hurting so i looked and it was bleeding alot, skin ripped off blood gushing down my leg. It didn't REALLY start hurting till later. AFter i saw my leg i checked my arm where i got shot by the same guy and it was bleeding alittle too. I think he was shooting hot. i have this really cool scar thats a circle on my leg where i got shot. It looks exactly like a normal paintball bruise but it never goes away, its cool.

01-29-2002, 02:05 AM
I took a 15 footer in the arm a couple weeks ago. Normally not a bad shot, but this guys spyder(go figure) was shooting real hot, it brought blood to the surface through the pores just like the picture. It hurt like crazy, you can still see the circle outline on my arm.

01-29-2002, 04:35 AM
Manike, being the creepy bugger he is, shot me twice in the *** with his crazy sov 2, it left 2 black marks for about 2 months.

They've only just gone away :D

01-29-2002, 06:58 AM
That's not funny....it's hilarious :D

01-29-2002, 02:06 PM
ok... dont blame me, but when my sister was living with her ex boyfriend dave, i used to sleep over...and her boyfriends brother mike would come over, and he was always drunk and stuff... and i had my 2 paintball guns there. well, anyhow, mike brought along his roomate and his roommate grabbed my paintball gun and was jokin around with it inside the house. there was a fight, and the roommate shot mike in the nipple from a little over 2 feet away, and nobody had masks on, figuring we were inside a house.

mike is a huge guy that nobody would want to mess with. my friend who weighs like 170 sat on his back while he did 10 pushups. he threw his roommate across the kitchen, and almost tipped over the gas stove and the fridge. kinda scary.

mike had a red swollen nipple for a few days

01-29-2002, 03:42 PM
hehe i remember when me and nutz were playing and he bunkered one of our teamates ina rec game and lit him up 8 times in the neck point blank! haha it was soo funny!

01-29-2002, 04:44 PM
I was wondering if anyone "really" ever got shot in the crotch? I'm sure most players do NOT wear cups. Let me know how to protect my sacred future!

01-29-2002, 04:59 PM
Well a cup would be really uncomfortable. I got shot in the crotch before in a woods game, didn't even feel it because I wear baggy army cargo pants so it just deflected off them.

My advice, tight pants = cup, loose/baggy pants = :).

As for getting shot from upclose...I played a speedball game for a couple hours with a tshirt and shorts on...man do I ever regret it. I had cuts from shells all over, and everyone said I was nuts. It didn't hurt though because the field velocity limit was low.

01-29-2002, 06:29 PM
i got hit like that from an inch away with a stingray.the kid was in a bunker with me and "accidentally" pulled the trigger and hit me right above my thumb. he got about 15 shots in his back. still have the scar and that was june when it happened