View Full Version : RAP4 Information...

01-27-2009, 02:32 PM
Do any of you guys/gals here have any info on the RAP 4 ButtStocks... As in first hand information???

The info I'm looking for is.... I know the 5oz buttstock will house a 3.5 oz as well as a 7 oz tank (I called RAP 4 yesterday and this is what they said). But how do they affix to the tank? Also the GUIDE rod that is needed to attach to the gun to allow the stock to slide up and down the tank. How does it attach???


I'm really needing some pictures of the set up and measurements more than anything. Trying to find out if the stuff will work before I drop the $$$ to get it all...

Anyone in here have that info they'd care to share???

Thanx in advance,