View Full Version : AO Related News

02-24-2009, 12:49 PM
Our very own BigEvil has been chosen to do reviews for the guys over at 68caliber.com


We all know Scott is a no b.s kinda guy so his reviews should be accurate and entertaining.


02-24-2009, 01:20 PM
Our very own BigEvil has been chosen to do reviews for the guys over at 68caliber.com


We all know Scott is a no b.s kinda guy so his reviews should be accurate and entertaining.


02-24-2009, 01:25 PM
"Visit his forum for some lively paintball discussion."

lol. there ane no paintball discussions there.

02-24-2009, 01:51 PM
You must not go there very often, I see plenty of paintball related content.

Are you sure you are not referring to some other place that regurgitates old pictures of past products and digs up old AO references.

Just curious?

Shouldn't you be peddling the Vahalla Viking or something? If I didn't know better I would swear you have a stake in it the way you are going on about it!


02-24-2009, 01:57 PM
Valhalla what? Maybe I have a breaking story?

02-24-2009, 06:57 PM
You must not go there very often, I see plenty of paintball related content.

Only 3-4 times a day

Are you sure you are not referring to some other place that regurgitates old pictures of past products and digs up old AO references.

I go there 3-4 times a day also :eek:
Oh I also visit here, AKAOG, PBN (But usually just the AKA & AGD forums there.), and MCB (usually only the Members only section)

I can get you a complete breakdown on my schedule if you like.

Shouldn't you be peddling the Vahalla Viking or something? If I didn't know better I would swear you have a stake in it the way you are going on about it!

I do. I purchased it instead of putting money in my 401k this year (again being sarcastic. I use a roth IRA )
Funny I post a thread about a marker being released (one that hasnt been in 4 years), and it tears everyone up. Ohhits too expensive. Ohh Its not an automag.

I think it is great for the paintball community (that includes you too) that someone has came out to provide a low cost custom viking.

My comment about BEO was halfway sarcastic. I don't go there for paintball news. IMO there is little to no "news" in the paintball world. I enjoy the conservative political conversation, and to see what brews in the tech section.

02-24-2009, 06:59 PM
Valhalla what? Maybe I have a breaking story?

Yes Its NEW.!!!!!111

02-24-2009, 07:29 PM
Oh, so this isn't the 9 billiondy post about AO being closed, out of business, or defunct? :D :rofl:

Congrats BigE :cheers:

Now go out there and let the world know that AO is still alive and kicking. :shooting:

02-24-2009, 07:33 PM

I just felt that your post was unnecessary.

I, like you feel that there is little in the way of "News" in the paintball world but to make the statement that "there ane no paintball discussions there." was just not true. Then to restate in on BEO seemed to be a little bit childish.

If you feel there is no value there then why bother going there?

If Steve Davidson from .68 Caliber wanted to give a shout out to BigEvilOnline, how and why does this effect you to the point where you try and discredit, blemish or demean this? I see nothing productive from it.

Personally I really only go to AO ans BEO with an occassional visit to MCB. That is really about it.

I really don't need your schedule, I have enough trouble keeping track of myself.

As far as the Vahalla goes, I was very interested in it at first but once I saw the milling I was unimpressed and felt that I could do better to save that money for a more covetted piece of paintball equipment.

02-24-2009, 08:17 PM
Oh, so this isn't the 9 billiondy post about AO being closed, out of business, or defunct? :D :rofl:

I hope to never start a thread about that topic :dance:

02-24-2009, 09:27 PM
IMO there is little to no "news" in the paintball world.

Holy cow batman. I read this twice in this thread. You all must be kidding right?

Hang on I will get you some links if I must. You just arent paying attention if this is what you really think. A.O. is generally not a news forum but feel free to make a thread any time you want.

Now if you guys want to banter and have drama, let it be known. You're post and all quotes will be removed and you will get a ban before the thread is locked or removed. Get it?

02-24-2009, 10:08 PM
Now if you guys want to banter and have drama, let it be known. You're post and all quotes will be removed and you will get a ban before the thread is locked or removed. Get it?

Drama ?

On an internet forum ?

Think of the uselessness of that !

No one would ever be silly enough to waste their time and emotions doing that ...


02-24-2009, 11:02 PM
Drama ?

On an internet forum ?

Think of the uselessness of that !

No one would ever be silly enough to waste their time and emotions doing that ...


Touche........Oh a wise guy huh? :argh: Whats emotions???? :D

Look forward to what BE has to put in print. :cheers:

02-24-2009, 11:48 PM
Ya'll stop wasting your emoticons on this pitter patter :rolleyes:

Word up glad to see someone who knows whats up get the task of edumacating the masses :clap:

02-25-2009, 12:17 AM
Holy cow batman. I read this twice in this thread. You all must be kidding right?

Hang on I will get you some links if I must. You just arent paying attention if this is what you really think. A.O. is generally not a news forum but feel free to make a thread any time you want.

I am going to post on another forum about "Paintball news". I dont want to clutter AO up with our childish arguments. If you feel the urge to wander to this evil online forum to educate myself and the masses please do, but yes I have not seen any "news" to come into paintball in awhile.

Although now that I think of it the DB cooper case was very newsworthy. I enjoyed reading what tom had/and has to say about it.

02-25-2009, 12:36 AM
I dont want to clutter AO up with our childish arguments.

Classic.........ah come on AO needs some drama sometimes. :D

I guess you want me to post some links to the news eh? :argh:

02-25-2009, 01:42 AM
I guess you want me to post some links to the news eh? :argh:

here's some news


feel free to post up ;)

Hilltop Customs
02-25-2009, 12:31 PM
Thats news to me :rofl:

Congrats BigEvil! :dance: :dance: :dance:

02-25-2009, 07:12 PM
this banter is why i spend more time playing and less time on forums.

to me id rather play the game than listen to childish remarks and people trolling to look for fights.

Go play the game, its why you first came here anyway, and quit trumping up the silly "factions" of AO and the other split off groups that occurred.

by the way i drink diet coke and dont want to drink diet pepsi because it had a childish argument with mello yellow.
thats silly but thats what this has become

02-25-2009, 08:23 PM
mello yello ?

Dude give it up.
Clearly Mellow Yello is an inferior copy of the original, Mountain Dew.


Mountain Dew was introduced nationwide in 1964.
Mello Yello was not introduced until 1979.


02-27-2009, 11:18 AM
My first time, be gentle :p
