View Full Version : Noted Jihadi Scholar Condemns Al Q

02-26-2009, 03:35 PM
MEMRI (http://www.memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=IA50009)

An interesting read. Al-Sharif is currently sitting in a jail cell. He is a well-known jihadi scholar within that world. He was instrumental in the development of AQ towards the end of the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

He has written several books attacking the current AQ approach to jihad.

A good example of how even within the extremist ideological group, there are splinter factions when it comes to many issues.

"The senior jihadist cleric Sayyid Imam Al-Sharif has recently published a new polemic against Al-Qaeda titled Exposing the Exoneration (Al-Ta'riya li-kitab al-tabri'a). To explain this title we need to review the events that led to the writing of this book."

"Chapter 2: Al-Qaeda Founded a DeviantSchool of Jurisprudence Solely to Permit Killing Americans En Masse

Sayyid Imam argues that Al-Zawahiri is not merely promoting isolated erroneous positions in jurisprudence; rather, Al-Qaeda has founded a corrupt and deviant school of jurisprudence expressly in order to permit inordinate mass killing, and all their positions in jurisprudence are aimed at this goal. He gives a list of "criminal" principles used by Al-Qaeda to sidestep shari'a laws that would prevent them from killing Americans en masse. These are:

- Fighting the far enemy (America) before the near enemy (apostate regimes);

- Takfir and killing based on nationality, on the grounds that citizenship is tantamount to allegiance to the infidel country and support for its laws;

- Allowing the killing of one who pays taxes to infidels, on the grounds that this is tantamount to financial warfare;

- Unrestricted permission to kill an infidel "human shield," thus allowing Al-Qaeda to kill civilians in infidel lands;

- Unrestricted permission to kill a Muslim "human shield," thus allowing Al-Qaeda to kill the Muslims mixed in with the infidels;

- Unrestricted application of the principle of retaliation in kind (al-mu'amala bi'l-mithl) in order to expand the scope of indiscriminate killing;

- Fighting America is defensive [jihad], and that [in consequence] one may travel to fight in America without the permission of one's father and others [whose permission is normally required];

- A Muslim's entry visa into infidel lands is not a guarantee of protection (aman), and [thus] he is allowed to kill [the infidels];

- Even if this visa were a guarantee of protection, it would be permitted to violate it;

- The entry visa for tourists entering Muslim lands does not serve them as a guarantee of protection from being killed or kidnapped.

Sayyid Imam argues that after adopting these principles, Al-Qaeda employed the following false arguments to deflect criticism:

- The only people allowed to speak on these matters are the sheikhs of jihad encamped in the mountains and on the frontiers (and not other 'ulama);

- Anyone who criticizes them is impeding the jihad, attacking the mujahideen, and causing harm to the Muslim nation;

- Anyone who criticizes them is serving the interests of the Crusaders and Zionists.

Sayyid Imam then turns to refute these principles: "

02-27-2009, 06:21 PM
Don't be mistaken, he still wants us infidels dead...just not the way Al-Q is currently trying it.

02-28-2009, 01:37 AM
why do we need to die?

02-28-2009, 02:23 AM
why do we need to die?
Because you are not muslim. No other reason.

02-28-2009, 05:13 PM
Army, technically yes, although he might settle for the Caliphate being put in place.

Still need slave labor, ya know. ;)

In a bit of seriousness, I found several of his points interesting. The notion that accepting a visa means that one is bound not to attack, for one.

Many of the Islamists believe they should concentrate on the states that are *considered* Muslim by the world, but that don't live up to their sharia standards. Take care of ones's on house first sort of thing.

But yeah, end of the exercise, they want to create a worldwide Islamic state under Sharia law. So there's a problem there.

03-06-2009, 02:48 PM
Interesting news Ricker. Thanks.

Army, technically yes, although he might settle for the Caliphate being put in place.

Still need slave labor, ya know. ;)

In a bit of seriousness, I found several of his points interesting. The notion that accepting a visa means that one is bound not to attack, for one.

Many of the Islamists believe they should concentrate on the states that are *considered* Muslim by the world, but that don't live up to their sharia standards. Take care of ones's on house first sort of thing.

But yeah, end of the exercise, they want to create a worldwide Islamic state under Sharia law. So there's a problem there.

Yeah. But they mean well. After all, they are trying to save our souls. And as the Jesuits taught us, "The ends justify the means". ;)

03-06-2009, 10:27 PM
In before the lock down heheh.

Check this out :



Hilltop Customs
03-07-2009, 11:20 AM
IMO ANYTHING that says doubt is causing harm needs to be looked at with a doubtful eye.

Cant post anymore than that or I will cause someone to post something that will close the thread :p

03-07-2009, 03:58 PM
I don't think this thread should be locked, we're behaving :D

But yeah, end of the exercise, they want to create a worldwide Islamic state under Sharia law. So there's a problem there.

Didn't someone else try to do almost the same thing? hitler? i'm not sure if that's exactly the same, but kind of.

03-07-2009, 04:33 PM
I don't think this thread should be locked, we're behaving :D

Didn't someone else try to do almost the same thing? hitler? i'm not sure if that's exactly the same, but kind of.

Not the same, but close enough in fact they are probably worse.

03-07-2009, 05:46 PM
I don't think this thread should be locked, we're behaving :D
Didn't someone else try to do almost the same thing? hitler? i'm not sure if that's exactly the same, but kind of.

The best selling book besides the Koran in the Islamic world is Mein Kampf .


03-07-2009, 07:56 PM
The best selling book besides the Koran in the Islamic world is Mein Kampf .


In before the lock down heheh.

Check this out :



Look, I'm not trying to argue moral relativism here. :)

I'm just saying that are examples of the Islamic world, even the extremist end of it, that are condemning how AQ is carrying out attacks against illegitimate targets. That's all.