View Full Version : Emag compatible 2009 micro body?

01-24-2009, 12:58 PM
With permission from forest - ptp he would like a list of buyer who would be or potentially putting the micro body on an emag lower.

Emag compatible is define as the microbody 2009 with either a battery cover or a longer length or any other solution to make the body work and look nicely with an emag lower.

If you want an emag lower compatible micro 2009 body please leave your name below.



1 / pk5 / Yes
2 / SummaryJudgement / Yes
3 / Zondo / Yes
4 / Looper / 1 emicro, 1 regular
5 / Chris / Yes
6 / stircrazzzy / Yes
7 / secretweaponevan / Yes
8 / mag 79 / yes
9 / P8ntball4me / Yes
10 / micromag-man / Yes
11 / Watcher / Possible
12 / darkblade / Yes
14 / Grimm / Yes
15 / maniacmechanic / Yes - no battery cover please
16 / redic / yes
17 / mt84 / Yes
18 / dend78 / yes
19 / Outlaw5 / Yes
20 / C_losjoker / Yes
21 / Madmarx / Yes
22 / mpsd / Yes - 1 emicro 1 regular front breech

01-24-2009, 01:20 PM
If the body/rail is RT length I would be interested. I do not want a "cover" for the battery.

01-24-2009, 01:36 PM
#3) Zondo

I plan on using Lowers for the 2k9 MicroMag. I would also prefer an RT length, but I still plan on buying.

01-24-2009, 03:03 PM
I can never commit to anything so I always like to have the options to do anything. Count me in for the possibility to put EMag lowers on mine.

01-24-2009, 03:47 PM
Depending on cost, I would be quite interested in putting a micro body on my emag lowers.

Zone Drifter
01-24-2009, 03:55 PM
I really like that micro body, but until I see some type of visual example of what one would look like and how it would fit with emag lowers, I won't commit. If I see something and the design works, then totally count me in for one.

01-24-2009, 04:22 PM
I already have a deposit in and I have emag lowers, so I'm sure the two shall meet. :)

01-24-2009, 04:24 PM
I think it would be a nice option to have it with the body.
One more way to build the mag with.
I'll take one.


01-24-2009, 04:49 PM
Add me to this list.

~ P8nt

01-24-2009, 04:50 PM
i'd like to have one of my bodies able to accept the emag lowers as well, count me in for one as well and i have paid in full for 3

01-24-2009, 05:35 PM
I have plans to E-lower the Micro, but I currently want to run bike-grip forgrip and Intelli in the meantime...

If that is possible count me in for the E-mag one...

dark blade
01-24-2009, 05:44 PM
i am DEF. going to put emag lowers on the micro body im getting. throw me on the list please

Whee McGee
01-24-2009, 06:06 PM
I have plans to E-lower the Micro, but I currently want to run bike-grip forgrip and Intelli in the meantime...

If that is possible count me in for the E-mag one...
Same thing. I want to throw a Z frame on there to begin, but if I can have the chance to pop on some Emag lowers, hell yeah.

Sign me up.

01-24-2009, 06:40 PM
Im definitaly going to be putting this body on my emag lowers. Just a heads up for the people at ptp im actualy going to be ordering three bodies now, one for myself, one for watcher, and our other friend wants to get in on this as well now, and we all plan to run them on emag lowers at some point. (expect my deposit sometime later today).

Now as far as it goes to extending the body, I would rather not have the body extended, but rather the "rail" portion could be extended under the barrel similar to how the sfl/xmag bodies are. That way it could remain micro lenth while covering up the battery pack.

01-24-2009, 06:40 PM
If the body/rail is RT length I would be interested. I do not want a "cover" for the battery.

Exactly what i'm thinking , I really don't care to have a seperate cover for the Battery area , it's 3 pieces allready

But "if " it is R/T / E Mag length i'd like one , preferably in Matte Black

01-24-2009, 09:10 PM
i would like one

01-25-2009, 03:00 PM
I've put my deposit down, and will need the body to be compatible with the Emag. :ninja:

01-25-2009, 06:48 PM
Same Here, deposit sent, would like to Xmag / Emag lower to fit also.


01-26-2009, 12:13 PM
list updated.

01-26-2009, 12:55 PM
yeah i need to be on the list

how many dang lists do we have going on for the new Micromags lmao

01-26-2009, 10:13 PM
Just an FYI, but you can either take Watchers name off the list or put it next to mine like this: GRimm/Watcher. The body he is getting happens to be one of the three in my order, just thought I'd let you guys know just so you have a more accurate list of who is ordering bodies.

01-26-2009, 10:24 PM
I think it would be a nice option to have it with the body.
One more way to build the mag with.
I'll take one.


Its my understanding its just an added battery cover piece to use the same body with Emag lowers, is this correct ? I'm not going to use mine on Emag lowers, I want to make a mech mag, but I want the extra contraption it takes to use Emag lowers. Just wanted to be clear on that.


01-26-2009, 10:49 PM

Just to make it easy, can you change mine to "Yes"?

01-26-2009, 11:55 PM
YES! Outlaw5! :D

01-27-2009, 02:46 AM
Its my understanding its just an added battery cover piece to use the same body with Emag lowers, is this correct ? I'm not going to use mine on Emag lowers, I want to make a mech mag, but I want the extra contraption it takes to use Emag lowers. Just wanted to be clear on that.


Right now, forest said he is not sure which will be the final design for it. There are a few alternatives that he want to see which one work best, hence the emag lower compatible instead of emag lower size in the working.

He just want to see how many will want this type of configuration, i guess that will determine the layout and whether it is economical.

01-27-2009, 10:18 AM
Change mine to a YES. I've already put my deposit down :dance:

01-27-2009, 04:21 PM
I would be a yes at this point, but as GRimm said, I'm piggybacking on his order... just so there is no confusion.

You might want to keep me on the list so you don't overlook my body on the count, but you should put GRimm in parenthesis after mine or something...

Wouldn't want you guys to get tripped up when filling the orders or somethin. I want to avoid a "wait, only one e-mag is going to GRimm, but Watcher's name isn't on the preorder and he said he wanted an e-mag... but then - wait" kind of situation.

Or maybe it's just best to say GRimm wants 3 e-mag compatable bodies but 2 with normal ASAs as well or something.

Idk, we'll figure it out.

01-27-2009, 06:24 PM
I had planned/wanted to put it on e-mag lowers........


01-27-2009, 11:23 PM
2 / Mann / As long as it is not a battery cover

You can go ahead, and take me off the list. I stated in the beginning that it needed to be RT length, but I have a feeling it fell on deaf ears. I have since then found another project to dedicate my money toward. :cheers:

Zone Drifter
01-28-2009, 11:10 AM
Actually, I think I'll sit this one out. I like the design, but I'm going to keep my E-mag the way it is. Should really be saving my money for other things first. I'll remember to look at this post once they come out and I'm "WOW! Why didn't I get one?!" so that I know what I said, lol. :rolleyes:

02-02-2009, 08:22 PM
damn, now i am for sure have to get two. Since I am on the list for two bodies. I will make one emag and one non.

02-04-2009, 01:54 PM
I would like to be put on the list for an emag body, but i dont want to commit until i see actual mock up, not a render.

02-04-2009, 08:05 PM
I've already put the $100 deposit and gotten on the list. However, I'd like to have both fronts if possible...the emag front and the regular front part. The more modularity, the better :headbang:

02-04-2009, 08:14 PM
Its my understanding its just an added battery cover piece to use the same body with Emag lowers, is this correct ? I'm not going to use mine on Emag lowers, I want to make a mech mag, but I want the extra contraption it takes to use Emag lowers. Just wanted to be clear on that.


I'm with going_home. There is a 50/50 chance that I will put this body on my Emag lowers. But I like the body the way it is now, so I wouldn't mind an extra piece, if in fact I decide to put this on my Emag. And, if gloss black is an option, I would like that. If not, I guess dust black will do.

02-05-2009, 09:02 PM
Okay...I think I am a little slow today. Let me see if I can get this straight. There are going to be two different bodies made. One body will have a vert asa on it (the red drawing), and the other body will be shaped to accomodate an Emag battery pack and lowers (the blue drawing). So, if you are only buying one body, you have to decide whether you want one or the other...right? I was under the impression that two different front pieces were going to be made, so that one body would be able to accomodate either and emag or a regular mag... :confused:

02-06-2009, 08:02 AM
Okay...I think I am a little slow today. Let me see if I can get this straight. There are going to be two different bodies made. One body will have a vert asa on it (the red drawing), and the other body will be shaped to accomodate an Emag battery pack and lowers (the blue drawing). So, if you are only buying one body, you have to decide whether you want one or the other...right? I was under the impression that two different front pieces were going to be made, so that one body would be able to accomodate either and emag or a regular mag... :confused:

They arent doing what you were thinking because of the way the roto-breach mounts to the removable front end.

Go to the Micro Mag thread and look on post #390. Tracy posted up the new renderings.

The blue ones are for the eMicro,.. the red are for the standard Micro.

The MAIN differences are: The longer front on the blue rendering to cover the battery pack. As well as the rounded milling UNDER the ASA for the red rendering. If you dont see the difference,.. look at the flat ASA mount for the blue rendering,.. see how the edges are flat?? Then look at the red rendering,... see how they are rounded??

You are looking not so much at the added material,... but the milling process it takes to cut an entirely different design. While it seems small... that one difference in cut can mean an entirely new setup in the CNC.

The other thing to keep in mind is that the battery pack sticks out further than the vertical ASA would in most cases. And most ASAs are rounded,.. where the battery pack is rounded front and flat sides. Point being,.. you cant have both because its a cosmetics thing. One design wont look like quailty,... and we wont buy crap. They know this,.. so they are being creative and working with us to give us what we want.

Do you get it now Ratt?

~ P8nt

02-06-2009, 10:46 AM
Ok, so I've got two bodies on order, can you put me down for one EMag body and one AM/MM Body.

Hey is there any chance I could buy the front part for both the MM and Emag for each body??? So two bodies and four fronts.


02-06-2009, 11:48 AM
Ok, so I've got two bodies on order, can you put me down for one EMag body and one AM/MM Body.

Hey is there any chance I could buy the front part for both the MM and Emag for each body??? So two bodies and four fronts.


You may want to email tracy on that choice, i think she can acomodate, but this thread is just for forest to follow on how many have order, so i am not sure how official it is on PTP list.

02-06-2009, 03:49 PM
Exactly what i'm thinking , I really don't care to have a seperate cover for the Battery area , it's 3 pieces allready

But "if " it is R/T / E Mag length i'd like one , preferably in Matte Black

hey pk5 , you can change mine to a yes , I like the Blue body :)

02-10-2009, 03:33 PM
Add me please to this list

02-10-2009, 03:50 PM
I have decided that I am not putting this body on my EMag lowers, so please take me off this list.

02-10-2009, 05:37 PM
I have sent emails to everyone that I had an email for requesting you let me know exactly what you would like to get. At this point we are making the 2 bodies so everyone will get their choice. So now the only list that counts is the one I have in my hands!! If you have already paid a deposit and did not get an email from me, then please email me at micromag2009@proteamproducts.com


Edit I sent emails to those who have already paid a deposit.

02-11-2009, 11:16 AM
Deposit sent for one emag length body. :cheers:

02-13-2009, 02:27 PM
At this point I'm 99% sure its going to be emag length for me. If the Emag body is going to be available in gloss black then I'm 100% sure. That would make everything so much easier on me. Otherwise I'll have to see about having my lowers anno'd to match. My decision appears to be resting on the anno question, but I'm also curious if the emag length will have the ability to mount a vert asa and be run as a regular mech setup. That'd be really cool to have the option.

I emailed similar questions to the email address for the 09 but hadn't heard back. Really would like to know what annos are available before I decide... at this point I think the emag length makes the most sense. I'm just kinda bummed I'll have to break up my emag in current form b/c its really hot. Still, it will make an equally hot mech I'm sure and the chimera frame I have in waiting doesn't seem to really flow with the 09 micro's proportions.

02-13-2009, 02:49 PM
At this point I'm 99% sure its going to be emag length for me. If the Emag body is going to be available in gloss black then I'm 100% sure. That would make everything so much easier on me. Otherwise I'll have to see about having my lowers anno'd to match. My decision appears to be resting on the anno question, but I'm also curious if the emag length will have the ability to mount a vert asa and be run as a regular mech setup. That'd be really cool to have the option.

I emailed similar questions to the email address for the 09 but hadn't heard back. Really would like to know what annos are available before I decide... at this point I think the emag length makes the most sense. I'm just kinda bummed I'll have to break up my emag in current form b/c its really hot. Still, it will make an equally hot mech I'm sure and the chimera frame I have in waiting doesn't seem to really flow with the 09 micro's proportions.

Sent you an email!

02-13-2009, 03:10 PM
Replied, now thats prompt customer service right there... you guys rock!

Gonna do an emag length in gloss black. Lol the sad underlying truth is I was equally as concerned about being able to use my RPG Stik Grip as I was about making sure I could have matching trigger frame and such. So that was the other influential factor in going with the Emag length. So I could use a sily $30 foregrip on my other setup.

:cheers: Here's to PTP! :cheers:

02-13-2009, 10:19 PM
I have sent emails to everyone that I had an email for requesting you let me know exactly what you would like to get. At this point we are making the 2 bodies so everyone will get their choice. So now the only list that counts is the one I have in my hands!! If you have already paid a deposit and did not get an email from me, then please email me at micromag2009@proteamproducts.com


Edit I sent emails to those who have already paid a deposit.

Take me off the Emag list please.
I was only interested in that if it was just an added part, but since its a different body, no thanks.
I am building a mech.


02-14-2009, 09:28 AM
Please, get me added to the list as well. As I've spoken with Tracy, I'll take both front greeches, the e-Mag one and the regular one. Thanks!

02-14-2009, 09:37 AM
put me on the list

Whee McGee
02-15-2009, 06:46 AM
Remove me from the list. If this turns out to be a different body, and not an add-on, I want the smaller body for me.