View Full Version : i bought an ion...

04-01-2009, 09:46 AM
Yeah right! april fools!! :p

04-01-2009, 10:27 AM
And I though I was going to have a field day with this thread :p

04-01-2009, 10:35 AM
Say what you want about Smart Parts and the Ion but I had a Vibe that I really liked for $150, you can't beat it. I was out of the game for 9 years but I was amazed of how simple and fast it was.

04-01-2009, 10:47 AM
Yup, bash or whatever, but I have been taken in by the Ion I am building/holding for a buddy who is in Iraq. Good shooters and fun to build on.

04-01-2009, 01:29 PM
Plastic guns are for kids

04-01-2009, 02:18 PM
Plastic guns are for kids

hey buddy you left your....man step down :rofl:

04-01-2009, 07:07 PM
hey buddy you left your....man step down :rofl:

Lmao!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha!!!!!! now that was funny.

04-01-2009, 10:03 PM
hey buddy you left your....man step down :rofl:

lol i dont get it :confused:

04-02-2009, 07:52 AM
its one of those truck commercials, i forget which model has the step thing in the tail gate and the guy uses it to climb down and another guy is watching him from the bed of his i think it was a Ford and the guy goes to get in his truck and the guy in the ford is like hey buddy you left your......man step down :rolleyes:

04-03-2009, 02:18 AM
i think it's a chevy commercial making fun of ford.

anyway i like to think of ions like honda civics. absolutely everywhere and you can pretty much get what you bought it for if you bought it used. tons of potential and will get you from point a to point b reliably, but hey a civic will never be anything but a civic.

04-03-2009, 07:58 AM
i think it's a chevy commercial making fun of ford.

anyway i like to think of ions like honda civics. absolutely everywhere and you can pretty much get what you bought it for if you bought it used. tons of potential and will get you from point a to point b reliably, but hey a civic will never be anything but a civic.

Dude, not cool. An Ion is not nearly the machine that the Honda Civic is. I mean Honda is famous for quality. Mugen > SP on any/everyday.

Edit: the first word I think of when I hear Ion is "loaner". :rolleyes:

04-03-2009, 10:26 AM
Dude, not cool. An Ion is not nearly the machine that the Honda Civic is. I mean Honda is famous for quality. Mugen > SP on any/everyday.

Edit: the first word I think of when I hear Ion is "loaner". :rolleyes:

Proof that advertising works, because too many people thing a Civic is something more than a Civic.

04-03-2009, 10:36 AM
Proof that advertising works, because too many people thing a Civic is something more than a Civic.
Not entirely true because honda does have quality vehicles, or at least used to, and civics were fairly bulletproof as far as the engine and everything, plus they're a dream to work on compared to most other brands just because you can actually get at evertyhing, although this is only true for the older ones, now cars have so much crap packed in regardless of brand that you can hardly get at anything (over exaggeration but still). Now i'm not saying they have power, they're still underpowered cars, but they're still quality cars.

However the ion is not built to the same quality control as those cars. Granted ions are by no means the worst gun available but i wouldn't ever say that a stock ion is quality.

04-03-2009, 11:13 AM
Not entirely true because honda does have quality vehicles, or at least used to, and civics were fairly bulletproof as far as the engine and everything, plus they're a dream to work on compared to most other brands just because you can actually get at evertyhing, although this is only true for the older ones, now cars have so much crap packed in regardless of brand that you can hardly get at anything (over exaggeration but still). Now I'm not saying they have power, they're still underpowered cars, but they're still quality cars.

The vast majority of cars produced today (both foreign and domestic) are quality cars. The vast majority should attain 150-200K miles without major repairs if proper maintenance is done. Besides, most inline engines are fundamentally easier to work on then there opposed counterparts. While I agree with some of your points I don't beleive that Honda (or VW, or Toyota, or GM, or Ford, or Chyrsler) represent some vast superiority of any of the others in regards to actualy quality.

They are quality cars, but they are still a Civic :)

04-03-2009, 11:49 AM
The vast majority of cars produced today (both foreign and domestic) are quality cars. The vast majority should attain 150-200K miles without major repairs if proper maintenance is done. Besides, most inline engines are fundamentally easier to work on then there opposed counterparts. While I agree with some of your points I don't beleive that Honda (or VW, or Toyota, or GM, or Ford, or Chyrsler) represent some vast superiority of any of the others in regards to actualy quality.

They are quality cars, but they are still a Civic :)
Well yeah, they aren't superior to any other company, especially now, but back in the 90's they were above some companies (i hate driving fords and how they handle, but they were even worse in the 90's). But you're right, it is still a civic, but i would still take it over a ford, simply because i can't stand how the fords i've driven handle. Haha, actually ford is the only company i really have anything against as far as driving, but chrysler are a pain to work on.

So i guess an ion is sort of like a civic, i mean while ions may not have the same type of quality control (going off of the 90's civics and such) they are still economical and easy to work on from what i've heard. Guess i was wrong in this simile.

04-03-2009, 12:07 PM
If Ion = Civic then Mag = DeLorean. :rofl:

04-03-2009, 03:02 PM
If Ion = Civic then Mag = DeLorean. :rofl:
Fine, then xmag=morgan haha

And ions are more like saturns, although i hate working on saturns

chill will
04-03-2009, 05:16 PM
lol i dont get it :confused:

You dont get it because your that guy!!! ;)

04-04-2009, 04:31 PM
sorry guys.. but every example so far has been terrible.. although I can't even see how a comparasion can be between paintball guns and cars.. but reguardless, if its a paintball gun or a car... BUY AMERICAN!!!

04-04-2009, 07:49 PM
sorry guys.. but every example so far has been terrible.. although I can't even see how a comparasion can be between paintball guns and cars.. but reguardless, if its a paintball gun or a car... BUY AMERICAN!!!

Define American :) And I say that as a major fan of the big three