View Full Version : What is the best Feed type?

01-30-2002, 12:49 PM
The stock feed, the power feed or the vertical feed?

Could I get some pro's and cons?

01-30-2002, 12:55 PM
personally, I think vertical feed... it balances out the best... however, if you're using a gun with blowback (AUTOMAG!)... then powerfeed will give you the best rate of feed...

01-30-2002, 01:09 PM
..automags arent blowbacks, they are blowforwards.. I think

01-30-2002, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by AutoMaggot
personally, I think vertical feed... it balances out the best... however, if you're using a gun with blowback (AUTOMAG!)... then powerfeed will give you the best rate of feed...

actually the guys the designed the HALO say that the powerfeed is the best feed, period.

01-30-2002, 01:13 PM
I know its a blow forward... but it PRODUCES blow back...

01-30-2002, 02:00 PM
Anything but the straight feed. Of course there are people who can get them to work.

01-30-2002, 02:05 PM
vertical feed IS teh fastest hands down but it depends on the gun too. Guns like Automags have blowback so powerfeed would work best for Mags.

01-30-2002, 02:34 PM
I like my powerfeed, it feeds great and you can turn it off :). The best feed of all though, is the WARP FEED. Hehe, yeah warp feeds rule. Get a warp body and warp and your set. But vertical looks really nice and balances everything out nicely, so if it works, get vertical.

01-30-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by FeelTheRT
vertical feed IS teh fastest hands down but it depends on the gun too. Guns like Automags have blowback so powerfeed would work best for Mags.

Ok, have you seen the videos with the full auto Power feed E-mags with Halos? The guy the designed the HALO has stated that the vert feed is a limitation. People just assumed that it would be the fastest way to feed a marker, but on one did a test on it. He also goes on to explain why the powerfeed works, and the fact that it reduces blowback isn't the reason it feeds the fastest.

Here so go.........kneedragger is the guy involved with HALO design.


01-30-2002, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by headcase


I seem to be having trouble with that link. If you can get there, could you maybe post the text? I'd like to read what he had to say.

01-30-2002, 04:32 PM
sorry I don't know why it's not working for you

originally posted by kneedragger on PBC

LOL, means laughing out loud. You didn't read that correctly. The opposite is actually the case regarding vertical feed guns. The limitations of the gun are reached with a HALO. It's a matter of physics, and engineering. The first guys to put vertical feeds on guns just assumed that it was the fastest way to get balls in the chamber. Nobody bothered to actually test it out. What they didn't take into account is the bolt actually deflecting the balls back up the stack. Tom Kaye at AGD did the research and engineering, that's why he came up with the power feed.

the next thing he said is this

No one is saying that it won't work, just that vertical feed guns have a limitation. I know WDP is working on a detent device that should allow the Angel to feed at faster rates, hopefully they'll have it ready to go shortly. Also, we are working on something that hopefully will get around the problem as well. We have a lot of cool projects on the board right now, and I think you high ROF guys are going to be very happy with it all.

and finally this

No, blowback has nothing to do with it. You seemed to have missed the part about the bolt deflection. The bolt itself actually hits the ball and deflects it upwards into the ball stack. The energy has no place to go but directly up the stack. Although the HALO has a detent the balls are still in contact with each other, so what happens is teh energy is transfered along the path, the ball on the other side of the detent gets slammed back up the feed neck. Just like taking 3 pool balls and laying them against each other. Hit the first one and the third one has all the energy transferred to it, and in turn is the one that moves. The power feed eliminates this because the ball only contacts the back of the feed instead of transfering the energy up the stack. It's really pretty simple, the trick is to keep the ball that is right above the chamber from getting slapped by the bolt. Shouldn't be hard for the gun manufacturers to come up with a detent.

sorry that is a lot of text, and it doesn't even cover what everyone else said........but I think you get the idea

01-30-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by headcase
sorry that is a lot of text, and it doesn't even cover what everyone else said........but I think you get the idea

Yes I do. Thanks.

01-30-2002, 06:09 PM
Hang on just one gosh dern minute here... am i reading this right? did tom kaye invent the powerfeed?

01-30-2002, 06:18 PM

01-30-2002, 07:38 PM

very good reading. I was skeptical of the powerfeed being a faster and more relaible feed vs the vert for 2 main reasons.

First, all the pros use vert feed. Would they jeopardize their game just to look kewl?

Second, the matter of gravitational vectors that a powerfeed put on the ball stack would make me believe that PF hampers gravity's pull on it. With all those angles involved, I beleived that a vert feed would create a strainghter path downward for gravity to pull the balls down.

Then again, there have been many to tell me that PF is the best feed (i.e. Bill Mills).

Thx fornthe great reading, it was really informative.


01-30-2002, 08:20 PM
So, anyone know if the gated feed on the ir3 increases it's max feed rate by reducing "bolt bounce"? Not that any of this matters to me since I probably can't exceed 10bps.

01-30-2002, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by HyperSnyper

First, all the pros use vert feed. Would they jeopardize their game just to look kewl?

Second, the matter of gravitational vectors that a powerfeed put on the ball stack would make me believe that PF hampers gravity's pull on it. With all those angles involved, I beleived that a vert feed would create a strainghter path downward for gravity to pull the balls down.

I beleve people actually perfer the vert because it balances evenly with both hands, not because it feeds faster. Besides almost all the major markers are very feed now, so that is what gets used. Why are all the markers vert fed? Because that is what the players buy. Why do the players buy them because someone put it on their marker assuming it would feed the fastest. And like most rumors, specially since the wide spread use of the yet, it is widely beleved and spread.

Your second thought might be true, if the balls were in constant freefall, but they aren't. They are constantly starting and stopping, so any advantage that the vert feed might have had is gone.

01-30-2002, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by media
So, anyone know if the gated feed on the ir3 increases it's max feed rate by reducing "bolt bounce"? Not that any of this matters to me since I probably can't exceed 10bps.

It might, it wouldn't suprise me if they "borrowed" another idea from AGD.(the concept of increasing feed rate by reducing ball bounce) Apparently when asked if the IR3's new grip was influenced by the z-grip the response was basicly "no comment"