View Full Version : Loader Shopping Tips

01-28-2002, 01:20 PM
Hey Guys,

I wanted some tips on loaders. I am planning on selling my Ricochet simply because its SO DAMN LOUD.

At first this would seem like an exaggereation, but when youre crawling in the bushes, and the paint shifts and the loader goes off, and people are yelling "HE'S OVER THERE!" while spraying 200 rounds at you, then it kinda makes you want to get and shop for a more QUIETER loader system.

The newer AK coming out was tested it it feeds 1 bps slower than the 2K.

I was thinking about a 12V Revy (according to Warpig Ballistic loader testing, this feeds 1 bps fster than the Ricochets). But theres so much to choose from:

18V Pre BE Revy
12V Revy
12V Revy w/ X-Board
12V Revy w/ Turbo Board
and dont forget the different paddles to choose from...

Geez I need help. Give me your opinions Guys. Also what kinda Revys do the Pros use? Just plain old 12v Revys?

Let me know.


01-28-2002, 01:29 PM
The first run of Ricochet loaders were very load. My first series was very loud indeed. It was also part of a bad batch that had a weekend feed neck which eventually cracked. When I sent it back it (6 months after I purchased it), they sent me a new loader. The new one is very quiet. I'm more than pleased with my ricochet and the service I've recieved.

01-28-2002, 01:40 PM
have you tried a neoprene cover ? they will keep some of the noise inside the loader, but i don't know if they make then for the rich's

01-28-2002, 01:47 PM
"Sound covers" don't do a thing

01-28-2002, 02:07 PM
and not always tourney leagal

01-28-2002, 05:07 PM
In the NPPL loader covers are never legal.

I say go with the 12volt revy with xboard or a HALO

01-28-2002, 06:28 PM
im thinkin about gettin a turborev conversion for my 9 vlt, because shooting an rt with a 9 vlt isnt too fun(although i noticed it fed better than my friends 12 vlt, which was always skipping because of the delay......hmmmmmmmmm), i dont want to spend too much, and it supposedly feeds almost as fast as a halo. has anybody used this? is it any good?

01-28-2002, 06:50 PM
Halo, definetly a Halo.

01-28-2002, 06:54 PM
I was thinking guys,

It seems to be the delay in the Revolutions that slow the feeding. Would that make intellifeed the best solution?

I dont want people to just say "Oh yes of course, where have you been, thats what the intelliframe is for...". My Ricochet agitates on every ball fired, but still cant feed at a constant 13 bps. I have to turn it down to 10 bps on my Hyperframe tomake sure Im safe.

Also, why isnt intellifeeding a thing most professional Players do? Most of them seem to be just running a Revy all alone.

Let me know all.


Mild 7
01-29-2002, 02:28 AM
I shoot a RT w/ the intelliframe and the intellifeed on my 12V Revy. It shoots fine. I was going to get a Richochet but I figure why waste the money if my current setup is fine. Intellifeed was a great improvement. Only thing I do not like about the intellifeed is the wires hanging out and I lose the convenience of rinsing my RT down with water at times of cleaning.

It's all good though.