View Full Version : Im seriously considering buying this (Sarcasm inside)

02-26-2009, 02:18 AM
Check out this craigslist ad for an automag in my area. All those extra sniper goodies and a classic valve for only $600!! I call dibs.....


02-26-2009, 02:26 AM
no way im allover it!!!!!!! :mad:


02-26-2009, 02:37 AM
Come on, $600 is a bargain for an all custom, ultra ub3r sn1p0r gun like that! :rofl:

02-26-2009, 03:15 AM
Back in 99 that gun was worth a fortune.

02-26-2009, 05:47 AM
looks normal to me? i bet the upgrades it has are lvl 10, and ule.

02-26-2009, 07:55 AM
but its got a sniper barrel, that alone is worth 200, plus I heard the company that made sniper barrels went out of business so they are super rare.

02-26-2009, 09:15 AM
Nah man, I don't see a rear spoiler on that anywhere. Couldn't be worth a penny over $500 :rofl: :rofl:

02-26-2009, 09:45 AM
unfortunately, it was worth a fortune back in '99.. anyone who doesn't stay on top of the pb scene don't realize the depreciation of their equipment.

02-26-2009, 11:47 AM
well if its "custom" bolt is a lvl10 and the "custom trigger" is a ULE neither of things existed in 99 anyway so the point that it was worth a fortune in 99 is an understatement. I mean one would have to build a time machine first and all.....

02-26-2009, 02:28 PM
"Snipers" shoot really fast?
well I guess.
if your talking about the velocity of the bullet.



02-27-2009, 11:38 PM
I would love to see the custom bolt. And that custom sniper barrel. Man, I hate to see what this guy calls a Shoebox Shocker since they came with these custom sniper barrels aswell. I am buying it. Obviously, the custom classic valve can out shoot my RT since it isn't even full auto. :clap: :rofl:

02-27-2009, 11:40 PM
Oh, hey hey, anyone catch those custom airlines? Man, even I can't wrap them over and around like that. :wow:

02-28-2009, 01:08 AM
i'd laugh if someone bought it for 600. ...he isn't that good of a salesman. hahaha

02-28-2009, 01:22 AM
Man. 99 wouldnt touch when that was top dog. more like 92 or 93.

Ive had my RT since 98 and it was old then.

- That looks to be a standard feed classic. So It didnt even say clasic on it. It sed 68 Automag on the valve back then.
- aftermarket 45 frame with cut trigger guard so it can have a double trigger. Is there even a field that lets you have a cut guard now?
- Back in the mid 90s I saw quite a few mags with airlines like that.
- custome bolt would prob be the PMI (I think?) venturi bolt. I had one back in 96 on my classic. It had a ring of wholes that the air fed through.
- custome lite trigger job was also a PMI (I think?) custom on/off valve. I had one of them too. they didnt do crap.
- I cant place what kind of expansion chamber that is.

He wants 600 for that. Man is he dreaming.

02-28-2009, 09:33 AM
Guys, it's craigslist. You get everything from 50-1000$ classic mags. You just gotta learn to look at the decent offers and put away the crappy ones.

02-28-2009, 11:00 AM
yes some guys just dream.....all of us thru the years have put money into our guns, one by one...i have plenty put into my classic automag, my friend, with his auto mag, 200 dye 18 inch boomstick when it came out, auto trigger when it came out....he as well as i would never sell ours for the fact that we have a lot of money in them....

the thing is, even in my area, northern ohio, in craigs list, i see the youngsters trying to get everything they put into the marker, just is not going to happen....

but once in a while you can come up against a real good deal on craigs list....my 2 cents worth....thegrayghost....

02-28-2009, 11:54 AM
yes some guys just dream.....all of us thru the years have put money into our guns, one by one...i have plenty put into my classic automag, my friend, with his auto mag, 200 dye 18 inch boomstick when it came out, auto trigger when it came out....he as well as i would never sell ours for the fact that we have a lot of money in them....

the thing is, even in my area, northern ohio, in craigs list, i see the youngsters trying to get everything they put into the marker, just is not going to happen....

but once in a while you can come up against a real good deal on craigs list....my 2 cents worth....thegrayghost....

Yeah, wasn't there an X-Mag that sold for ~$400 in Kansas?

03-04-2009, 05:15 PM
Someone on here bought an X-mag for $150 from CL didn't they. Here in Ohio, people are just crazy on Craigslist. They are selling Spyders from Walmart and those VL markers for $200. People are just crazy sometimes. They didn't even pay that for it. I wouldn't make fun of the guy if he didn't call everything "cutom". He might have spent $600 on that mag but none of it is "custom". Looks all aftermarket to me. Yeah, Craigslist is a funny place. Ebay is aswell. It is a different market outside of the forums.