View Full Version : constant breaks in the barrel

02-24-2009, 04:54 PM
ok my setup is an Xvalve, level 10, ULT, mech mag. The barrel I use is a 16" All-American (newer style, cocker threaded) its bore is .693

The field I go to 99% of the time is field paint only, so changing paint is not an option.

After every game, my barrel has a thick layer of paint inside. it pours out with a squeegie... Also, even before I get a break, balls are always cork-screwing out of the barrel.

The only reason I can think of is the . 693 bore of the barrel. I want to make sure this is the problem before I buy a new barrel. anyone have any thoughts on what could be causing my problems or is it the barrel?

02-24-2009, 05:06 PM
sounds like paint to bore match sucks or you have crappy paint, with a .693 i would say balls just roll out right?

02-24-2009, 05:19 PM
last time I played, I seen it was a WGP brand paint. I am not sure if the balls are rolling down the barrel and are getting hit by my next shot or not. When I am not firing, the detent seems to hold the ball fine. I am only using a 12v Revvy so I dont think that is gonna load fast enough to double feed

02-24-2009, 05:42 PM
Check that the detent isn't too stiff. I've had paint that larger than .693 that would break in .696 inserts.

Sometimes paint is bad, sometimes it's pathetic.

How's your velocity? Shooting lower velocity usually helps breaks and dry corkscrews.

Is this a ULE body or stainless with an adapter?

02-24-2009, 05:49 PM
Check that the detent isn't too stiff. I've had paint that larger than .693 that would break in .696 inserts.

Sometimes paint is bad, sometimes it's pathetic.

How's your velocity? Shooting lower velocity usually helps breaks and dry corkscrews.

Is this a ULE body or stainless with an adapter?

the detent was just hand tight

velocity is about 285-290

its a ULE vertical feed

I have had this problem for awhile now, actually since I had the all-american, it was the only barrel I used with the ULE body

02-24-2009, 05:54 PM
What bolt spring are you using? Is the foamie intact?

02-24-2009, 06:46 PM
the detent was just hand tight
Sorry. I mean does the detent ball push in easy enough and is it still there?

02-24-2009, 07:35 PM
What bolt spring are you using? Is the foamie intact?

I am using the smallest spring. the foamie is in perfect shape

02-24-2009, 07:36 PM
Sorry. I mean does the detent ball push in easy enough and is it still there?

yes, the detent ball is nice and springy to the touch

02-25-2009, 01:16 AM
Many different reasons why you have a blender but it will all come down to what grade of paint your using. Do a drop test with the field paint your using. knowing that your in Pa, paint sucks this time of year.

I would suggest putting the largest spring on lvl X and turning down your velocity. and using a smaller length barrel maybe a 10 or even a 8inch. the less pressure you put on the paint the better you'll be

02-25-2009, 09:17 AM
Id also recommend getting a new barrel..you mentioned that the problems started occuring when you put the AA barrel on it.

Also as mentioned above, use the large spring (red) and turn your velocity down.

02-25-2009, 11:58 PM
i had nothing but problems with my freak kit and aa tip. i sold it and used stock barrel till i got my hammerhead. havnt had a problem since. and the guy i sold it to uses it on a timmy, still had issues with it, sold it and bought a stiffi

02-28-2009, 03:12 PM
well I put the red spring in and naturally had to increase the velocity to get the gun to fire. I am not sure what the gun is firing now since I dont have a chrony. Then I thought of something, my Emag also has ULE body, its WL cause I use a warp with it. So, I go ahead and screw the AA on the Emag... I couldn't believe it....... It was the straightest shooting barrel I ever had.. I was grouping shots like I never had before with that barrel. I shot 500 balls with the AA on the Emag, and not one break. I tried so hard to break a ball too, I fired it as fast as I could, I could not get one break.

So, this points me in the direction that the problem is in my mech mag. The red spring seemed to help the mech, but I didnt fire enough shoots on it yet to be sure it is gonna shot as good as it was with the Emag

02-28-2009, 03:32 PM
I used to have problems with chopping paint so bad that nearly drove me away from mags, turns out I was fat fingering the trigger and for me getting a hyperframe was the cure. This was after going from a straight feed body to a power feed then going to a micromag buying numerous barrels in different sizes getting the parabolic plug buying a couple of different hoppers and purchasing a level 10.

02-28-2009, 05:42 PM
well I had about 1500psi left in my tank so I took the mech out with the red spring. I got about 150 good shots out. I had a few cork-screws.. maybe 3-5. but a majority of the shots grouped well. better yet, I didnt get any breaks. definately an improvement, but I still feel I can get this shooting better