View Full Version : Hopper left or right?

01-27-2002, 08:02 PM
This may be a dumb question but im kinda lost on this subject. Im about to buy a nice black teflon minimag from a local shop but i cant decide to get hopper left or hopper right. I shoot right handed and the guy at the shop said its just personal taste but can anyone clue me in as to which body best suits a right handed player.

01-27-2002, 08:08 PM
most left handers use hopper left's unless with a warp.

*edit* i was off-track i meant right handers

Wayland Fong
01-27-2002, 08:11 PM
usually, if you shoot right-handed, you want hopper left. if you shoot left-handed, you want hopper right. that way the hopper doesn't stick out to the side and make a big target when you shoot. i also believe it balances better that way, since the weight tilts in rather than out. however, this preference is not always the case. for example, even though i am right-handed, i have hopper right. why, you ask? because i play a lot of tournament-style speedball. and therefore, it is important for me to be able to shoot from both sides. and since i'm weaker snap shooting out of the left side, i make sure thats where my hopper isn't. understand?

01-27-2002, 08:13 PM
Personally I think if you are going to have the hopper on top of the marker, and you are right handed--you should get a hopper left. This will leave the hopper behind a bunker if you are shooting with your strong(right) side.

If you are considering a warpfeed at all, get the hopper right because it will be a cleaner and tighter warpfeed install.