View Full Version : warp feeds

03-12-2009, 11:58 PM
so i have been looking at warp feeds curious to whether or not i would like the feel of the set up and so i was wondering what is it about having a warp set up that you like?

03-13-2009, 04:46 AM
Reasons why I love a warpfed gun:

1) Weight distribution - I know the warp adds some weight to my setup but it lowers the center of gravity (if that makes any sense). Moving the gun just feels better compared to having the hopper on the top of the gun.

2) Aiming - I love the warp feed ULE bodies on my mags. I can sight down the barrel. No hopper or feedneck in the way when I aim. The improved weight distribution helps me get on target better as well.

3) Low profile - I have played a game where I was in an old house trailer on the defending side. The warp allows me to stay very tight. No hopper hits. Playing windows or corners is a dream. The only thing my opponents can see is a bit of my mask and my barrel.

4) Left hand shooting - I do not need to switch hands to shoot out the left side of a bunker. I just lean the gun over and let 'er rip! :shooting:

Warp feeds aren't for everyone. If you can try one before you buy it, that is the best way to see if you like it, or try to pick one up cheap. If it were up to me, every gun would come ready to be warpfed.

Zone Drifter
03-14-2009, 03:31 PM
Reasons why I love a warpfed gun:

1) Weight distribution - I know the warp adds some weight to my setup but it lowers the center of gravity (if that makes any sense). Moving the gun just feels better compared to having the hopper on the top of the gun.

2) Aiming - I love the warp feed ULE bodies on my mags. I can sight down the barrel. No hopper or feedneck in the way when I aim. The improved weight distribution helps me get on target better as well.

3) Low profile - I have played a game where I was in an old house trailer on the defending side. The warp allows me to stay very tight. No hopper hits. Playing windows or corners is a dream. The only thing my opponents can see is a bit of my mask and my barrel.

4) Left hand shooting - I do not need to switch hands to shoot out the left side of a bunker. I just lean the gun over and let 'er rip! :shooting:

Warp feeds aren't for everyone. If you can try one before you buy it, that is the best way to see if you like it, or try to pick one up cheap. If it were up to me, every gun would come ready to be warpfed.I agree with all of what he said. I love the feel and not having the loader on top. With my setup, it's pretty comfortable too, much easier to shoot around corners and gives me good stability.
Here is my setup:

It might look odd, but here is how I hold it, kinda. I'm not firing it, but it's still comfortable to hold, the warp doesn't get in the way of a front grip.:


03-14-2009, 03:56 PM
Zone Drifter, what kind of hopper is that? It looks like a revy but I can't quite tell. Did you have to mod the hopper at all to get it to fit?

Nice gun by the way. :headbang:

03-14-2009, 05:34 PM
thanks for the input guys. i have been considering getting one ever sense i got into mags. the only thing is there isn't many maggers around my area so testing one before i buy is not very likely. ive been looking at them for a while now, your opinions are really making me sound like i want one!

03-14-2009, 05:37 PM
They are odd to get use to. you will use them for a few years, and love them. Then you will realize what a PITA they are, and go back to vert.

03-15-2009, 01:40 AM
haha well i mainly play woods ball and i was considering getting a warp tac body. still not so sure .

03-15-2009, 03:50 PM
Even if you get one and hate it, the resale value is great and you might even break even selling one off :D

Drew covered all the main points, but allow me to add.

-The warp is a force feeder so it doesn't get any "burps" in the feedrate. Even if the hopper you use is just an agitator and burps a lot the warp will power through them and feed smoothly.

-It will feed at all angles at least a little bit. 45* is usually the cutoff for the hopper to feed the warp, but the warp itself holds about 15 shots.
So you can shoot 15 times completely sideways or upside down. The tactical advantage that alone can give you is worth it.

For when snapping high and snapping low don't get the job done, snap in the turf :p

-Having the hopper lower than the top of the gun doesn't only remove virtually all hopper hits and let you sight down the gun, it also lets you see inside the hopper if you have a clear lid.

Many times when shooting my Tippmann or one of my Autocockers I have no idea how much paint I have left and I don't want to lower my marker to check for fear of being caught off guard,
With the warp all it takes is a side glance or even just a focus of periferal vision to tell exactly how mcuh paint is left.

-Easy to maintain. Quite literally you clamshell the warp, whipe down the discs, and re-assemble it. The oil from the paintballs themselves serve to oil the feed-wheel.

-Its just cool :cool:


That is GRimm shooting his e-mag. I was there too but you can't see me.
I have almost the exact same setup... Camos, NXe podpack, V-Force Profilers, Crossfire 68/4500, Lapco drop, smoke warp, Apache... only I had a RT Classic with the stock barrel instead of the Emag with the bigshot.
I pioneered the setup, but I convinced him to follow suit. Didn't have to convince him too much though as it is an awsome setup. :headbang:

There are a few downsides though. One of them is that it is just one more thing that can break down.
Another is that it uses more batteries.

There has to be a ball-stack, so you lose about 15 shots in the hose that just sit there waiting to be fed, but you gain about 15 by the actual warp feed so it evens out.

The ball-stack also means if the hose gets shot you usually have a mess...
It rarely gets shot though.

They can't shoot reballs.

And... that's about it.

Some hoppers have issues clearing the hose. There are a few options you can do though.
One is to mount the warp at a severe angle. This kicks it out to the side a lot but it gets the job done.

Some people get elbows from Luke to kick the hose out at an angle under the hopper, but then you need a longer hose.

Another is to melt a pocket into the hopper for the hose to ride in. This does 2 things.
It prevents the hose from being shot, and it allows the hopper to be in tight to the marker.
But it lowers the hopper capacity.

But what GRimm, Tyger, myself, and no doubt many others have done is find a hopper that naturally can clear the hose.
Hoppers that are swept back like the Rotor are said to work well, but I prefer the Ricochet hoppers.
They are pyramid shaped and the angle they make at the nose near perfectly clears the hose.
Unfortunately, Ricochet is no longer in business. This means 2 things, one is that spare parts are hard to find. They don't break down too often so that is no big deal.
The second is that Ricos can be found for really cheap.
I got my Apache, the fastest hopper they make (20bps), for $30. So that is cool.
But they are just now getting pretty hard to find which is a shame.

Zone Drifter
03-16-2009, 09:59 PM
Zone Drifter, what kind of hopper is that? It looks like a revy but I can't quite tell. Did you have to mod the hopper at all to get it to fit?

Nice gun by the way. :headbang:
It's a revvy indeed, and I did a bit of heat gun treating to it. pretty much followed the example they had on the AGD website, using the barrel to help set it in. It fits sooooooo nice now. :)

Before that, I had almost the same exact setup as GRimm in Watchers post, minus the emag. The ricochet loaders work well without having to modify them!

03-18-2009, 01:08 AM
I use a revvy with the inside shell half clear so I can see the balls, and I cut two small (hose sized) holes in the clear half to feed the hose THROUGH the hopper. Sure you lose a bit of capacity but the result is a super tight setup.

03-18-2009, 01:29 AM
A couple fast hoppers that will fit on a warp pretty much hassle free are the evolution (egg) and the Magna-drive. I decided to go with the magna drive. My one gripe with the magna drive in testing is that it is sound activated. This means I need to preload the warpfeed before putting the hopper on.

chill will
03-18-2009, 01:54 AM
No need to tell you why, I will just show you the candy. Just dont fall and break it like i did mine.

Link (http://www.automags.org/forums/showthread.php?t=194387&highlight=warp+pictures)