View Full Version : JELOUSy

01-27-2002, 09:10 PM
Man im jelous my friends Carl(smokee) and Jeff(load) went to mardi gras open and got to spend the whole weekend with Tom Kaye and man other big people in the paintball world they are so lucky, i wish i would have checked out now but oh well always next year!!!

Load SM5
01-28-2002, 06:41 AM
Oh man you don't know anything yet. If your jealous now wait till you see my setup when I get out to the field again. *Cough* Warp *cough HALO* Cough. Look forward to telligng you all about it my friend. Want to go next year?

01-28-2002, 09:11 AM
YEA, I am defenantly going next year with you two. I cant wait to see your set up, oh and i have an intelliframe on the way for my mag its so prety now(hehe lol) but cant wait!

01-28-2002, 09:15 AM
it sucks living in canada
cause if i wanna go down there to even WATCH

i gotta pay out like 500 american just for flight
plus room and board is like 200 (with food etc)
so i am loookin at like 700+

damn this blows
but at least i only live an hour drive away from skyball :cool: tahts always good ;)