View Full Version : Micromag2009 serial number poll

dark blade
01-23-2009, 10:50 PM
vote here please, lets make this as pain free as possible

there is looking to be about 170 bodies (according to dend's list) so if that is the case, i think it is safe to say that when 1 vote reaches a certain percentage it would be the final decision

i will try to keep a tally of how many more votes are needed to make it an semi-official :)

01-23-2009, 10:54 PM
you couldve just edited the title instead of closing, and restarting a new thread.

dark blade
01-23-2009, 10:59 PM
everytime i try that for some reason it never takes... i always have to delete the thread, it could be that my computer is just screwy and hardly works as it is... but it only took a few seconds to do anyways :)

01-23-2009, 11:16 PM
Never been a fan of the whole ## of ### thing for the actual serial number. Maybe too many kids claiming their whatever is a 1 of 1 etc. on PBN. Plus then you can't make more than the 2nd number and I would like to think you guys are gonna sell out and/or do multiple runs and be highly successful with this edition of the 'cromag. Only my .02. Either way you got my moneys... but yea a discreet serial, no matter the format, is key.

01-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Its a silly poll in my estimation.
A serial number isnt going to make it any better or one body worth more than another one.
I dont care if none of them have serial numbers, or if all of them do, or if they do what format the numbers are in.
I just want one. I also want one of the XT unibodies too.
And a 5lb sack of $50.00's.
And I'd like a 5 Guys bacon cheeseburger and fries and a large sweet tea while I'm at it.


01-23-2009, 11:40 PM
Yeah, the "of 200" thing is kind of... well, not cliche' but I kind of want to say that. Of 200 seems to be pushing the envelope a bit, saying "look at me I'm rare".
At most I think it should be a bit more suble if it does indeed go that way, like "17-200", the first number being the specific model # and the second being the total production #.

Chances are in the future that people who are looking to buy one, sell one, or own one will know that it was a limited edition and how many were made which would make "of 200" unnecessary... but then again we don't know exactly how many SFLs there are so this could end up in the same boat... but then that could add some mystery and value to these in the future.

But, as Thotograph stated, this may not be the only edition of these bodies. Even if PTP stops making them after this, whats to say another company won't buy the patent or copy the idea in some way?

So maybe it should just have "FPR" after the SN for "First Production Run" or something.

I'm leaning towards just a standard serial number, not with the "of 200" tailing it.

Either way, it should be under the breach. That area is the least likely to be damaged or "lost" in milling or something so it would be preserved. Also, it won't distract from the overall look of the body, if it was on the side then that would stand out too much IMO.

The next question is where to put the PTP logo, if there is to be one...

Chris Nearchos
01-23-2009, 11:50 PM
it would be nice to see it on the under side of the body. I only say this because as Watcher said...it takes away form the body.

also, putting it on the underside of the breech is kinda odd. because then what if that breech was pulled out and put into a different body/lost? really that serial # is to the breech and not the body.

but honestly, i guess its whatever is easier for ptp to do.


01-23-2009, 11:57 PM
it would be nice to see it on the under side of the body. I only say this because as Watcher said...it takes away form the body.

also, putting it on the underside of the breech is kinda odd. because then what if that breech was pulled out and put into a different body/lost? really that serial # is to the breech and not the body.

What they mean by that is not under the breach itself, but underneath the breach on the body. So when the breach is in place it would be hidden, but when the breach is removed it exposes the serial.

Chris Nearchos
01-24-2009, 12:18 AM
What they mean by that is not under the breach itself, but underneath the breach on the body. So when the breach is in place it would be hidden, but when the breach is removed it exposes the serial.

ah says the blind man. thanks for setting me straight on that. that makes a lot more sence.
