View Full Version : New Mag...a few questions.

12-18-2008, 07:29 PM
Hey all...so back in about 2001 I got my first mag, loved it, played with it, went to college...etc. Well,. 7 years later, I decided to get back into it with a slightly higher budget and just got myself a nice new ULE RT. Well, I borrowed a new tank from a buddy today to test it out. The tank is a Pure Energy 68/4500 and the reg. is reading the tank to be about half full.

Anyways, just went to gas up the gun for the first time(since I have owned it) and once the pin touches, CA just comes rushing out. I screwed it in there quite a ways and all I was doing was wasting the air. I also own 2 older mags and tried the same tank on both of those and it works perfectly. Any help from you experts on what this new guy is doing wrong? Is there a way to turn the valve off until it is screwed in the gun or is there a "proper" way to gas up the gun that I dont know about? Thanks in advance!!

12-18-2008, 07:35 PM
Is the air leaking down the barrel or coming out of the back? If it is coming out of the back, adjust the velocity down (counter clockwise on the adjustment nut). If air is coming out down the barrel, that indicates an o-ring issue in the power tube. Does the marker have a level 7 or level 10 bolt?

12-18-2008, 07:41 PM
Is the air leaking down the barrel or coming out of the back? If it is coming out of the back, adjust the velocity down (counter clockwise on the adjustment nut). If air is coming out down the barrel, that indicates an o-ring issue in the power tube. Does the marker have a level 7 or level 10 bolt?

It is coming out of the same ar.ea the tank screws in. It is level 10. I bought the gun on ebay...here is the photo/setup:


12-18-2008, 07:48 PM
It sound like a like in the air fittings on the asa. Try swapping out the asa, or re-mount the air fittings.

12-18-2008, 07:51 PM
if you have another bottle oring you can try and old school fix , put the oring in the bottom of the asa and then screw the bottle in it should seal that way

12-18-2008, 08:26 PM
Check your bottle o-ring.

12-18-2008, 08:45 PM
Check your bottle o-ring.

Thanks for the help guys. The bottle O-ring is just fine and the tank works fine on the other mags. The air almost seems to be leaking out from the threading. I will get my other tank filled tomorrow and see if that helps.

12-18-2008, 11:14 PM
Thanks for the help guys. The bottle O-ring is just fine and the tank works fine on the other mags. The air almost seems to be leaking out from the threading. I will get my other tank filled tomorrow and see if that helps.

The threads don't do the sealing (unlike 1/8" NPT fittings where the thread does seal). Sometimes the tolerances can be off for a specific bottle to ASA. Good luck!

12-19-2008, 09:46 AM
Thanks for the help guys. The bottle O-ring is just fine and the tank works fine on the other mags. The air almost seems to be leaking out from the threading. I will get my other tank filled tomorrow and see if that helps.
Coralis means that you leave the oring on the tank and just lay another one in the bottom of the asa before you screw in the tank. The pin in the bottom of the ASA may be pushing the pin on the tank open before the bottle oring has a seal. It's a combination problem of ASA and tank. It's very easy to try, just hard to remember to save that oring in the bottom. ;)

12-19-2008, 07:15 PM
Thanks everyone. We got everything working great.

12-19-2008, 08:30 PM
Thanks everyone. We got everything working great.

How did you fix your problem?

12-20-2008, 02:30 AM
How did you fix your problem?

To be honest, I am not entirely sure. We just filled another tank, tried that and it worked, then put another new o-ring on the other tank, put some oil through the asa and it all worked great. I think it was more of the tank not fitting the asa just right so I am guessing the new ring/oil tightened the seal.