View Full Version : Help Fellow Maggers, I Want A Tippmann

02-20-2009, 06:48 PM
I so ashamed of myself. Bought the kids that custom 98, good gun for them to start with and they can grow with. Figured worse case I d have a decent back up. Well they loved paintball, so now I m going to buy a 2nd tippmann so we can all play. The X7 and the A5 have my attention, for ME. BTW I ve had a minimag for going on 15 yrs now.

The looks of the x7 are just awesome, the fully auto, the cyclone feeder, please talk me out of the this. I feel like a traitor for even looking. Its almost like I cheated on my wife. ROFL.

02-20-2009, 06:52 PM
nah...Tippmanns are good markers. I actually dig them. Although i'd say get the A5. Same tech as the x7, only lighter and cheaper to upgrade

02-20-2009, 07:47 PM
their ubber durable and shoot ok for a starter gun and have plenty of upgrades i recomend the A5. and get the flatline barrel for when you want to reach out and touch someone

Whee McGee
02-20-2009, 07:52 PM
Tippmann are the more popular Mags, there's nothing wrong with them. Hell, one of my friends took his out, played, then put it away for a year and a half, picked it up, wiped the paint off the outside, screwed a tank in, and fired it with no problems.

02-20-2009, 07:54 PM
I've had my 'upped A5 for a while and done well with it, even on the speedball field. But after all my upgrades, it's still ONLY an A5... That means a basic, in-efficient open bolt blowback with crap velocity consistency even on HPA. Firepower wise it will keep up with most anything with an APE e-grip. My Minimag runs much better tho'! It's a trusty gun to be sure, and I'd rather have an A5 than a bulky looking X7 any day. Also, just cause its an A5 doesn't mean you have to turn it into some unweidly M4 look-alike. Here's how my A5 is configured, cept now it has a magnetic trigger instead of the JCS trigger pictured:


02-20-2009, 07:58 PM
One brand I've never owned.... or played with... maybe have shot 3 balls out of one...

Just never cared for them.... Not sure why...

But get what you like and play it out... your mind may change, and it may not... nothing wrong with a bit of diversity.


02-20-2009, 08:06 PM
I loved to use mine, but now since I got a mag, I'm trying to sell it to pay for some mag upgrades. They are good for their price, but if you are willing to spend more, buy a different gun.

02-20-2009, 08:08 PM
If it's your desire to walk on the field looking like a newb a Tippy or Spyder should do the job just fine, lol. :) :D

Sorry, there are just certain things that scream newb, that just happends to be on of them for me. :rofl:

02-20-2009, 08:26 PM
If it's your desire to walk on the field looking like a newb a Tippy or Spyder should do the job just fine, lol. :) :D

Sorry, there are just certain things that scream newb, that just happends to be on of them for me. :rofl:

Thats the way I feel too. But after shooting the kids custom 98, I just like the A5.

Like the looks of the x7 but like someone said, thats all it is, "looks" for a extra $100. BUT it looks cool. lol

The flatline barrel is just awesome. I always been in the middle of firefights, thank it would be cool to do some sniping.

02-20-2009, 08:51 PM
Pm'd u

02-20-2009, 09:06 PM
I love the way Tippmann triggers feel. Very crisp release to them. I mainly play with one of my mags, but my 98 still sees some play.

02-20-2009, 10:23 PM
I always felt a 98 trigger felt vague compared to a mag trigger... :confused:

02-20-2009, 10:46 PM
I've been tinkering with the idea of finding a cheap A5, or stealing one from a kid at the shop to tinker with. Has anyone tried rigging a 3.5oz tank directly into where the braided hose comes out of the marker? I'm guessing it won't get too many shots off, but it would be nice and compact. Toss on a 50rd tac cap, 6" barrel, and maybe even a folding stock.

02-20-2009, 11:07 PM
I play with a few serious tippmann owners. They would rather stick with their A-5s than change to the X-7 (I won one at a game that they were not interested in at all).

From what I've heard, there are a few upgrades to the cyclone feed that are fairly necessary and some bolt upgrades that are helpful. Quick strip pins are also handy.

One guy uses HPA with a palmer stab on the remote bottle. All three guys are remote users. There are some other guys that keep A-5s around, but they just put it away if it causes trouble.

Zone Drifter
02-21-2009, 12:26 AM
I had an A5 at one point, and I do like the feel but had nothing but problems. The cyclone was the first to go, but a tech-t mod fixed that for good. Then, the ball detent was casing chops! Wacky. I like the way you can make them look, but overall they really are just standard issues guns.

02-21-2009, 12:27 AM
I know where you could get a good deal on a Pro/Am with a power feed. :D

02-22-2009, 11:45 AM
look mags are great, but I have had the same A5 for four years now and have put less work in fixing it than my mag I have had for a year now. I now have three mags ther hard to beat.

If you are looking at a X7 over a A5 and you have the extra cash go with the X7 it does not much heaver, and when you take in to acount what you would put on a A5 to make it look like a X7 you would tip the scale and that A5 will be a beast.
I have owned both ther are more up grades for the A5 but its been around for a long time and the the X7 is just a A5 but why mess with something if it works

02-22-2009, 12:35 PM
I am looking in to getting a Tippman also just because all the kids at the field stereotype so fast with markers. I just love going out with one of my Tippy rentals in the shed and going out and blowing kids away. So funny. I am looking at the BT-4's. I like the sights and the movable front foregrip. Also like the old Tippman Mini-lites. Wish I could find one of those for cheap. :shooting:

02-22-2009, 01:16 PM
I had an awesome A-5. stock, e trigger, 18 inch tac barrel, 350 round hopper... it was :D It was fun. I kind of miss it.

Go for it, your mags will still be there.

02-22-2009, 02:10 PM
A5 and 98 shoot great out of the box, very reliable, require little maintenance, and very rugged. Here's one of my A5s and 98

02-22-2009, 03:41 PM
Get A-5 and either Response Trigger or APE E-trigger, they're pretty cheap now. And you can configure A-5 into ANYTHING. Here's what mine used to be:

02-22-2009, 05:45 PM
don't feel bad, I have had 4 a5 and my second x7 is on it's way. traded a rental mag for it. I have had 20 mags also, but people like to spend high amounts of money for them.

so here's my a5, metadyne flatline shroud, UMS short stricker rail, x7 hopper, JCS red poewr tube, techt cyclone upgrades, WAS e gripframe, other metadyne parts are on the way.




02-22-2009, 11:43 PM
i bought my youngest son the 98 and my oldest son the BT4. I was going to get me an A5 with response trigger (place has a great price on them $195) but I think I ll just mod a little on the mag. I may get the A5 later.

One thing I did notice the 98 has the anti chop, the A5 doesnt.

02-23-2009, 11:38 AM
Tippys are not what they used to be, quality wise. Their customer service is still outstanding, but even their replacement parts do not stand up well anymore.

I would suggest that if you are stuck on getting one, try to find an older one used in good shape. With the A5, buy the aftermarket metal cyclone feed mechanism.

02-23-2009, 02:43 PM
I've got myself a well modified 98. It was my first paintball gun.


They are reliable and work very well out of the box, and Tippmann customer service can't be beat.

They can be upgraded like crazy, or they are just fine stock (except for the barrels).

The only thing you might need is an aluminum ratchet for the cyclone feed because the stock plastic ones like to break.

I'd try to find an older one on Ebay or something, as was said the new ones are starting to lack in quality. Not that they are bad, just the older ones were solid :shooting:

I'll never get rid of the one I have, I love it to pieces. I don't use it as much since I got my 'Mags but I still bring it out for scenarios and big games (hey, what else is a milsim gun good for :rolleyes: ) and in the woods. Lately I've been using the 'Mags full time as I've been playing more speedball and smaller woodsball games.
I also picked up a couple of Autocockers, just trying to broaden my playing style.
Lets not forget good old pump play.
Having a lot of markers in different brands isn't cheating on the others, the right tool for the right job IMHO. I wouldn't go play speedball with my 98 how it is setup, just as you wouldn't go play pump with an E-triggered gun.

Still, I shoot only high quality, well crafted, reliable stuff like my 'Mags, WGP 'Cockers, my old PMI pump, and, of course, my Tippmann.

02-23-2009, 04:54 PM
Tippmanns are fine as long as you remember to stick to basics. Going balls out with cosmetics if you're not sure you love the marker is a baaaad idea.

02-23-2009, 08:06 PM
I'm accually on the look out for a smg 68 :ninja:

02-23-2009, 08:46 PM
I'm accually on the look out for a smg 68 :ninja:
Wouldnt have anything to do with some new fin stabalized rounds would it? ;)

02-23-2009, 09:06 PM
:eek: who told you?!

Wouldnt have anything to do with some new fin stabalized rounds would it? ;)

tipp-ed off
02-23-2009, 10:06 PM
I love tippmanns...I've owned a 68Carbine,sl-68II,proCarbine,98,98c and an A-5. They're durable and reliable...but they do not compare to a mag. They're air hogs and kind of heavy compared to most of todays markers. But they're cool to keep around as back-ups for your back-ups I guess...

02-24-2009, 02:11 PM
Had a lot of fun with my first A5. Would recomend changing the power tube to a metal one, if using CO2 and the get a metal ratchet for the cyclone. Both parts are plastic.
The teeth wore off my ratchet causeing the cyclone not to turn and the power tube cracked on me.

02-24-2009, 02:23 PM
go with the A5, dont get a stock one though a stock A5 is an open wallet trap, you hit the Tech-T site and 300 dollars later you got a super pimped out A5 that another kid is selling minus a part or two for half of what you just paid. PBnation is a good hunting spot for one of those


02-24-2009, 03:33 PM
Well, whatever you get there is a huge forum base for all Tippmann products.

Aside from Tippmann.com forums you have Model98.org (which I am an avid member of), A-5OG, X-7OG, 98OG, and probably a few more but those are the major ones.

You won't be left in the dark on ANYTHING Tippmann with such a huge following, and at any of those sites parts are plenty from sellers.

02-26-2009, 04:06 AM
This is just my opinion but I would stick with mags over tippmans. My boss and a coworker of mine bought x7s with e-grips. I don't know if they just got a couple of bad ones or what but they very quickly started having problems. I let them borrow my mags. After one game with them both of them were saying, "Drew, these guns are awesome!" My boss told me that I was coming with him the next time he bought a paintball gun.

That's my .02

02-26-2009, 04:23 AM
I've always hated the X-7s... personally. I had to install an e-grip on one once with a double trigger and it would not work for the life of me.

The 98s and A-5s you can't go wrong with.

But yeah, I've yet to see a company that matches the reliability and quality of AGD's stuff, maybe except for CCI, PTP, and older WGPs...

02-26-2009, 10:58 AM
"go with the A5, dont get a stock one though a stock A5 is an open wallet trap, you hit the Tech-T site and 300 dollars later you got a super pimped out A5 that another kid is selling minus a part or two for half of what you just paid. PBnation is a good hunting spot for one of those"

To TRUE... I know from personel experience. At the end of the day you blow alot of money on a low-mid end, open bolt blow-back gun that will never get past those design limitations.
I have fun with mine anyways.