View Full Version : Why buy a new hopper when you can use car alarm parts?!!!!

03-01-2009, 03:13 AM
So I have 2 spyder fastas. A 9v led(modded for 18v) And a 18v lcd fasta. I bought the 18v lcd one used and the bastard sold it to me broken :mad: but it came with an extra shell. I broke the feedneck on the first fasta so on went the new shell. Shortly after the little flipper thing that senses that balls died on it. so i scavenged that from the 18v. so what i was left with was a motor and a shell.....what to do Hmmmmm what to Do?

I had an idea it was a masterfull idea! all I would need was a mini relay, a glass break sensor from a car alarm, a switch, and a button. Told my boss about my project and he just gave me all the parts i needed. over 100$ value, for nothing!

All a glassbreak sensor is, is a highpitch microphone with a circuit. it has a power wire, ground, and a trigger wire. variable knob. and an led. when i loud enough sound is heard I.E. someone trying to break your window with porcelain or something the sensor activates and grounds out the trigger wire for a split second.

So my idea was to have the trigger wire activate a relay that would turn the motor. in theory this was a great idea, but after wiring it up on a breadboard i discovered that the ground that it emits just isnt enough to activate one of the mini relays i have. so i got to looking at the board on it and how it functioned and i though maybe i dont even need the relay at all! just attach the ground of the motor directly to the trigger! still no luck. so i backtracked on the board to see a huge resistor(value wise) in line with the trigger output. Removed it. and voila i have a new hopper board! After 4 hours of cutting, soldering and fitting. and realising i had the motor wired backwards i finnaly got it all done! I have a power switch that cuts all power to the circuits. and a button that directly runs the motor for when i first load it up with paint. oh and the mic is fully adjustable. i can set it so high that the sound of the motor sets it into a non stop feed...or to the point of a marker firing :p

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/zF0zHOsZLLI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/zF0zHOsZLLI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> ALSO IN HD!

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/167/pict0007tnz.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict0007tnz.jpg)

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/8247/pict0009y.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict0009y.jpg)

http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/3797/pict0011x.jpg (http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict0011x.jpg)

So the only real cost would be one of the sensors. i can get them for about 20$ my cost at work. the mini relays are about 50-60. that saves quite a bit on this project. but since i got it all for free i'm quite happy that i now have 2 fully functioning hoppers.

One thing that is left unseen at this point is going to be battery life. the 9v lasts forever.

03-01-2009, 06:02 AM
dude, that's killer!

Way to be inventive!

03-01-2009, 09:15 AM
holly smokes bud.. that is awesome... great idea man :clap:

03-01-2009, 11:35 AM
Thanks guys! iv still got one small thing to do but shes pretty much ready to play. I still have to silicone the screen along the bottom.

I tested the draw vs my 9v(modded 18) fasta

modded 9v is 0.04 mA draw while stationary(power on), and anywhere from 0.12 to 0.21 draw while its running

the alarm hopper is 0.00 mA draw while stationary and 0.12 to 0.14 while running

In theory with these numbers i should get Better battery life out of it then the "stock" fasta :D

Feed rate wise the modded 18v is slightly faster then my alarm hopper. id say maybe 17bps vs 15ish. ill confirm these numbers once i get somepaint.

awesome awesome awesome!

03-03-2009, 11:11 PM
Well my guess was right on target, over 10 seconds it was 15 bps exactly for an average. but you could hear it was quite inconsistent, it peaked at 17 and the low was 13. ill have to do a bit more research to see if there are any parts on the board that can be switched out to make it reset faster after its been triggered. but for now I think this will be absolutely perfect for my mag :)

03-03-2009, 11:29 PM
That would be a real nice mod for HALO folks. Replace the eyes with a glass break sensor. Turn it into a sound activated setup for a lot less than a new Reloader board. I wonder how cheap you could make it.

03-03-2009, 11:40 PM
very impressive :clap: :headbang:

03-04-2009, 12:24 AM
thanks:) I'm not sure how cheap i could make them. depends on how much i can get the sencsors for, Time wise and refinement. i need to see what i can do about the reset time. now that i know the board a bit better it wouldnt take me half as long to make one. id like to mod the next one even more. get rid of the LED, change the placement of the switch. drop the forward button.

03-04-2009, 06:18 AM
put one on the rotor, can you adjust the on time of the motor for ever time the mic hears something?