View Full Version : new paintball book coming out

01-21-2009, 11:28 AM
I just announced the impending release (April) of my A Parents Guide to Paintball.

More info over at http://www.68caliber.wordpress.com blog.

01-21-2009, 11:44 AM
Hey Rabid, how's it going?

This message is just a touch on the spammish side. Thought I might "legitimize" it some.... ;)

01-21-2009, 11:52 AM
Nice. I will have to give a copy to my brother in law who jokingly refers to my nephew as a "homo" for playing :)

01-21-2009, 12:01 PM
wasn't intended to be; I suppose I could have said

"hey, I've written yet another boring book about paintball, so if you want to see a little bit more about it - go hit google"

01-21-2009, 01:00 PM

this is a great idea and long time coming

but a book for parents when there still isnt a GOOD introduction/knowledge book for beginners?

seems back asswards to me :cool:

01-21-2009, 06:38 PM

this is a great idea and long time coming

but a book for parents when there still isnt a GOOD introduction/knowledge book for beginners?

seems back asswards to me :cool:
I don't think I've ever met a beginner that would read a book. As a beginner, you're pretty much at the mercy of local facilities and knowledge. By the time you've played enough to want to read a book, you're not so much a beginner. For a clueless parent, I can see a book being useful, since you're looking at where things may be going, not so much anything in particular.

A beginner book would be a good thing, but it seems like a tough group to catch. The beginner scenario book(s?) seem to get a marginal reception among the players.

01-21-2009, 07:46 PM
Hey good job on the book. :cheers:

Also just caught the blog for Jan. seventeenth, how the hell did I miss THAT. :eek:
Here I thought YOU were bringing back the USPL. You feel like that Rodney Dangerfield guy yet? no respect............. :(

Hey I see you have links back to AO over there, knock it off with the spam will ya. :spit_take

History in the Making? Or History Repeating
January 17, 2009 by 68caliber

Allow me to introduce you to -



01-22-2009, 08:06 PM
Hey, once the book gets picked up by the Oprah book club, I think there'll be plenty of room for others - a whole series in fact. Then a clothing line, then a signature series of guns, then...

Sadly tho, given the subject matter of this one, I think its a pretty foregone conclusion that 'how to cheat at paintball' will never be seeing print.

Beginners as in the case of - I've played a few times, love it, now what - would probably be better covered by a website - my upcoming website for parents as a matter of fact.

No - I'm not going to give the site a name (for obvious reasons, Beemer, lol), bit I do expect to use this initial book as the launching point for a bunch of other things.

Maybe I'll start it off with a t-shirt called the three no-no's of paintball:

Do Not Be Shy
Do Not Tunnelvision
Do Not Keep Your Mouth Shut


ALWAYS pull your trigger

01-22-2009, 09:56 PM

this is a great idea and long time coming

but a book for parents when there still isnt a GOOD introduction/knowledge book for beginners?

seems back asswards to me :cool:

Chrono, kids are getting "started" w/out any help. Helping the people who should be guiding them is not a bad idea.


PS: Might we see you at Chili Bowl?

01-24-2009, 09:55 AM
hey, if it's not spamming you guys, I just put up a blog for the book. cover mockup, table of contents, etc.

if this is spamming - ignore.

if not - paintball parents (http://www.rimworlds.com/paintballparents)

its hosted off of my science fiction site. If you like science fiction, you might want to check that out as well - lots of movies, radio plays, e-books and audio books - even some free fiction in the 'steve davidson' section. (and some paintball stuff in that ssection too)