View Full Version : Runaway emag

02-12-2009, 10:54 PM
hey everyone. my emag is acting a bit funny. when i used it last Saturday here at the house it worked like a champ. today it is firing two or three shots per trigger pull while in manual mode. (tried a few in E and it did the same) I am not sweat spotting it and i don't think its trigger bounce (I have the trigger magnet straight to the frame, i like a little stiffer of a trigger.)

I used paint on Saturday and today i was firing reballs.

the marker is chronoed at 300 with paint so I am shooting hot with the reballs. (dont want to turn it down as I just got it to where I like it with paint) And I have around 2000 psi in the tank, maybe just under.

The first 60 reballs shot no problem. degassed the marker and went to dinner. came back from dinner and tried shooting off the remainder of the reballs from the qLoader. This is when it went nuts.

Its the first time I mess with reballs so I am thinking thats the problem but could not shoot paint to confirm. Going to try shooting some paint out if it tomorrow before going down to the field. If it happens with paint where should I start looking?

Thanks for the help!

02-12-2009, 11:33 PM
Leaking on/off o-ring?
Worn sear or bolt lip?

02-13-2009, 06:46 AM
Leaking on/off o-ring?
Worn sear or bolt lip?

Thanks I will check the oring. Doubt its the sear, this mag is practically new. TS Counter is like 10k and I would say half of those is me triggering it without air in the marker.

02-13-2009, 07:27 AM
Thanks I will check the oring. Doubt its the sear, this mag is practically new. TS Counter is like 10k and I would say half of those is me triggering it without air in the marker.
If you bought it used don't believe the counters, I've seen the counters reset very easily. O-rings will dry up and/or get hard just sitting around. Condition of o-rings will depend on alot of factors but the biggest one is what type of oil was used on the marker.

02-13-2009, 07:44 AM
sounds like sear/bolt wear.

if it is happening in mech mode then we can ignore anything eletronic, also in mech mode you have the yellow pin in yes?

02-13-2009, 08:37 AM
Yep yellow pin in ;)

I agree that the counter may have reset but I doubt it had very much paint run through it. She is in top shape and the lister claimed only a case of paint <shrug>. Usage aside I guess someone could have filed the sear to smoothen up the action, I know I did that on my old classic back in the day. But if it had been over filed it should have been an issue when I first got it... either way I will inspect it to be sure.

When I get home this afternoon I will strip it down and inspect the o-rings and the sear. O-rings could very easily be the problem as the marker sat around for a good long while.

Dont know what the previous owner used for oil but I have only used AGD's oil in it.

No one thinks it has to do with the reballs? I know their diameter is supposed to be a bit smaller then a paintball. is it possible that the bolt tip (lvl10) is bouncing off the next ball in the stack, exhausting its air to rest pushing the first ball off the detents, and allowing the second ball to drop in the barrel? I am using a qLoader, it keeps a fair bit of tension on the stack and with slightly smaller diameters it may appear to the bolt that a ball is half feed.

02-13-2009, 09:59 AM
Also make sure the field strip screw is not loose. 1/4 turn is like +/- a 0.007 on/off shim.

02-13-2009, 01:39 PM
Also make sure the field strip screw is not loose. 1/4 turn is like +/- a 0.007 on/off shim.

good call! I will double check that too.

02-13-2009, 03:34 PM
quick go catch it! :rofl:

sounds like a blurp. if it doesnt do it again I would not worry about it. Try shooting again, and post up if you still have problems.

02-13-2009, 07:52 PM
:cuss: this is embarrassing to say the least...<grumble>

The sear lip has a little bit of uneven wear on it, left corner. I think this came from a machining bugger on my part. looks like my main body was not tightened down all the way to the rail so that the left side of the sear lip was doing all the work causing premature wear.

Two weeks ago I swapped the main body for a minimag body. The rear hole on the emag body is actually a wee bit bigger then on the minimag body. I forget how much but just enough so the rear of the sear would not hit the on/off pin. So I drilled the hole out to match that of the emag body. I did not notice but there was a small bur on the edge of the hole from where I had drilled. It looks like when I reassembled the mag the bur was keeping the body from seating right. Cleaned the bur, reassembled the mag, and the problem is gone.

While I was at it I checked out a few of the orings. none seemed too dry. I changed out one of the on/off ones after pulling it, no sense in not once it was off. I will have to pick up a spare sear on my next order from AGD.

My machinist instructor is rolling in his grave right now.

Thanks for the help.