View Full Version : I finally did it...

04-01-2009, 10:19 AM
My cars transmission just hit the floor. I'm looking into getting a place closer to the city by the end of this year. My job is uncertain. I have a pile of unused and unsold automag parts laying next to me.

But I went ahead and purchased a brand spanking new RT-ULE Custom!!! :headbang:

ULE CF Black
Intelliframe Blade Nickel
ULE Trigger Pull Kit Installed

It was about 9 year ago I got my first mag. First time I played with it was in a three man tournament with my buddies(we all just got mags and about 16 years old) and it was the dead of winter. We had Piranhas for a couple of years so the next step up was the mag. Couldn't afford N2, back the day prices were crazy. Needless to say it left a very bad taste in my mouth. Shortly there after we got cars and girls were more interesting than paintball guns.

I can't wait. I'm playing on the 18th and I'm not telling a single guy I'm playing with that I purchased the gun. I'm just going to pull it out of my bag and get to work.

I just got my new Dye titanium barrel and an Apex. Want to get a Dye small bore back and maybe a palmer barrel. already have my N2 tank, maybe add one or two more for when I'm playing in the woods. I can't wait.

Anyone got a car they want to sell for cheap? LOL How about trading for some automag part...

04-01-2009, 10:43 AM
I like the way you think....paintball before everything else :D

Post up pictures when you get the marker!

04-01-2009, 10:45 AM
Make sure to air it up and shoot a few hundred times before you go to the field. Gotta break that puppy in.

04-01-2009, 11:06 AM
I'm going to sneak down to the local field like the Wednesday before about shoot a couple hundred through, just to make sure it's firing on all cylinders.

I have a chrome sight rail that I'm going to add to it so I'll have three silver looking pieces. The rail, frame and barrel. This is the gun I've been waiting for. When I pull the trigger it fires. Nothing fancy.

I do videography work so I'm going to do some video. I'll post a video of me unpacking and after the first day of play I'll do a mini review. Then I'll wait a month and do an extensive review.

I just created a youtube channel. I only have one video from my trip to the bahamas. Make sure you watch it in HD.


I think this summer I'm going to start making some paintball videos.

04-01-2009, 11:24 AM
Lol, the music that you have right before a minute to about 1:24....I was waiting on someone to knock on a door and ask if anyone had ordered a large italian salami....

04-01-2009, 12:44 PM
Oh my god man, i have just one thing to say!

You're stupid, there are more important things than paintball haha

04-01-2009, 01:12 PM
To be perfectly honest I made it sound worse than it actually is.

04-01-2009, 02:59 PM
To be perfectly honest I made it sound worse than it actually is.
Haha i can't talk, i'm indebt, no job, and i spent my money i got from christmas (110) on a new phantom. It's still stupid regardless, but i'm guilty of it too which is why i wasn't too serious about it haha.

04-09-2009, 06:02 PM
I just got the ULE Custom in the mail today. Here's some picks:

Just the Gun:

With 14" Dye Titanium Boomstick:

First impression out of the box were a mixed bag. The body doesn't seem to be the shade of black as the last ULE body I had. The Valve and body are two different shades. There are no screw holes on the rail at all. I knew there weren't any front screws but I was hoping to put a sight rail on the gun. Those sticky grips have got to go. I have another set lying around so that wasn't a big deal. Now I just need to get some paint in this sucker.

Not to leave a bad taste in your mouth, I did really like the little things. The detailed build of what's in the gun, parts and all that jazz. Attached to the gun was the 3 shots readout from the chronograph. Sucker is firing at 283, perfect.

Well I'm heading to the pro shop to get some paint.

04-09-2009, 08:41 PM
I know I said some mean words about you in that last post... But I didn't mean it baby. At the time I didn't know how hot and sexy you were when you get turned on.

All creepiness aside I love this gun. A friend I play paintball with handed me his cocker and told me to sell it on Ebay after firing the mag. He's buying a mag. When I put the N2 on he said, "here that? No leaks".

04-10-2009, 01:37 AM
Different types of aluminum. That's why this happens. Not much you can do about it.

The Valve and body are two different shades.

04-10-2009, 01:46 AM
:cheers: Forget about the tan lines, I know it's crazy the first time you see something like that, but that's just her thing :headbang:

04-10-2009, 08:41 AM
I know I said some mean words about you in that last post... But I didn't mean it baby. At the time I didn't know how hot and sexy you were when you get turned on.



I know the feeling; I was thinking about 'upgrading' over the winter, then I went and played for a day and ended up tossing that idea. Seems like the trigger got more reactive while in storage.

Do mags get better with age?