View Full Version : AO community, PLEASE HELP!!!

dark blade
04-20-2009, 07:18 PM
i have just been elected president of the paintball club at my university.

I also just found out that our funding went from being over $2,000 this semester to less than $450 next semester due to the previous president over spending.


What can i do to raise money for my university club? our local field went under (eastern paintball) and we have no local field to go to as of now without paying out the ying yang.

Any ideas on fund raisers to raise money and keep the sport alive? ive even gotten 3 other members of the club to look for emags (1 of them i am building one for as we speak)

If there is some little trinket that you guys would like (a keychain or something) with an AO symbol or Univeristy of newhaven symbol or anything that you guys would buy to help support our club let me know.

I cannot let this club die, the field is gone and so is our money... but our spirit is still here, and this is certainly the only group of people i would trust to be kind in this matter.

any ideas would be appreciated... please email me at lapointe@tmail.com with any ideas, or email me at blapo1@newhaven.edu with any ideas.

A Sincere thanks from,
The new UNH paintball section president

04-20-2009, 07:23 PM
Hey, you're a UNH???
My nephew is there too!

04-20-2009, 07:25 PM
Automag or AO key chains would be sweet!

dark blade
04-20-2009, 07:25 PM
whats his name, i will try to recruit him here for our club.

I need as many peoples help here as i can get.

If donations are offered i will take them, if parts are offered to be sold in our favor i will take them, if people have free advice on how to get money i will SURELY take those... I now know how obama feels after getting into office after bush.

04-20-2009, 07:26 PM
as stated by dark blade, our club is in desperate need of help. it was interesting to find out that, as i was elected treasurer, our club was severely underfunded for next semester. i just want to post my own plea here and now. please, please help!!!

i also want to say that if you have any ideas at all, you can send me a message as well. thank you for any ideas in advance.

the treasurer of the paintball club at the university of new haven

p.s. MAGS RULE!!!!! :cheers:

04-20-2009, 07:30 PM
one more thing, if there are donations of any kind or size, pm me and dark blade so that i can keep it in our records and get the universities approval as well. thank you

~rchri44 - treasurer (call me raloz by the way :cheers: )

04-20-2009, 07:36 PM
I found that with our universities pb team you had to sponsor yourself.

04-20-2009, 07:38 PM
Work something out with the local field and have a 'fund raiser game' Split the door or paint $$ with them. Promote the hell out of it. I bet every member of the club could bring at least 2 to 5 people to play something like that.

dark blade
04-20-2009, 07:42 PM
ya we certainly have to sponsor ourselves next semester. I am looking to get the club to be a legitimate one that is not taken as a joke.

and big evil, i will certainly be doing that but seeing as most of the fields around here are very small... it might be hard to get them to do anything at all.

What about this thought though... what if i contacted a field owner and told them that i would split entrance fee with them, they can charge $50 a case for paint and they take whatever they paid for it at from the companies and we get whatever else there is. We would provide the reffing and the chronos because i have a few good ref friends and a few chronos.

Any thoughts on this idea?

04-20-2009, 07:54 PM
dude strategy plus is in ct in east hampton/marlbrough thats where i work and ref 15 a day to play fyi look into it good woodsball field and u might se me with my longbow out there or my micro LOL Strategy Plus Paintball Adventure Game
Connecticut Paintball field, established in 1983, located in East Hampton Connecticut. ... Interactive paintball. adventure, contact the. office to schedule ...www.supplydepotonline.com

04-20-2009, 07:55 PM
something that has been done in the past is to host tournaments.

you do the ref/work/promote
The field gives you 75% profit/ they only get 25% your sponsors usually will give you some prizes. you can usually make ~ 500 bucks for a day.

pizza is always an easy money maker (buy it from any pizza joint for 5 bucks for a pizza.) sell it on campus for 1.00 a slice

Ask for sponsorship from local campus companies. put their logo on your jerseys

IMO it is hard to make pb work. You have too many people that think it is just a free way to play. They want the fun without the work.

04-20-2009, 07:55 PM
if u work for him u play for free fyi ;) i have been there for herm 12 years i think

04-20-2009, 08:24 PM
I was just getting ready to post for one my club's fundraisers in the off topic section! Check it out.

Depending on how big campus is / age of people you can do a fundraiser night at a bar. The bar near University of Cincinnati does a fundraiser every weekend for a student group. Ours is this weekend. $5 cover at the door. $1 beer inside. At the end of the night, we're responsible for buying the kegs from the beer sales, but the cover charge is 100% ours

dark blade
04-20-2009, 08:26 PM
thanks for the idea, but the school will not allow that fundraiser and our advisor happens to be a policeman... who raids the bars every weekend

04-20-2009, 09:38 PM
set up a shooting booth. Let people pay to take target practice on you and the rest of your team.

10 shots for a $1.

Have the targets in nothing but a mask and some shorts.

Or sell pies like in Revenge of the Nerds ;)

04-20-2009, 10:40 PM
set up a shooting booth. Let people pay to take target practice on you and the rest of your team.

10 shots for a $1.

Have the targets in nothing but a mask and some shorts.

Or sell pies like in Revenge of the Nerds ;)

If there is an upcoming football/sport against a rival school or school spirit rally/event. Have your club dress up in the opposing school/colors/logo/mascot to shoot at.

Bake sales always work - students are in a rush to get to class and are starving for donuts/pastries.

Ask your local field that you will work as refs/chrono players/clean up & set up the airfields in return for free entry/free paint.

Old School 626
04-20-2009, 10:45 PM
Option A: Make up a one color t-shirt and sell them. If you do it right you can get a 60% to 100% margin and give people a warm fizzy at the same time.

Talk to the guys on campus that make/sell t shirts that the students buy and wear, the ones that usually have some kind of corny saying like "USC, the Ultimate Business Machine". You might have to get creative to use established artwork but you can always put on club's art.

You could sell them at the field as a fund raiser and even sell some here!

Option B: Bake sale.....

Option C: Body parts! Got a spare kidney?

PS: Smoothice, I'd give you a dollar for 10 shots at you....

04-20-2009, 11:09 PM
PS: Smoothice, I'd give you a dollar for 10 shots at you....

bahahaha. Remember the balls out game? I think you owe me about 30 dollars...

04-20-2009, 11:11 PM
I just went through the same situation, with my engineering club. Im the treasurer and we had $0.00 funds. First i dont know what resorces you have at your school but this is what i found. The school offers $$ to clubs through the student senate. After fillingout a few forms detailing the things we wanted to do, we were up $350. Some restrants offer to host club fund raising events, We collected 20% of peoples perchace as long as we collected recipts. UP $250 in 4 hrs. The city offers club fund raising, 4 hrs 20 people cleaning the beach, Up $300. That is just what we had time for, and we have motivated people, It will be impossible for you to raise the money by your self, but if 10 other people help its much easier. Find a dunking booth and set it up on campus, help people destress, sell candy apples and popcorn. People will be drawn to something other then school make them smile and take their money. We are setting up a slip and slide the week before exams, lemonade, most materials paid for by the grants from the school, so its all profit.
Good luck finding the $$.

04-21-2009, 07:15 AM
Hooter's Girl carwash or other establishment that may cater to the same clientele :wow:

dark blade
04-21-2009, 08:29 AM
these are all great ideas, i didnt even think about having the 10 shots for a dollar type of deal. I know my guys wouldnt have a problem getting shot at all day. ill go to a field with a bunch of rich speed ballers and our club can walk away richer than all heck.

also... as far as what our school allows, the main problem with doing any shooting galleries or fund raising that involves bake sales and what not is that there are never any events to do so at and the paintball markers aren't allowed on campus so the shooting galleries are a no no.

I am currently in contact with 2 fields around here in hopes that i can establish some type of deal with them... who knows though.

and smoothice, i talked to my girl friend about the revenge of the nerds thing... shes all for it :) she said she would even stand in a provocative pose with a pair of camo xsvs on and my dye i4's and thats it :) (her hands covering her chest of course) anyone wanna buy a pie? haha

but keep the ideas flowing, this is certainly giving me a good idea of some things we can do

04-21-2009, 09:28 AM
See if Dave at OSG has any ideas. What fields have you contacted?

dark blade
04-21-2009, 09:31 AM
where is osg in relation to univeristy of new haven in CT?

i have contacted yankee paintball and strategy plus who both agree to talk to me and would be glad to help us.

I also talked to splat zone down the street from us but we apparently have a bad reputation there from before i even joined the school.

I also talked to the new owners of the local field that went under and they are hesitant but not fully resistant to renewing the deal we had with the previous owners of the field.

04-21-2009, 09:48 AM
OSG is in Barnstead NH. Probably a far ride. I think he saw UNH and assumed Univertisy of New Hampshire

04-21-2009, 01:03 PM
OSG is in Barnstead NH. Probably a far ride. I think he saw UNH and assumed Univertisy of New Hampshire

Actually yes... yes I did. So now I've gone and seen New Haven CT... and feel like the :tard: since UNH probably means something like University of New Haven right?

dark blade
04-21-2009, 01:22 PM
correct... its ok, retards are certainly welcome on this website... hell, look how much people are welcoming me :D

im an uber tard :tard:

04-21-2009, 10:32 PM
some of the guys at NJIT sell coffee and donuts in the evening to us part time students, two boxes of dunken donuts and a big pot of cheap coffee. $1 for a small coffee, $1.50 for a large and 50cents a donut, it ads up.....

or get all your girl friends together and have a kissing both.....haha..... :p (or the guys :wow: ) wasn't that in revenge of the nerds too or was it police academy...

Chris Nearchos
04-21-2009, 10:52 PM
been there in that situation too with a college paintball org. but here is what you need to do.

first, you need to get in contact with as many local buisness as you can. talk to them about getting small sponcering. that will get you started in the mean time.

from there you want to hit up your school for any small odd/ends jobs that they need done. these things they usually offer to the frats. but you can get in on it.

after that, hit up your local town councel. they have alot of small jobs that need done (exspecially around this time). stuff like cleaning up road sides/parks/etc. they usually outsource this stuff to small companies, but as long as you can do it a good bit cheaper...you will get the jobs.

finally, last two places you need to hit up are the paintball places themselves. from the local fields to the LARGE companies. save these for last because you will be fighting so many for the same thing. and getting help from the feilds will be extreamly hard. because they want to sponcer a team that carries its name and gear. and plays by their schedual and ways.

other then that, you guys will have to pave your own way to play. its what my college team had to do for the two years i was with it.

Good luck,


dark blade
05-01-2009, 06:05 PM
just wanted to throw out an official update from us here at University of New Haven.

We have "signed" a deal with a local field to have entrance, cheaper paint, and free air/CO2 fills for all of next year (thanks for all of your help and a special thanks to sumthinwicked

secondly, we have a deal with another local field that once in a while (once a month probably) we will be summoned to send a few members to ref for them at the field and in return will get $5 profit from each case they sell and $6 from each entrance fee. This basically means that if 100 people show up and each buy a case we get $1100 of straight funds for that weekend.

Thanks for all the great ideas and i will keep the community updated if there are any other great things that come about. Also, if our school has a surplus of money at the end of each year, there might be a give away of something special here on AO.

Thanks again everyone

05-01-2009, 08:36 PM
maybe have me make it then u can give sumthinwicked away since i build nice markers ;) actually i have an idea call me u have my number