View Full Version : what do you think of intimiadators

01-28-2002, 10:51 PM
ide like to hear some opinion,if anyone has shot them or anything. im looking into one

01-28-2002, 11:02 PM
Big,ugly, LCD. For the money you'd be better off with a RT Pro. Or possible a Classic with retro.

01-28-2002, 11:34 PM
ice cool 32 why are u talking about things u know nothing about :mad: there is nothing wrong with timmies i have used my friends and i just orderd mine today :)

1. they arent as big as they look they just look tall because they have a high rise feed(and u can buy a low rise if it is THAT big of a deal :rolleyes: to you)

2. ugliness is a personal opinion not an accepted fact...personally i find RT's and E-Mags to be ugly but i dont go around telling everyone that cuz most people wouldnt care and i dont care if u think timmies are ugly because i dont and i am the only one that matters

3. timmies just plain shoot faster than RT's, and E-Mags are overpriced(plus they are ugly...sound familiar??:p)

so if WW wants a real review a timmy is a good gun that shoots fast and is way underpriced for what u get
(plus the anti chop eye is sooo nice ;) )

01-29-2002, 12:25 AM
They are sick, the Ground Zero ones are sicker.

01-29-2002, 02:21 PM
ya timmys are very nice just dont get a old one without antichop eye

01-29-2002, 03:47 PM
IMO, i LOVE the timmys. the triggers on those are orgasmic. they are amazing guns. very accurate. i got to mess around witha few. the ONE down side is they are a tank. i play front and thats too huge of a gun for me. but if u play back. id get it. cuz it comes with an ACE and a good stock barrel and all. good gun. good price. good fun

01-29-2002, 05:14 PM
give it a lil' while and get a GZ edition intimidator, i shot Mr. U of GZ's intimidator, before he adjusted anything, just stock and it ripped.

it was light, looked bad as hell w/ the black n orange fade.

any gun ya shoot is your preference.

01-29-2002, 07:08 PM

3 people at the field i go to have them

2 function properly

1 is broken and their customer service really blows and
apparently bob long isnt that cool of a guy. (he was complaining about how my friend should know all this stuff about the silonoid). he sent it in 3 (3 different times) and every time they sent it back "fixed" it broke about 20 shots later

dont let anyone tell you otherwise, they are large guns, very tall, and MOST people who have one will tell you the same

i really like the trigger and if you are a back player, it is a great gun-if it doesn't break because then you are screwed

the ripper and dragon ones look pretty darn nifty too


01-29-2002, 07:13 PM
Timmy's are nice...not my style though. I would rather have an RT Pro, but thats just me.

If you play front, get a bushy.

01-29-2002, 08:06 PM
All the experienced players out here shoot them. They shoot like dreams. Great features too, very adjustable trigger, you can adjust:

Adjustable Spring Tension
Adjustable Firing Point
Adjustable Trigger Stop

So they have a super duper trigger which I love, and what do you mean they are ugly? What are you smokin' man, lol they are purdy as hell! And they shoot really quietly and fast. They have a nice chik chik chik sound that makes you envious.

IMO, Timmies rule, especially Bob Long's :D. (Cuz it has a warp!)

01-29-2002, 09:37 PM
haha..ok thx for the imput guys

01-29-2002, 10:05 PM
buy an angel

01-29-2002, 11:47 PM
I think that its a good marker for the price. It's loaded with features and ability. I've only witnessed one in live action and believe me, it sure did the job well.

01-30-2002, 12:33 AM
First off, if you can't maintain an intimidator properly, you probably shouldn't own one. All that you have to do is grease the ram and also the poppet. This takes a total of about 5 minutes tops if you take your time. My girlfriend maintains her own without any problems. She even repaired mine at a tourney because i was stupid enough to mess with it the night before without testing it thoroughly. I played in the first game with her timmy and by the time i came off the field, she was putting air on it and had it up and running. It does pay to have guages on the gun so you know what pressures are going into it (you won't realize how helpful this is until you have to chrono one, i can never remember which way turns it up on my gx2 reg).

People saying that they break frequently or whatever don't know what they are talking about. I've had mine (which i clean and lube regularly)for over a year without problems. I've got about 100,000 rounds through my ripper intimidator. I've had 1 problem, the solenoid blew because I got dirt into the solenoid (dirt got into the tank when it was filled, all downhill from there). I was able to get it working for the rest of that day, but firing was kinda slow. I called Bob Long up and had a new solenoid on my doorstep in 3 days. Best of all, it was free (lifetime warranty on the solenoids of the new models). Bob Long is also available to talk to his customers (except when he's at a NPPL event).

Anyone that says their customer service sucks also doesn't know what they're talking about. The customer service at Delta (Bob's Machining Company) is equal to that of AGD. I called up the other day because I cracked my eye covers (my stupid error of overtightening) and they sent me 2 sets of eye covers and 3 sets of orings kits. As of right now, 100,000 shots into the ripper, I've yet to change an oring. I probably will change them all out over the winter just to make sure they are good for next season.

The gun with a warp on it is rather small. You can remove the HIGH RISE and put a feedtube adapter (comes with the PTP warp) and run the warp onto it. The gun is very small (well not compared to a mag), but when compared to some other guns. I've found it lighter than most guns, faster than most, accurate as all hell, and nice and efficient. I was getting about 1000 shots out of a 68 3000 tank when i was playing front. Now that I'm playing back, i've got an 88 4500 and i have yet to run out of air in a game, which means around 1400 rounds per game or so.

45 grips are out for them now, which allows you to use the DYE sticky grips. However, if you notice the new Angel IR3 frame, it's very similar to the intimidator trigger frame (except for the BE style trigger guard). It's funny how when Bob Long or Tom Kaye puts an ergonomic trigger frame on a gun, it's "ugly" and "uncomfortable", but when WDP does it, people start to think it's cool and want to use it.

All in all, if you want something that will keep up or surpass the emag, angel, excalibur, etc. They are all great guns, now that they are getting antichop eyes, it just comes down to a matter of price in my opinion. Intimidator for $600, emag for $900, angel for $1100, Excalibur for $1000 or so. It just seems to me that the Intimidator is the best gun out there, especially with the price.

01-30-2002, 07:58 AM

do you play at winkey doodles? if you do, there is a guy named gabe that has a timmy...he comes out every few weeks...he'd probably let you use his for a game or two


01-30-2002, 11:56 AM
My Timmy rips over most angels. Better accuracy, longer range, faster rate of fire. For the money, it's a bad a** marker. It shoots flatter than my cocker ever did, and it'll tear apart the misconception of blowback accuracy going out the window.

01-30-2002, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks
My Timmy rips over most angels. Better accuracy, longer range

Accuracy and range aren't really so much a factor of the gun, especially when you compare against angels. Accuracy is debatable due to a bunch of factors, but range is a non-issue.

You aren't making a very good arguement :)

That being said, I think Timmy's are excellent guns, and I'm going to be buying one soon.

01-30-2002, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks
My Timmy rips over most angels. Better accuracy, longer range, faster rate of fire. For the money, it's a bad a** marker. It shoots flatter than my cocker ever did, and it'll tear apart the misconception of blowback accuracy going out the window.

you obviously have no idea what your talking about

just another n00b talkin about how much there gun is better than whatever

longer range huh, :rolleyes:

01-30-2002, 05:04 PM
Get the Intimidator, its relatively cheap in relation to other nice electro guns. It is very accurate and is really fast. Get the delrin bolt and you will only have to maintain the gun by greasing the ram. It uses nine volt batteries, which are a big improvement over using a rechargeable battery. The gun does not chop and the only real problem with it is that it is slightly big, which you can partially fix with a warp.

01-30-2002, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by covadsucks
My Timmy rips over most angels. Better accuracy, longer range, faster rate of fire. For the money, it's a bad a** marker. It shoots flatter than my cocker ever did, and it'll tear apart the misconception of blowback accuracy going out the window.
typical n00b saying...lol

Otherwise I have no complaints with it, except the kid on my team has to rese all of his settings everytime he turns it on...sux

01-30-2002, 05:49 PM
Did they ever come out with the dragon milling? Does anyone have a pic?

01-30-2002, 10:17 PM
hey alf! you live here. WOW! i didnt think any one lived in el paso. ya i go to winkeys, are you gonning to be there this saturday, maybe we can meet or something

01-30-2002, 11:32 PM
they are coming out with a 45 frame? uhhh ohhh, my teammate who bought a timmy to be unique might be getting mad soon hehehe, he comes here, he showed his timmy like a month or so ago here... Well anyways, I just hated the frame, but now I may be getting one over a TKO Impy or RT Pro. Hmmm...

01-31-2002, 12:48 AM
not that intimidating. hahahahha, i didn't read the thread so i don't know if someone already killed that one. i just had to though.