View Full Version : RT Pro vs Ion

04-15-2009, 02:06 PM
One month ago, I decided to go into paintball again and my RT ULE custom was un-functional, for unknown reasons and I gave it to a paintball field owner to fix it. After he laughed at my face about my gun being as old as Jesus (which is not), and a couple of other remarks, and even said to some peeps, hey, check this old *** gun out, it uses a valve, charged me 100 USD to fix it, he now offers me to trade my mag for... an Ion? lol

He and a couple of people have been trying to brainwash me about how good 19bps is and how will I never get that on my pneu, but, I won't budge. :ninja:

had to share my story. hehe.

04-15-2009, 02:21 PM
Good for you for not buying into that BS. What he did fix that cost $100? I don't think that there's any breakable part on the mag that is anywhere close to $100.

04-15-2009, 02:22 PM
WOW not only did he laugh at your gun he also raped, then has the audacity to offer you a a plastic toy in trade. please tell me he at least gave you a reacharound and possibly a kiss on the neck or something wow

good man dont budge, ions are great loaners, get your rt pneu'ed and show em how real guns work :shooting:

04-15-2009, 02:27 PM
To be honest, I consider my self a retard giving in my gun to him instead of trying to fix it myself. I was finishing my final project for college and had absolutely no time for tinkering and messing around with my gun. I also had a broken air tank, which they fixed too.

I've read on a couple of forums that fields charge double just for being a mag, since they can't fix it, and have to find a guy, and pay that guy to fix it. I still don't know what he fixed because they will give me the gun this afternoon.

Anyways, I will get my pneu tomorrow through the mail and slap it right away! Hopefully this Saturday I'll show them the ownage. :ninja:

04-15-2009, 02:32 PM
Well, I would have to say to you "Why did you hand this man your Mag, AFTER he already revealed that he new NOTHING about them.."

On top of that, you then paid this man $100 dollars to 'fix' the same marker he knew nothing about without first consulting AO for solutions, and possibly spending $20-$40 on a parts kit and maybe a new sear, reg pin, or something...

Glad you like your Mag but you gotta' up your common sense man! :ninja:

04-15-2009, 02:33 PM
I've read on a couple of forums that fields charge double just for being a mag, since they can't fix it, and have to find a guy, and pay that guy to fix it.

Ugh....that makes me so mad. It's like highway robbery. I would ask him to break down the cost of the repair for you. I want to see his face if he says "one oring-$10, labor-$90" :shooting:

04-15-2009, 02:39 PM
Well, I gave it to a friend of mine, since he told me: oh, the field owner is fixing my Angel, he can fix yours, so I was like, sure, why not. When I first met the field owner, that's when he made fun of my gun >< and told me someone was going to check it out. I was almost going to tell him to give it back, but, they had already started working on it. =[

I still haven't given him the money, so I will probably try to negotiate that, but I bet he just changed a couple of o-rings tuned it.

What I can't believe is that he has the balls to want to trade me that crappy marker for my RT after talking smack about it.

04-15-2009, 02:52 PM
Yeah sometimes you get caught up in it and just go with the flow thinking that it's worth 20 bucks to fix it so you don't have to. But then you don't get the price until after they are done. That's where the issue is.

They could say it's a $500 fix for that matter. They took it to fix and then worked on the price. So yeah I'd haggle with em and tell em that you could have bought a replacement one for that price and unless the mag uses o'rings that go on the space shuttle there aren't any others out there that are gonna run you 1 ben each.

So yeah work the price down if you can. Tis funny... "as old as Jesus" tell him that if it was at least you know the man would have been running with the best available!!!! bwahhahahahaa..

Yeah I would keep the RT over the ION. But this is AO what do you expect to hear?

As for fixing it, if you can't get it sorted yourself I'm sure there are a number of guys here who would have ya ship it to them and they'd fix it. I sure bet it wouldn't be 100 bucks either.

Good luck.


04-15-2009, 04:03 PM
Yeah when I decided to get back into paintball I broke out my old 68 classic.

Walked into a local shop for some orings and was told that AGD was dead. That they had gone out of business.

So then I went to another near by shop. Same answer. So I went to yet another nearby shop. SAME ANSWER.

Now being naive I assumed these guys who owned and worked at a paintball shop probably knew what the hell they were talking about. :tard:

That's what happens when you assume. :mad:

I ended up buying a cheap spyder at a garage sale for $40. Played with that a few times then decided I needed to get my mag up and working again.

Quick yahoo search brought me to the great AO :headbang:

Now I am certain my mags will live forever :shooting:

04-15-2009, 04:08 PM
Blasphemy : The ions aren't as horrible as everyone makes them out to be. Their initial run is what did their reputation so much damage as those were crap.

Etc : I'd definately ask him to do a run down of what all he decided made up 100$. He probably just assumes you are naive.

04-15-2009, 05:34 PM
I second what Toll said about doing a price breakdown with the guy. Also, get prices of major X-valve parts beforehand so you have that as reference in case he makes up some crazy price for a reg valve pin or something.

Old School 626
04-15-2009, 05:54 PM
Why does this story need "It seemed like a good idea at the time...." attached to it?

$100? Will he tell you he had to use the 30 weight ball bearings for this one?

I am sorry my friend for piling on.

04-15-2009, 05:55 PM
... he now offers me to trade my mag for... an Ion? lol

That's probably because he could sell your 'mag for more.

04-15-2009, 06:20 PM
THe ion is good value for money but the cheap plastic feel is enough to keep me away.

04-16-2009, 03:14 PM
So. I went to the repair shop yesterday, printed out all the pages of AGD's store and told him to show me whats up. To make a long story short, he charged me 40 bucks, which, is ok I guess, he replaced all o-rings (20 bucks on AGD) + shipping (I live in the Caribbean) and labor, I guess it wasn't that bad. =]

04-16-2009, 03:50 PM
So. I went to the repair shop yesterday, printed out all the pages of AGD's store and told him to show me whats up. To make a long story short, he charged me 40 bucks, which, is ok I guess, he replaced all o-rings (20 bucks on AGD) + shipping (I live in the Caribbean) and labor, I guess it wasn't that bad. =]
Good job. That sounds like a good deal if he put in factory orings.

04-16-2009, 04:54 PM
That's much better. Keep it lubbed and you should be good for years. I hope that you learned next time to come here first. Go have fun with the mag.

04-16-2009, 05:47 PM
'..and knowing is half the battle...' :cool:

04-16-2009, 06:37 PM
'..and knowing is half the battle...' :cool:
you forgot the "G.I. JOE........." part :)

04-16-2009, 07:45 PM
Where do you people find fields like this? Every field I've ever been too has had nothing but respect for both me and my markers(A1, mags, pumps).

04-19-2009, 01:31 AM
'..and knowing is half the battle...' :cool:


04-19-2009, 11:50 AM
Where do you people find fields like this? Every field I've ever been too has had nothing but respect for both me and my markers(A1, mags, pumps).
People at my fields are the same way for the most part. They seem more intrigued than anything. Besides the young punk behind the counter...though even he wants a mag at the end of the day LOL

04-19-2009, 05:34 PM
If you are going to get your mag fixed by someone, they better be someone on AO or better yet, someone from AGD!

That guy was a jerk.

04-19-2009, 05:39 PM
If you are going to get your mag fixed by someone, they better be someone on AO or better yet, someone from AGD!

That guy was a jerk.

Yeah, um, I live in the Caribbean, hahaha, =]

04-22-2009, 01:10 AM
yeah $100 is crazy, especially since you can get a whole rt classic for $100 on ebay