View Full Version : I want some tiberius rounds!

03-30-2009, 02:31 PM
How can I get my hands on some of them?

Are we going to have barrels that grip onto the fins and twist them?

Consarnit! The future will not come fast enough!

03-30-2009, 02:36 PM
armson stealth maybe?

03-30-2009, 06:51 PM
rifling will probably have a detrimental effect on the FS rounds
the fins on the back generate all the spin

03-30-2009, 07:26 PM
I wouldn't mind having a few rounds myself to start designing some feed options...

03-31-2009, 05:51 PM
Seriously, I flipping reviewed and helped on the first anti chop bolt for the spyder, I should be able to help out with this.

OK, I don't wanna help. I just want to get my hands on some of those rounds!

//luke, dont you think you could build some sort of box that you could pump compressed air through at 800 psi that would cause the ammunition to self assemble into a row? After all, the fins must be lighter than the part with the paint.

There's so much potential.

04-01-2009, 12:28 AM
I would keep it much more simple than that.

04-02-2009, 08:39 PM
whats more simple than a box you can sell to people for like 80 bux, where they can connect their hpa or co2 via a remote, drop their paint in, turn the air on, and watch their rounds line up?

meh, maybe these will just make pod female dogs that much more important.

04-23-2009, 11:10 PM
Be careful what you wish for......

On all the other forums I've posted on about this round, I have not much that's good to say about it. My reasons come from the fact that I have extensive knowledge on the FN303 (we use 6 at work) and this round is not much different. I know what the unweighted, clear 303 training round does and for all intents and purposes, this thing isn't that different. I've argued that the fin cylinder on the back of the round WILL cause extensive or added damage because the construct of that fin is different than the front, that the added serrations fromn the inpact will cause additional damage to soft tissue and the fact that we encounter so many MORONS on the field that amp up their markers ON PURPOSE.......let alone those few that will spike from CO2 use.

Don't believe me? Look at this:


Can I let out the "I told you so" now or should I wait for later?

04-23-2009, 11:45 PM
^^^^^^ Click that link for this carnage...


OUCH!!! Did this guy willingly let someone pop him at 30' with the round or was it in a game?

Seems these rounds are similar to the plastic Perfect Circle rounds as far as production material. I think there was a Bill Mills interview where they said its a different kind of break, more like a shatter because of the material instead of breaking at the seam.


04-24-2009, 01:46 AM
^^^^^^ Click that link for this carnage...


OUCH!!! Did this guy willingly let someone pop him at 30' with the round or was it in a game?

Seems these rounds are similar to the plastic Perfect Circle rounds as far as production material. I think there was a Bill Mills interview where they said its a different kind of break, more like a shatter because of the material instead of breaking at the seam.


I have no idea - that's murph from glcf forum. The post I linked is a repost from that forum.

It happens to support everything I've been saying all over the internet about these rounds.

The fins don't break apart upon impact and in fact, one beta tester shot plywood with these rounds and the fins remained intact AND had jagged edges...jagged enough to grab skin like the serrations on a steak knife. Can you say Ginsu-Tib?

Now that shot is at 250 fps and at 30 feet distance.

Who wants one at 300 fps in the throat/carotid artery? Temple? Flex face plate or soft ears?

This thing is proving to be the nightmare I said it would be. God, I hate being right ALL the time.......

04-24-2009, 03:00 AM
Who wants one at 300 fps in the throat/carotid artery? Temple? Flex face plate or soft ears?

Shouldnt you be saying that about a paintball also??

I asked this question four years ago.


PaintBall hits



04-24-2009, 06:48 AM
Shouldnt you be saying that about a paintball also??

yeah, but paintballs lose velocity faster. a guy 20-30 ft away will not get hit with 300fps with a normal paintball.

04-24-2009, 08:44 AM
yeah, but paintballs lose velocity faster. a guy 20-30 ft away will not get hit with 300fps with a normal paintball.

Neither will a guy at 15ft. You missed the point. Did you read my old thread I linked to?

Whats a SAFE range to get hit with a Painball? Whats a SAFE ball? Monsterball?

04-24-2009, 09:11 AM
if there was a way to control them, like only safe for use at long distance, or something like that then id allow them. personally me and my friends wouldnt have an issue but like someone said above, we live in a world of morons that wouldnt be able to follow a rule like that.

04-24-2009, 09:45 AM
I don't understand the complaint that it holds velocity better. What beemer is getting at is that our sport encourages bunkering I can promise you that the paintballs that hit you during a bunkering run are going faster then a tiberous round 30 feet away.

04-24-2009, 01:37 PM
Neither will a guy at 15ft. You missed the point. Did you read my old thread I linked to?

Whats a SAFE range to get hit with a Painball? Whats a SAFE ball? Monsterball?

I didnt when posting, but I just did.
Yes I will let someone shoot me at 15 ft @ 300fps. that is part of the game. IMO if you are playing tourney ball all is fair. I have been bunkered, and have bunkered others.

I am looking more at the woods side of the equation. I usually play with great players, and we dont ever have problems. We bring new players when we get the chance, and new players usually stick around.

My fear is that if you put these to the same 300 fps, and shoot somone at 30 ft away it is going to hurt them (where a normal paintball will not). I dislike that people say "paintballs hurt" because I think it scares new players.

I personally will not shoot anyone in a "fun game" closer than 10 ft. Normally if I am that close I will attempt to barrel tag them, or back up. Occasionally I will shoot their feet.

04-24-2009, 01:50 PM
I personally will not shoot anyone in a "fun game" closer than 10 ft. Normally if I am that close I will attempt to barrel tag them, or back up. Occasionally I will shoot their feet.

Tensed up small of the back or kidney area FTW..... We had a buncha Russian tournament players show up at our field one day and I was victim of a run through from about 3 ft away.

Chronied the guy as we walked off the field - he was shooting 368 and that was after the liquid had quit pouring through his Tippmann.

I imagine the pain would be similar if anyone came up with a fast reliable loading system for these things.

Whats the mass like on these compared to a "normal" paintball? I seem to remember the Proballs and Zap that had talcum powder in them hurting a heck of a lot more because they were heavier.
