View Full Version : I have a slight problem

02-13-2009, 02:13 AM
I'll get right to the point...

I just bought my first mag from AGD, an RT ULE Pro. I gassed it up and dry fired it 3 times to make sure it worked, and it did. I then put it in my gun case until the next day when I could take it outside and put a little paint through it. I oiled it (2 drops if AutoLube in the ASA) and put appx 140 rounds through it the next day, worked great, not a single chop with 1 year old paint. Today I went out aith a buddy to show him my new Marker... I oiled it (2 drops in the ASA) Gassed it up and it would not fire. I removed the HPA tank, and screwed it back in. I heard the trigger set, fired it a few times and everything was fine. Then when we got out onto the field, it would not fire again. The trigger would not set. Unscrewed the tank again and screwed it back on and it worked fine. Then it stopped again after I let it sit for about 2 minutes. I took the hopper off and looked in the breach and saw that the bolt was not cocked back all the way, so I stuck my finger in the feedneck and pushed it back into the cocked position. Fired just fine for a minute then it stopped. Looked in the breach again and the bolt was not fully cocked. Again. So I cocked it manually again and put some paint through it, about 20 rounds. All the while about every 2 or 3 shots it would make a "chuff chuff" sound. I figured it was the bolt preventing a chop, but I am not sure. I then ran out of HPA.

Can anyone tell me what is going on with my Brand New Mag and how to fix it? Thank you in advance.

02-13-2009, 02:16 AM
important info:
do you have LVL 10 or U.L.T?

whats the output pressure of your hpa tank?

when working, did you chrono it? was is good fps?

02-13-2009, 02:24 AM
I have Both lvl 10 and ULT.

the output pressure should be 800psi, that is what I was told it was when I bought the tank.

No I didnt Chrono it (just screwing around in the back yard) BUT the chrono info that came with the marker said 286.1 average FPS and I have not adjusted it.

EDIT: Thought that I should add, The Marker is completley stock and un-altered from the factory, except for a clamping feed neck.

02-13-2009, 04:23 AM
I have Both lvl 10 and ULT.

the output pressure should be 800psi, that is what I was told it was when I bought the tank.

No I didnt Chrono it (just screwing around in the back yard) BUT the chrono info that came with the marker said 286.1 average FPS and I have not adjusted it.

EDIT: Thought that I should add, The Marker is completley stock and un-altered from the factory, except for a clamping feed neck.

It sounds like you are experiencing bolt stick, happens when your Lvl10 is not tuned properly, that or you need to get a tank that pushes at least 850psi.


02-13-2009, 08:47 AM
It sounds like you are experiencing bolt stick, happens when your Lvl10 is not tuned properly

I agree. On a brand new mag, the Level 10 needs to be broken in. Read through that page Johann linked to, and pay special attention to the part about the carrier. Your carrier is probably the wrong size, and that's what causing your problem.

02-13-2009, 09:41 AM
try the next largest carrier size.. the one that is in there now is too tight

02-13-2009, 07:26 PM
Ok great. I will try going 1 size up on the carrier. Question though... Will doing this viod my warranty?

02-13-2009, 07:54 PM
Ok great. I will try going 1 size up on the carrier. Question though... Will doing this viod my warranty?

No worries about that. This is just routine maintenance.

02-13-2009, 07:57 PM
I doubt it. AGD sells the carriers so you can tune your lvlX

02-13-2009, 08:31 PM
Also make sure that you didn't over-tighten the field strip screw. If you over-tighten it, it can cause bolt stick.

That and a carrier that it too tight, or not enough oil causes bolt stick.

02-14-2009, 12:57 AM
So, should I try oiling it and see if that works first?

02-14-2009, 04:08 AM
Also make sure that you didn't over-tighten the field strip screw. If you over-tighten it, it can cause bolt stick.

That and a carrier that it too tight, or not enough oil causes bolt stick.Make sure the field strip screw is tightened with the wrench.

02-28-2009, 09:22 PM

Well I Lubricated the bolt with AUTOLUBE and the bolt stick bappens alot less now, but it still happens. So I will change the carrier and see if that works. My question is, should I go larger or smaller with the carrier? Any tips on changinfg the carrier?

Also, I was out playing with my marker and I noticed a slight leak coming from one of the holes in the X-valve. This didnt happen after I fired a 3-4 round burst, slowly firing or as I was rapid firing, only when the pressure had time to build up in the valve. If it helps, my tank is a NitroDuck 47/3000 with an I-Reg set to 800PSI output pressure. What is causing this and how do I remedy it? Thank You.

02-28-2009, 11:10 PM

Well I Lubricated the bolt with AUTOLUBE and the bolt stick bappens alot less now, but it still happens. So I will change the carrier and see if that works. My question is, should I go larger or smaller with the carrier? Any tips on changinfg the carrier?

Also, I was out playing with my marker and I noticed a slight leak coming from one of the holes in the X-valve. This didnt happen after I fired a 3-4 round burst, slowly firing or as I was rapid firing, only when the pressure had time to build up in the valve. If it helps, my tank is a NitroDuck 47/3000 with an I-Reg set to 800PSI output pressure. What is causing this and how do I remedy it? Thank You.

Larger on the carrier. You want the largest carrier that doesn't leak.

As for the leak after time, probably the reg seat o-ring? Tunaman or athomas will know that one for sure.

03-02-2009, 12:41 AM
Ok great thanks. And I will wit on a reply from Tunaman or athomas for my other problem.

03-02-2009, 01:04 AM
I didn't read the whole thread. But when changing carrier. Make sure you keep the same o-ring. Oil it after changing carrier.

03-02-2009, 07:49 AM
I didn't read the whole thread. But when changing carrier. Make sure you keep the same o-ring. Oil it after changing carrier.

Ok, Thanks.

03-02-2009, 08:42 PM
might want to take a look at this too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0mvr30jKhw makes thing easier when you actually see it being done first.

03-02-2009, 09:27 PM
NEVER oil the bolt! AGD usually ships these a little on the tight side so when you break in the oring it wont leak. You need to fire it alot more or change the carrier.

03-03-2009, 03:27 AM
Ok thanks. I will just fire it alot more, after all... It is brand new from the factory, so I guess I should break it in. Thanks Again.