View Full Version : ANS Valve?

01-27-2002, 08:43 PM
I was looking for something to reduce shootdown, but I can not afford a retro valve. So I was wondering if any of you automag users have tried the ANS valve. The way it is cut you would think it would work, but alot of people say the stock valve is as good as it gets. So I would like any kind of information on this product.

01-27-2002, 09:21 PM
the stock valve is as good as it gets. If you dont have HPA/Nitro invest in it. It is the best upgrade money can buy.

The stock classic mag valve has been shown to shoot 16 bps without visible shootdown, on a perfect trigger stroke. Shootdown problems are usually caused by short stroking the trigger. If you dont release the trigger all the way between shots you won't let the chamber charge.

On the hyperframed mag video released by HALO they show a STOCK 93 mag shooting 16 bps.

Any aftermarket upgrades are a waste of money. Just practice pulling the trigger.

01-27-2002, 10:45 PM
I have an ANS "valve" (it a regulator back) and I can tell you that it gave me ABSOLUTLY NO improvement in performance. To put it bluntly, it was simply cash flushed down the toilet. I could have almost got a CP barrel for that price and I would have had something that helped me.

Your shoot-down is coming from another source then the holes in the reg. back. Try replacing the reg. seat or investigating the set-up you have. There has to be another explenation for your shoot-down.

01-28-2002, 07:20 AM
Save your money for a ReTro valve! The ANS valve does nothing!! AGD makes the best parts for their guns! Until you can afford a ReTro valve try learning to shoot a little slower and shoot down won't be problem. Good luck

01-28-2002, 09:55 AM
Thanks for the information. It is just one less to waste my money on.