View Full Version : Heres the problem

Daniel Morse
01-29-2002, 01:09 PM
The Extremes are not supposed to chop balls due to the ACE. The only break that should occur is the occasional barrel break. Now what do you do to clean it hastily during a game? Unscrew a barrel with Cocker threads? You will be bunkered twice by then? Ram a straight shot squeegee up the barrel and smear paint all over the ACE and therefore disabling it? The reason Cockers can get away with using such tight threading is due to the back block bolt release pin. You can clean the entire barrel and mainbody with one pull through just by removing the bolt and not the barrel. Which takes seconds.
What I am proposing is instead of using Cocker threading AGD utilizes Model 98 threading. Which will enable the barrel to be removed with just a few turns. What do you think?:p :p :p :p :p :p :eek:

01-29-2002, 01:14 PM
You could just not ram the squeegie all the way down the barrel. I'm not sure where most barrel breaks occur. But the ACE is in the breech. So if you just dont shove the straight shot all the way down it would be fine.

01-29-2002, 01:19 PM
You could just not ram the squeegie all the way down the barrel. I'm not sure where most barrel breaks occur. But the ACE is in the breech. So if you just dont shove the straight shot all the way down it would be fine.
But wouldn’t that just push the paint UP the barrel? Wouldn’t that leave a ring of paint closer to the breech? I thought the purpose of a squeegie is to clean the barrel of paint, not just move it further up the barrel……

Someone please explain it to me. There has to be a problem with my logic.

01-29-2002, 01:22 PM
I think he is counting on the break being up near the end of the barrel and he should be able to get most of it out by passing it going in before "inflating" the squeegie for the pull out. Is that it?

01-29-2002, 01:23 PM
In my opinion you can do two things:

remove the breech, and use a pull thru squeegie to clean the barrel. From what I've read it only takes a couple of turns to free the breach, so it wouldn't take long.


Use good, self cleaning barrels..ie NOT Boomsticks, Freaks and the such, and keep shooting, eventually it will clean its self to be usable for the rest of the game. I've done this with my PPS barrels, LAPCO's, and CP one and two pieces(I was surprised that the two piece self-cleaned as well as it did) My barrels for my extreme bodied E-mag will be four J+J ceramics with different bore sizes. From all experiences I've had with them they are quiet, light, efficent, and self-clean very well.

I really doubt they are going to change the design any more at this point, especially since the SFL's are already out. Besides if they were to change the threads, I beleve that the ICD threads are better, and since the BM2K was released everyone makes ICD barrels now, something that can't be said for the M98 barrels.

01-29-2002, 01:25 PM
Correct. You don't shove the straight shot into the barrel with the cleaning disk flat. You bend it so it is going along the shaft on the squeegie then when you have it where you want it in the barrel you turn the disk and then pull the squeegie out.

01-29-2002, 01:33 PM
Thanks guys. ;)

01-29-2002, 01:45 PM
Why aren't they using the existing automag barrel design with a hole drilled for the ACE?

Daniel Morse
01-29-2002, 01:49 PM
To remove the breach you have to take the warp feed hose off or your hopper which will then cause balls to pour out. Either of these methods will take forever and will get very messy when time is of the essence. I propose using the Model 98 threading or the Automag threading. Cocker threading stinks and you can strip the threading of your barrel by accident.

01-29-2002, 01:50 PM
I have to assume it's because of the modular nature of the extreme. It would be very difficult(costly) to implement the twist lock barrels into the design. Think about it, they have different barrels for left/right/center feeds right. When changing the breach from, say warp left to vert, how do you use the same barrel?

01-29-2002, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by headcase
I have to assume it's because of the modular nature of the extreme. It would be very difficult(costly) to implement the twist lock barrels into the design. Think about it, they have different barrels for left/right/center feeds right. When changing the breach from, say warp left to vert, how do you use the same barrel?

This would be possible if the twist-lock pin was in the same place relative to the feed tube for each module. You could use the same barrel for each module.

01-29-2002, 02:35 PM
true.........but how do you put the twist lock pin in a vert feed, the ACE components get in the way.

On top of that you would have to drill 3 more holes for the ACE depending on the orentaion of the barrel.

01-29-2002, 03:38 PM
don't current mag barrels have two grooves that allow them to feed left or right? am i mistaken?