View Full Version : What is a good bolt?

01-30-2002, 08:30 AM
Right now I have a Venturi bolt on my mag anyone have any suggestions on a new bolt I should look into?

01-30-2002, 09:08 AM
you should get the superbolt when they start selling them agian. they are the best

01-30-2002, 09:59 AM
I have the original hardnose bolt in my Mini and really great performance.
Also I have a Venom Bolt; this one is only half the weight of the original bolt and performs as well.
The pros: It reduces recoil to a non noticable minimum;
The cons: it wears much much much faster (i have made some edges on my own with a lathe - and yes, you can exchange only the edges of the Venom bolt ;) ).
So I would say, go with the original one - it performs great and has less wear.

01-30-2002, 10:51 AM
I personaly like the old short nosed AGD bolt. But the new plastic nubbins seem to cure the long nosed bolt tendency to masha nubbin so that may be a moot point.

I will say something controversial and sure to get a rise out of everyone: I have an old ANS Venturi Foamie that I liked. So there!!!!!! ;) I cannot say that I have used it enough to know about any of the premature wear problems people say they have but it seems to work just fine as bolts go. I kind of thought it worked real well and was easy on paint. Feel better admitting that... :)

I am using the longed nosed ones now for lack of any short ones left and they seem fine with the plastic nubbins. Before I was getting a bit too many chopped wire nubbins when I used them.

01-30-2002, 03:40 PM
What bolts come stock on the classic, the short or the long?

01-30-2002, 05:56 PM
well, i thik most of the forum is behnd me here when i say that if it is AGD, then it is decent. Stock is always best. When you go Aftermarket like ANS or 32*, you are taking a chance...

01-31-2002, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Bluntman
What bolts come stock on the classic, the short or the long?

It used to be the short in all mags but now its the long in all mags. Just depends on when your particular one was built.