View Full Version : emag batt issue

01-01-2009, 10:02 PM
Not quite like sundown's problem...

I have 2 batteries that I don't know the history of. They both charged for several hours before going green.

However when attached to the guns the display lights up, and then kind of fizzles out.

Removing and attaching to the gun again will get a few lights to light up, and after a few times of that none.

Putting the battery back on the charger takes about an hour for it to go green again.

Are the batteries bad? Is there a step I am forgetting when attaching to gun? Do they just need to go through several charge cycles to come back to life???

Thanks for you help,

01-01-2009, 11:49 PM
I think your battery is dead, mine crap out the same way, mostly due to me overcharging it using the wrong adapter.

01-02-2009, 12:28 AM
Your trigger magnet is adjusted properly? Had that problem before because the sensor always readed the magnet.

01-02-2009, 11:02 AM
Check the circuit board ground point in the handle of the emag. Its the center screw that holds the board in place. You should clean the threads out, and sand the top of the post clean as well, to ensure good electrical contact.

01-03-2009, 01:00 AM
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them and post results.

If I do need a new batt pack, where do I get one? AGD says they are out of them via their website...

01-03-2009, 01:47 AM
If you need a battery pack then posted a WTB one in the misc section. Ruler Mark sold me one of the KT Pack (KT seem to be busy lately and have not sell any pack). I am pretty sure someone around here would have a spare pack.

01-03-2009, 06:55 PM
It is KC not KT. His name is KCsRTule or something like that. He is a good guy.

01-04-2009, 01:27 AM
Are the batteries bad? Is there a step I am forgetting when attaching to gun? Do they just need to go through several charge cycles to come back to life???

To test, fully charge the battery, put it on the gun, then if it seems dead remove & check it with a volt meter.

Should read 18 volts. If it doesn't go up to 18 volts & hold the charge, time to buy.

01-04-2009, 09:53 AM
To test, fully charge the battery, put it on the gun, then if it seems dead remove & check it with a volt meter.

Should read 18 volts. If it doesn't go up to 18 volts & hold the charge, time to buy.

Wow, that is a great idea.. I can't believe I did not think about that.
Thanks for the info :cheers:

P.S. I have some sort of a battery problem, that is why I say so :)

01-06-2009, 02:44 AM
In 2006, I had 2 battery packs. I charged both, put them on my Emag. One held the charge, the other didn't.

I tried charging the bad battery pack several times for 2-4 hours and then again overnite. It was the voltmeter that determined time of death...... :(

Chris Nearchos
01-06-2009, 03:04 AM
To test, fully charge the battery, put it on the gun, then if it seems dead remove & check it with a volt meter.

Should read 18 volts. If it doesn't go up to 18 volts & hold the charge, time to buy.

its a good idea on testing....but let me ask you this. what if the charger is the problem?

I have seen the issue been caused by either the battery cells being the issue....and/or the charger being bad. good handfull of "bad" batteries have come back from the dead when charged back up with the charger i use on the battery charging kits i make and sell for Emags.

if interested, I would be willing to offer my service/knowledge on the electric system and test out your charger and battery. just pm me if interested.


01-07-2009, 01:44 AM
its a good idea on testing....but let me ask you this. what if the charger is the problem?


That's a really good question.

I guess a simple & easy way to determine if the charger was bad is similar to what you did. If you can, try another known correctly "functioning" charger (borrow one from a fellow Emag/X-mag owner).

Fortunately, SoCal AO is home aplenty for Emags & Xmags. ;)

But yeah, eventually I'll probably have a need to buy or replace should either go bad. Thanks for providing us AO members an alternate source for help. :hail: