View Full Version : Looking for a place online to buy paint?

03-16-2009, 10:23 PM
Ive used the search feature. But couldnt find a recent post. Soooo here is my new post. There is only one local feald around me. They sell crap paint. Wally world also sells nothing but real cheep paint at a high price. I was wondering whare online there is to buy paint at a decent price? Actionvillage is whare the paint was coming from. But they have just done away with there free shipping on the paint. Is there anywhare that people are having good luck with?

03-16-2009, 10:35 PM
I go to A-1paintball.com. I've had good experience with them. I posted up about it a few weeks ago. They charge 4.95 flat rate for shipping, no matter how much you get. From what I understand they're based in NY, but have deals with warehouses around the country. I'm on the Central Coast, California. I ordered 4 cases of Proball Monday morning and they were at my door Tuesday afternoon. Good luck.