View Full Version : need help with x-valve shooting full auto

12-23-2008, 02:52 AM
well i just got this mag in a trade and when i air it up the gun starts shooting full auto. i have tried holding and not holding the trigger which doesnt seem to do a thing. the gun has an x valve, level 10, tac-one rail, intelli frame, ule body. the level 10 seems to work cause it vents when i aired it up with a squeege in the breech. one thing that could be the problem is that it came in pieces and when putting it together a small nut fell out of something, seemed like the rail at the time but i have not been able to find where it goes. any and all help would be greatly appreciated

12-23-2008, 03:50 AM
pictures of parts and said NUT???

12-23-2008, 04:53 AM
pictures of the parts of the gun? ill try to get pics tomorrow but it will take me a little bit to get them up. the nut is just that, a nut with 6 sides and threads in the middle the threading is slightly smaller than M3 threads (sorry closest tap i have right now) and the whole thing is slightly bigger than 10-32 threads. sorry for all the comparisons but thats all i can really do. ill try to get some pics up tomorrow. from what i can tell the sear is not being pushed down by the valve

12-23-2008, 06:58 AM
Use this to tell us what parts are missing... ;)


12-23-2008, 10:36 AM
About the only thing that can fall out (and likes to fall out) that lets the bolt still work is the rail bushing.

12-23-2008, 11:37 PM
ok ill look to see if it has the rail bushing, would not having that cause this problem?

12-24-2008, 01:58 AM
well i dont have a rail bushing but im not sure if that would causs this problem. one thing i did notice was that the on/off pin was pushed all the way down and since the trigger/sear doesnt seem to have any pressure on it i was wondering if the on/off pin get stuck like all the way down and that would cause it shoot only shoot full auto. im going to oil up the on/off pin and leave it partially out tomorrow to test this out.

12-24-2008, 02:18 AM
put the gun together take off the grips and push the sear rod forward, can it go all the way without touching the back of the trigger if you hold the trigger all the way forward? you needa bout 1 mm distance betweenth 2

12-24-2008, 06:31 AM
ok ill check that tomorrow but the trigger never has any pressure on it like the sear is not being used. i hope its something that can be fixed

12-24-2008, 11:02 AM
An improperly adjusted trigger rod shouldn't cause full auto problems. It will cause firing problems such as short stroking or not firing at all. Full auto, even with the trigger pulled is generally caused by a bad or missing oring in the on-off top area, or an on-off pin that is upside down. A rail bushing can cause issues as well, but they are usually related to leaking.

12-24-2008, 02:15 PM
ok thanks for the help, im going to play around with the on/off a little bit. any other suggestions would be great.

12-26-2008, 12:31 PM
hey there . im the one who traded him the mag . i never shot it i dont have hp and he knew that . . now that box was used for holding parts form my project gun . so that small nut may have been stuck in the seam . if it was not in the wraping then its not soposed to be there . what does it look like ? and when i got this mag i was told it was a tac one rail . im sure it is but i dont belive there is any room for a bushing . i never had a bushing . full auto would be caused by a over active ult? or a rt on off ? i dont know if it has one or no . can you take a photo of the on off assembly?

12-26-2008, 05:34 PM
check oring 31 and 34 these can cause full auto problems if not properly seated

12-26-2008, 07:52 PM
i must have forget to post it but i found the nut was just extra not from the gun. anyways does anybody know a way to tell if the on/off is a ult? im going to check those orings, oil the valve and go from there. i havent had much time to play around with it with work and the holiday. i appreciate all the help and hopefully i can get this mag to shoot properly

12-26-2008, 10:06 PM
well earlier i worked on the mag for a little bit with no luck. i tried holding the sear forward but that didnt do anything. i checked the entire valve and found some teflon tape inside so i cleaned that out and oil it up, still does the same thing. next i tried changing the velocity/pressure and when low it airs up with no leaks but doesnt shoot, more pressure makes it just have a huge leak down the barrel, and even more pressure makes it shoot full auto. holding the trigger/sear doesnt do anything at any of these stages. one thing i noticed is that the on/off brass piece is a solid piece and does not come apart like in the picture above, im guessing this is the ule trigger kit? all i can tell is it seems like a problem with the on/off

12-26-2008, 10:42 PM
it could be a rt on off or a emag on off . those are made for being reactive . does it stop shooting with the trigger held back ? . also you dont want the velo to high .

get a pic of the on off assembly . it may help us all to understand

12-26-2008, 10:54 PM
i can try but i only have internet on my phone and i dont know if i can post a pic from it. the full auto may be from high velocity but it just leaks at a lower velocity and no matter what the velocity the trigger has no effect on anything. it wont fire no matter where i have the velocity set

12-27-2008, 12:55 AM
hey everyone . is it at all possable that the sear rod is to short ? ithe sear is the sear that fits the rail and the rod is a rod from a classic sear . there is no diffirance on length is there? i dont belive the classic sear is any diffirant that the sear with the berings on it like the one in this rail

12-27-2008, 09:21 AM
The wrong length of trigger rod would cause firing issues, but not full auto issues or leaking. It would only cause it not to fire by not pushing the sear far enough to release the bolt or not allowing the on-off pin to open the air passage to the front chamber.

All AGD rails require a rail bushing where the field strip screw holds the valve in place. Without it, you will have odd firing issues and leaking down the barrel.

Both the ULT and the retro on-off assembly screw together, so they will look like a solid brass part. You can take the top and bottom apart by unscrewing them.

12-27-2008, 04:47 PM
ok well it looks like i need to place an order witg agd, i will get the rail bushing and go from there. im thinking the full auto is caused by too high of velocity but nothing explains why the gun wont fire

12-27-2008, 05:27 PM
if the gun wont fire on a trigger pull it may be cuz your tank is to low on air .