View Full Version : *My day in Coram, NY*...*And some questions in regards to velocity jumps*

Mild 7
01-27-2002, 09:19 PM
Today was certainly a nice day out to play in Coram. Weather was nice to my taste, 60 F. There were many teams out there practicing today. Name a few: Ground Zero, New York Dogs, and Undertow. It was pretty intense, and entertaining too.

My impression of Coram have already been less than favorable. The field paint is terrible, unprofessional refs, and bunch of rotten players that are anything but ethical. However, few things have improved. The field paint gotten better and the refs were great in terms of being professional and fair. The only thing that haden't change are some of the players. I guess you can't have everything.

Overall, I think I'll be going back again, since they gave out a free pass for me to play in Feb. Hopefully, I'll see some of you guys there. I also noticed not too many people use mags out in Coram. I did see lots of Angels & cockers. Then again, it's the player that makes the gun.

One thing I was really frustrated today was breaking balls left and right. At first, I thought it was bad field paint. After my last game, I went to chrono my RT and it was shooting 320 at min and very consistent at that velocity. I was wondering why and how 'cause I chronoed in at 290, 285, 295, and 289 in the morning. I never messed with it or chopped any balls all morning. After lunch, I fill up my tank, and all hell broke loose. I started to chop paint every single game 'till the day was over. How the hell did my velocity jump so high between AM & PM? It was shooting really consistent UNTIL I got my 2nd fill. If there's no other explanation can be given, I guess I better make a habit of chronoing my RT after each fill.


01-27-2002, 09:27 PM
Yeah coram is crap. The refs dont seem to care anymore. I usually go to high velocity for all my PB needs.

Check your Reg seat o-rings they might need a changing.

Mild 7
01-27-2002, 09:30 PM
I just had my RT sent back to me from AGD like 3 weeks ago. Rob from AGD pretty much switched out all the O-rings.
Today is actually the 1st time I put paint thru the gun after it was sent back. I mean, the O-ring can wear out after 2 hours of play in the morning? Pardon my lack of knowledge and please explain.

01-27-2002, 09:38 PM
If you open up your valve half. The reg seat o rings are the o-rings that sit in the brass o-ring holder and the one o-ring behind the brass o-ring holder.

If Rob AGD replaced them they should be fine. What kind of air system are you using? If it is realy incosistent that may be your problem. If you have a screw in or a single reg filling the tank will increase the input pressure to the gun.

01-27-2002, 09:50 PM
Just as a side note you shouldent need a dual reg. And the o-rings should be fine they last almost forever. I would get the tank checked out to see if the reg is malfunctioning

01-27-2002, 10:31 PM
Im inclined to agree with butter.... sounds like your tank might be having trouble.

01-27-2002, 11:34 PM
my rt that has a bad reg piston shoots consitant at 350. the paint wasn't breaking at all. that paint about 3 weeks ago was just a bad batch or something. maybe the cold. last week and this were pretty much flawless. today was kind of annoying with like 6 teams there. what really pissed me off was that kenny allowed "the dogs" and "GZ" play with non-field paint, where as other teams practicing had to play with field paint. this is an issue that will be coming up in the future, cause my team and "infamous" isn't happy about it. we'll have to see how that goes.