View Full Version : Ninja HPA tanks and regs

03-09-2009, 07:07 AM
Just came across the Ninja HPA tanks. Anyone know anything about them? They are less expensive and I was wondering if there are any problems, who makes them, etc.


03-09-2009, 08:39 AM
ninja regs are essentially DXS regs, before DXS regs got out sourced over seas. great consistancy, tolerances, reliability. and still uses a Standard Brass Bonnet, with the option for an additional Aluminum if you desire. so longer lasting threads.

Ninja was the company that made the Crossfire, Pure Energy, DXS and a slew of other companies regs. untill those companies sent there business over seas.

ever wonder why Crossfire, Pure Energy, and DXS regs kind of lost there reliability over the last 2 years?

Ninja, is also American made. with great customer service, you cant go wrong with a Ninja reg

and no, i am in no way affiliated with Ninja paintball.

03-09-2009, 10:07 AM
Thanks for the info.


03-09-2009, 01:06 PM
can you shim these things for a higher output pressure for RT valves, or can you order them from the factory already shimmed?

03-09-2009, 01:17 PM
Ninja has some awesome customer support, and as already stated, they are the guys that made several of the regs for used to be good companies. I wasn't aware that Crossfire had went overseas for their regs as well though, I thought they were produced right here in Michigan.

The Ninja regs are easy to adjust pressure on by using the shims provided, A rebuild kit is very reasonably priced, and they have several other nice accessories. Overall, not any breakthrough technology or anything, but they do work well, and they are American made.

My only gripe is the gimmicky - everything is all black - the stuff rubbed off within hours of owning the tank, and black Teflon tape makes it hard to tell if its Teflon or sludge that has made its way into your tanks or fill nipples.

Length of the reg is almost twice the length of a myth reg meaning you wont have to move On/Offs and CA's back to get them to screw onto your setups :)


03-09-2009, 01:38 PM
and still uses a Standard Brass Bonnet, with the option for an additional Aluminum if you desire. so longer lasting threads

Longer lasting threads with the aluminum or brass?

03-09-2009, 01:50 PM
Ninja guys are standup and cool people. Once i free up some $$ i plan on buying a tank from them. they came to waynes world grand finale back in december.

You can safely shim up to 950 i think, with a properly tuned xvalve that should get you to RT if any1 cares

03-09-2009, 02:19 PM
Longer lasting threads with the aluminum or brass?

brass by far, the aluminum were for the guys that think the brass makes their entire gun too heavy to carry


mr doo doo
03-09-2009, 03:06 PM
heard a lot of great reviews for them. and i plan on getting a 13ci tank for myself! hm, or maybe a 50ci...

03-09-2009, 03:10 PM
i have one and on my tac the "bounce" is non existent. i have not tried using a shim in it, mine did not come with any

03-09-2009, 03:12 PM
How light are the bottles? Compared to cp/ draxxus bottles?

03-09-2009, 05:08 PM
im not sure i just bought the reg itself

03-09-2009, 05:27 PM
can you shim these things for a higher output pressure for RT valves, or can you order them from the factory already shimmed?

they come with shims for all pressure adjustments. just take the bonnet off, slip in the shims and rock.

03-09-2009, 05:35 PM
they come with shims for all pressure adjustments. just take the bonnet off, slip in the shims and rock.


If your tank is outputting 850 psi, it has 3 shims in it.

03-10-2009, 02:35 AM
There's no contact e-mail address on their website. What's the adjustment range on these regulators?

03-10-2009, 03:10 AM
I think their manual explain the processs and shim calculation. Have you check that one yet?

03-10-2009, 03:51 AM
I think their manual explain the processs and shim calculation. Have you check that one yet?

Now why didn't I think of that? :tard: The manual states 450psi minimum and 900psi maximum.

03-13-2009, 06:49 AM
I don't want to bash these guys and there setups look good but when i asked about out pressure on the Reg he said 850.But on his video he said 800 and the Regs are hand crafted so 800 to 850 give or take. :confused:

03-13-2009, 08:09 AM
yeah I am hearing allot of different max PSI output :) haha

I remember hearing someone saying to have a ''belleville stack not a spring'' in the reg.
And ninja regs have a spring so the output pressure would be less constant as with a belleville stack.

Any opinions?

03-13-2009, 08:49 AM
I don't want to bash these guys and there setups look good but when i asked about out pressure on the Reg he said 850.But on his video he said 800 and the Regs are hand crafted so 800 to 850 give or take. :confused:

Easy enough. buy a 10.00 rebuild kit and shim it up to where you want to be. The only guns that really need over 800 input would be RT Mags these days anyhow.

I have seen someone say they are safe up to 950 - Ninja can probably confirm. Order Direct and tell them you want 950 output and they will shim it up for you




"yes,no problem we make Ninjs Air systems for mag guys all the time, 900-950 psi systems work great.

Thanks Ninja paintball 877-NinjaUSA"

03-13-2009, 03:33 PM

"yes,no problem we make Ninjs Air systems for mag guys all the time, 900-950 psi systems work great.

Thanks Ninja paintball 877-NinjaUSA"

Pretty nice, so you sent them the question?
Or do you know someone who works there?

Any info on how constant the out pressure of the ninja regs?
Maybe compared to other regs?


03-13-2009, 03:44 PM
Nope, they are active on Peanut Butter Nation and I was talkign to one of them already.

As far as constant pressure, it keeps up with a Invert Mini on 20bps full auto with no problem.


03-15-2009, 03:54 AM
Nope he said they would burst at 900 and i asked personally.And i shoot a E-mag at 800 now and the thing still drops and rolls out balls down the barrel at less the 20 balls.I found out that there isn't a preset Reg that will shoot well with my E-mag.And the only ajustable that keeps up is the 4.5K MAX-flo or the Flatline AGD Reg.And any crosfire Reg is even worse at firing only 10 balls out the barrel and having 3 out of 10 balls drop out the barrel.

03-15-2009, 07:34 AM
Nope he said they would burst at 900 and i asked personally.And i shoot a E-mag at 800 now and the thing still drops and rolls out balls down the barrel at less the 20 balls.I found out that there isn't a preset Reg that will shoot well with my E-mag.And the only ajustable that keeps up is the 4.5K MAX-flo or the Flatline AGD Reg.And any crosfire Reg is even worse at firing only 10 balls out the barrel and having 3 out of 10 balls drop out the barrel.

I-Reg will do 1000 with the piston kit.

http://cgi.ebay.com/Paintball-HPA-Nitroduck-NEW-I-reg-4500-psi-800-output_W0QQitemZ300300226844QQihZ020QQcategoryZ362 87QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

http://cgi.ebay.com/Paintball-Nitroduck-Piston-Kits-For-the-New-I-reg-NIB_W0QQitemZ300300226255QQihZ020QQcategoryZ36287Q QssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem


03-15-2009, 07:52 AM
Nope he said they would burst at 900 and i asked personally.And i shoot a E-mag at 800 now and the thing still drops and rolls out balls down the barrel at less the 20 balls.I found out that there isn't a preset Reg that will shoot well with my E-mag.And the only ajustable that keeps up is the 4.5K MAX-flo or the Flatline AGD Reg.And any crosfire Reg is even worse at firing only 10 balls out the barrel and having 3 out of 10 balls drop out the barrel.

Not sure who "he" is but Ninja seems to tell different people different things. Not sure if they are telling peopel what they wanna hear or covering their butts regarding a problem.

As far as keeping up? Not sure what you are doing wrong, but I've shot Crossfires, Iregs, PE's, Centerflag, CP, DXS - All of them kept up fine on my mags and any other supergun I ever fired. Only tank reg I ever had come up short was a Dye Throttle


03-15-2009, 08:26 AM
Not sure who "he" is but Ninja seems to tell different people different things. Not sure if they are telling peopel what they wanna hear or covering their butts regarding a problem.

Yeah , that is what I am wondering myself. And it makes sense since they want to sell their product. But, saying that their tanks can do ''X'' and it not being true... hmmm not to good.

Maybe I will stick with another brand when I decide to get a new tank ;)

But Ninja's might be very good tanks, I just keep hearing funny things about them and it pushes me away:) haha

03-15-2009, 08:31 AM
I was on the phone talking with John at Ninja Paintball for half an hour yesterday. He said that, if requested, they can preset the reg up to 1100-1200 psi output.

03-15-2009, 08:57 AM
I just asked a Ninja Rep over on PeanutButterNation to pop in and clear the air over here. Maybe we can get them to give us some definite answers.


03-15-2009, 09:24 AM
I just asked a Ninja Rep over on PeanutButterNation to pop in and clear the air over here. Maybe we can get them to give us some definite answers.


thanks man :) This might clear up some stuff for us ;)

03-15-2009, 03:55 PM

And i have a center flag as well and it's poo poo. :rofl:
And if you watch the video's on youtube about out pressure he said that they all come at 800 PSI dead on.and this is what he said here in the video contradicting himself.After emailing me saying that they will do 850 and anything over 850 blows the disk.


03-17-2009, 06:17 AM
I just asked a Ninja Rep over on PeanutButterNation to pop in and clear the air over here. Maybe we can get them to give us some definite answers.


No news of the Ninja Rep?

03-17-2009, 07:40 AM
Guess not, I asked him twice to come over and clear soem things up and he never felt the need I guess, even linked him to this post.


03-17-2009, 07:44 AM
Guess not, I asked him twice to come over and clear soem things up and he never felt the need I guess, even linked him to this post.


Thanks :)
I guess this sends out a message.

Thanks again. You should become Rep ;)

03-17-2009, 08:36 AM
Great thread, this bring a lot of insight. I was interested in getting a Ninja reg as well, but now I'm not too sure.

03-17-2009, 09:15 AM
Great thread, this bring a lot of insight. I was interested in getting a Ninja reg as well, but now I'm not too sure.

Exactly like me :) haha

But if we do decide to change idea's we should have it shipped together Hook ;)

03-18-2009, 12:25 AM
i havnt had much of a chance to shoot with it yet
all i know is my mag was shooting consistent, but not much bounce on the trigger.
threshy isnt the most consistent. but no drop off at 17 bps.
so i dont see an issue with them

03-18-2009, 07:32 AM
Ninja rep said he was awaiting his email confirmation and he would pop in and fill us in....

apparently the email confirmation taks much longer than when I joined so many years ago :)


03-18-2009, 07:50 AM
Ninja rep said he was awaiting his email confirmation and he would pop in and fill us in....

apparently the email confirmation taks much longer than when I joined so many years ago :)


Oh right, that is a good point.
He might want to contact Beemer, to let Beemer ''accept'' him.

Or, he can just tell you his e-mail addresse or Nickname he used for this forum and you can PM beemer to let him know.

For some reason, some people cannot register unless a Mod ''accepts'' him or her.

At least, that is what I understood from other people who were awaiting for the confirmation e-mail.

Thanks :)

03-18-2009, 08:34 AM
..For some reason, some people cannot register unless a Mod ''accepts'' him or her...

When I wanted to join it took multiple tries, a couple of weeks and an e-mail to one of the admins to get sorted.

03-18-2009, 09:44 AM
There is a small market for a preset that will push 1000-1200psi for us automag guys...I am suprised no MFG has come to the rescue. Should only take a few extra shims and a different LP blowout disk...

I would love a screw in that can make my classic RT go crazy.

03-18-2009, 12:20 PM
There is a small market for a preset that will push 1000-1200psi for us automag guys...I am suprised no MFG has come to the rescue. Should only take a few extra shims and a different LP blowout disk...

I would love a screw in that can make my classic RT go crazy.

I am not sure the Ninja Reg's can go that high. Some people say it can only go up to 950. And that is ''maybe''
Also, I am not sure if the output PSI can be easily changed by an average Joe. Or would someone need to send it back for them to change it.

03-18-2009, 01:00 PM
Well i don't think they can hold that pressure ether.And they didn't say you could custumize them to 1000 psi.I would call them ajustable but not fully ajustable and i dont think more shims would fit.And taking a chance for more pressure from 800 to 1000 is pushing it.I would like to know more about the nitro duck systems thoe.

03-18-2009, 05:39 PM
Also, I am not sure if the output PSI can be easily changed by an average Joe. Or would someone need to send it back for them to change it.

Ninja makes/made the ANS Blackout regs. The regs are identical, save color. Here is a video showing how to change the output pressure. I love mine for my mag and my mini.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/CksZTS2n7oA&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/CksZTS2n7oA&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

03-18-2009, 07:53 PM
Ninja makes/made the ANS Blackout regs. The regs are identical, save color. Here is a video showing how to change the output pressure. I love mine for my mag and my mini.

Oh nice.. that is pretty easy. And I guess Ninja Regs, we can ''add'' shims to have a higher output pressure.

So Ninja made/makes ANS regs. I have heard good things about the ANS regs as well.
Now I know they are adjustable regs, this might be an option.
Do you know if we can adjust the ANS blackout reg for and output of more than 850 PSI?

Thanks again ;)

03-18-2009, 10:32 PM
Ok guys this might get me in trouble but here it is from ninja.If you scroll down on the the video coments you will see my name and the questions i asked them on the max output on the Regs. I feel lied to again :cry:


03-18-2009, 10:49 PM
Ok guys this might get me in trouble but here it is from ninja.If you scroll down on the the video coments you will see my name and the questions i asked them on the max output on the Regs. I feel lied to again :cry:


Yes, the stock spring will bottom out at about that pressure. ;)

03-19-2009, 01:02 AM
Yes, the stock spring will bottom out at about that pressure. ;)
Well if that's the stock spring kit then were is the rebuild kit for higher output pressure on their site? :rolleyes:

03-19-2009, 06:13 AM
Ok guys this might get me in trouble but here it is from ninja.If you scroll down on the the video coments you will see my name and the questions i asked them on the max output on the Regs. I feel lied to again :cry:


oh nice link. So the Ninja Rep there said 900 max. depending on regs.

you know, I think I will go with a ANS blackout reg. They can go from 450 to 850 and I think that is enough. I have heard just good comments about ANS regs and it's pretty much the same as a ninja REG. I just don't want to over shim my ninja reg and blow it up :) haha
And I am not sure I really need more than 850.

Fflamingmoe: You might want to look into a flatline system for your Mag. Or, just contact NINJA and ask if you can have the reg set to 950 before shipping to you. I am sure if they can boost a reg to 950, they will do it for you before shipping. :)

Just a suggestion

Ninja Paintball
03-19-2009, 01:02 PM
Sorry about the delay guys. Styg got Beemer to get my account all set up so thanks to both for your assistance.

Alright, so now to clarify a few things. First of all, yes we have been in the industry for quite some time now. We have made regs for PMI, DXS, JT, ANS, ACI as well as a few others. Crossfire is one reg though that we did not manufacture. They, however, are made in the USA over in Michigan I believe, so their quality shouldn't have decreased at all.

Now, as for the maximum output pressure of our regs, there has been some differences between what people have heard. Our official answer to this question is our regs will output a maximum pressure of about 950psi. Now, the reason you may have heard less or more is because each reg has its own individual tolerances. Depending on the spring and piston used in the reg, we may only be able to get 800psi out of it, or we may be able to get a little over 1000 out of it. Generally though, the maximum output will be around 950psi before the reg starts malfunctioning.

There are problems with running our regs at those higher pressures though. The main problem is called coil bind. That just means at a certain pressure, the spring is going to bind up and not going to function past a certain point. The other problem is the lp burst disk runs a higher chance of blowing. Granted it shouldn't blow until 1620psi, but there are other factors that can change that pressure.

So I guess, just to make a simple answer here for you, if you order a reg from us, we can pretty much guarantee that it will get up to around 950psi. Anything after that will depend on a few things.

03-19-2009, 01:12 PM
Sorry about the delay guys. Styg got Beemer to get my account all set up so thanks to both for your assistance.

Alright, so now to clarify a few things. First of all, yes we have been in the industry for quite some time now. We have made regs for PMI, DXS, JT, ANS, ACI as well as a few others. Crossfire is one reg though that we did not manufacture. They, however, are made in the USA over in Michigan I believe, so their quality shouldn't have decreased at all.

Now, as for the maximum output pressure of our regs, there has been some differences between what people have heard. Our official answer to this question is our regs will output a maximum pressure of about 950psi. Now, the reason you may have heard less or more is because each reg has its own individual tolerances. Depending on the spring and piston used in the reg, we may only be able to get 800psi out of it, or we may be able to get a little over 1000 out of it. Generally though, the maximum output will be around 950psi before the reg starts malfunctioning.

There are problems with running our regs at those higher pressures though. The main problem is called coil bind. That just means at a certain pressure, the spring is going to bind up and not going to function past a certain point. The other problem is the lp burst disk runs a higher chance of blowing. Granted it shouldn't blow until 1620psi, but there are other factors that can change that pressure.

So I guess, just to make a simple answer here for you, if you order a reg from us, we can pretty much guarantee that it will get up to around 950psi. Anything after that will depend on a few things.

Go ninja, you guys are cool met a few of you @ waynes world back in december. I heard you are thinking of going to the standard elongated 68 please dont. my friend has a 68 of yous and it is awesome I am trying to sell a tank of mine to fund buying one personally.

03-19-2009, 01:52 PM
Sorry about the delay guys. Styg got Beemer to get my account all set up so thanks to both for your assistance.

Alright, so now to clarify a few things. First of all, yes we have been in the industry for quite some time now. We have made regs for PMI, DXS, JT, ANS, ACI as well as a few others. Crossfire is one reg though that we did not manufacture. They, however, are made in the USA over in Michigan I believe, so their quality shouldn't have decreased at all.

Now, as for the maximum output pressure of our regs, there has been some differences between what people have heard. Our official answer to this question is our regs will output a maximum pressure of about 950psi. Now, the reason you may have heard less or more is because each reg has its own individual tolerances. Depending on the spring and piston used in the reg, we may only be able to get 800psi out of it, or we may be able to get a little over 1000 out of it. Generally though, the maximum output will be around 950psi before the reg starts malfunctioning.

There are problems with running our regs at those higher pressures though. The main problem is called coil bind. That just means at a certain pressure, the spring is going to bind up and not going to function past a certain point. The other problem is the lp burst disk runs a higher chance of blowing. Granted it shouldn't blow until 1620psi, but there are other factors that can change that pressure.

So I guess, just to make a simple answer here for you, if you order a reg from us, we can pretty much guarantee that it will get up to around 950psi. Anything after that will depend on a few things.

Thank you very much for this clarrification.
So the reg can go up to 950PSI with no problems. After that, the problems ''might'' occur.

Very good to know. :)

03-19-2009, 02:15 PM
I love my Ninja system. Next time I'm at the field I will stack up the shims and see how it runs my mech mag and/or emag. I will also gauge it to see what kind of pressure I can get out of it. I will probably need a few more shims though.

So far I've pretty much kept my Ninja in the low or medium range output setting. It fits my Angel 1, Mini, and Alien Indy asa which made me very happy b/c none of my other prefered systems lined up where my wrist would be comfy (I can't stand having a fill nipple or gauge digging into my wrist). So yea I have my asa's or whatever matched to my different tanks. Kinda sad haha but thats what I like. My two favorite systems are my Ninja tank and my iReg. Both are stubby 68's (the iReg might be a 70). The ninja has broken in nicely, I saw decent numbers over the chrono out of the box. The gauge will let me know better what its doing. I'll gauge it later tonight in the LP config to see what its outputting there.

The customer service from Ninja is for sure top notch. They're always happy to answer questions over the phone.

Ninja Paintball
03-19-2009, 05:28 PM
Go ninja, you guys are cool met a few of you @ waynes world back in december. I heard you are thinking of going to the standard elongated 68 please dont. my friend has a 68 of yous and it is awesome I am trying to sell a tank of mine to fund buying one personally.

Don't worry about that happening anytime soon. Our bottle manufacturer has seem to have started picking up the slack, so we shouldn't be needing to change.

And yeah, I'm glad you guys are liking your systems. Feel free to call or post here if you have any questions. We are more than happy to help out.

03-19-2009, 08:53 PM
I'm still going to buy the set up though i was the one that called and your paypal on your web site didn't work.But that's ok there is always plastic. :cheers:


03-23-2009, 03:25 PM
I just bought mine today and will keep you guy's posted on how it turns out. :ninja:

03-30-2009, 11:36 PM
I actually bought one of the ninja regs just for the possibility of upping the pressure to get a nice bounce. Personally I was able to get it up to about 1200 before it malfunctioned and blew the the LP disk. Made the person next to me jump when I filled it. Got it to stabilize and work reliably at about 1050. Guess I got lucky with the random factors for higher output.

Got a good amount of bounce out of it too, not quite as much as I would like, but it's a good improvement.

04-02-2009, 09:27 PM
Ok guys this might get me in trouble but here it is from ninja.If you scroll down on the the video coments you will see my name and the questions i asked them on the max output on the Regs. I feel lied to again :cry:


Did anyone notice when he said the regs are probably made in the USA?!

That is really funny as that is one of their marketing tools. Made in the USA, maybe. LOL

04-06-2009, 07:15 PM
I'm imprest with the tank really because it's why shorter then my other 68 ci tank.I'll test out the Regulator tomorrow with a wack of diffrent ASA's. :shooting:

04-06-2009, 07:20 PM
Did anyone notice when he said the regs are probably made in the USA?!

That is really funny as that is one of their marketing tools. Made in the USA, maybe. LOL

Proudly made in the USA.


04-08-2009, 12:55 PM
Ninja paintball:

What pressure do you garentee on the low end? Can I hit 450 reliably?

06-03-2009, 10:55 AM
nitro duck is out of business i guess. I have am 800 psi I-reg on a 72ci/3000 psi tank might be willing to part with if anyone can find a piston kit.