View Full Version : any devilmags still in use?

bound for glory
03-14-2009, 06:00 PM
just wondering...used my devil a few times before it **** the bed and sold it after it was fixed. must say it was great when it worked, but who still has one and how has it held up for you? kinda miss mine... :(

03-15-2009, 01:39 AM
pics...!? :p

03-15-2009, 09:23 AM
There was a fellow at AOS 2 that had one. Think he used it a bit, but as I remember it was for sale at the time.

03-15-2009, 12:52 PM
I sold mine years ago, I never got it working great untill I sold it, lol.

In part it was due to me being a rookie and not knowing much of jack about mags, though I had 3 at the time...I couldn't tune the lvl 7 right, I was probably missing a powertube o ring and using the wrong spacer or something just as bad...

Eventually I sent it to tuna and he installed the lvl x perfect and tuned the ult, I sprayed a couple pods in the back yard before I sold it, man I was a beast.

I never see the buyer on the forums and I'm sure it never sold, because I told him I'd like first offer on it, and I'm sure I would have heard if it changed hands

On another note, mag79's devil that was bought by lasrsktr has been used at AO socal games several times here and there, and it always holds its own with the best of them.

I don't think much coulda went wrong with them, I heard of eyes going out, but those can be replaced, now if the board went out, your kinda screwed, but you could always opt to replace it with a UTB

I think vert devilmag frames were absolutely gorgeous. Too bad some people are probaly still out of cash over the fiasco.....I raised hell, threatened lawsuits, and every other damn thing I could do to get mine, sure I got threats of lawsuits and became an E thug over the ordeal, but hey, now I'm famous on the internet!!!!! Lol

03-15-2009, 05:33 PM
:wow: I popped into AO just to see what these things are selling for in the BST area; first time I've been here in quite a while.

Punkncat, that was me at AOS1. I didn't make it to AOS2, sadly.

I have what is essentially a devilmag; I worked for TAG and did the wiring for a lot of them, so making my own wasn't a problem. I use a retro valve and lvlX instead of X-valve and lvl7, so it doesn't achieve "mad rofz" and I like it that way. I've only used it on the field a few times, as I play stock class exclusively. It actually spent about a year in the case before I replaced the reg. valve pin that was leaking. :argh: (That was the year following AOS1, actually. I was trying to diagnose it at the time and wanted to sell it as is instead of bothering with it just to store it in the case again.)

It's a great gun, though. I've yet to see something as bomb-proof as these things are.

03-15-2009, 07:38 PM
Lol, yup...why not to count on my memory.

I do remember SEEING it anyway...ha

By the way Siress, we are working on another game...just a meet and play. Check over at meet and greet.

03-16-2009, 11:35 AM
I sold mine years ago, I never got it working great untill I sold it, lol.

In part it was due to me being a rookie and not knowing much of jack about mags, though I had 3 at the time...I couldn't tune the lvl 7 right, I was probably missing a powertube o ring and using the wrong spacer or something just as bad...

Eventually I sent it to tuna and he installed the lvl x perfect and tuned the ult, I sprayed a couple pods in the back yard before I sold it, man I was a beast.

I never see the buyer on the forums and I'm sure it never sold, because I told him I'd like first offer on it, and I'm sure I would have heard if it changed hands

On another note, mag79's devil that was bought by lasrsktr has been used at AO socal games several times here and there, and it always holds its own with the best of them.

I don't think much coulda went wrong with them, I heard of eyes going out, but those can be replaced, now if the board went out, your kinda screwed, but you could always opt to replace it with a UTB

I think vert devilmag frames were absolutely gorgeous. Too bad some people are probaly still out of cash over the fiasco.....I raised hell, threatened lawsuits, and every other damn thing I could do to get mine, sure I got threats of lawsuits and became an E thug over the ordeal, but hey, now I'm famous on the internet!!!!! Lol

The wiring job on mine was pretty good, fully soldered and heat shrinked connections. I have heard horror stories about others that were not done with the same level of detail.

I was annoyed I had to tune it, considering the price, but tuned it was pretty good, though I don't think the solenoid had the same abilities as the board and the rest of the platform.

I was raising (not publically) rucus very early in the process in order to get mine.

03-16-2009, 05:32 PM
The soleniod was a very limiting factor, if I remember right the mox rof was right about 20. Your was a really awesome looking piece lohman.

There's a handful that made it out that looked awesome, a lot of them had DW bodies and slick anno jobs, but alas most of them are probably sitting in chris brokks's garage.

03-16-2009, 07:47 PM
My Devilmag is Flawless!

I did have the Eyes die on me once upon a blue moon..

Rudz made the history or my marker wrong..

this was originally Built by Mechanic 79 and I bought it to give it a better life :rofl:

I love this marker...Smoothest and Most unique Mag i've ever owned and shot and well I've had a ton!
