View Full Version : Double Dutch WHAT

04-21-2009, 09:06 PM
Just :eek: :eek: :wow: :wow: :clap: :hail:

"The Kings Firecrackers are a group of elementary and Jr High school girls from Kings Local School District in Ohio who, besides doing their school work and keeping their grades up, practice for 5 days a week, 2 hrs a day jumping rope. And it pays off; they’ve been on Late Night With David Letterman, in the Macy’s Day parade, at one of Bush’s inaugurations as well as in American Girl magazine."

Check it. http://soonereyo.blip.tv/#2024446

04-21-2009, 09:26 PM

Well... ok..... crazy white girls. :eek:

Just imagine the time parents spend driving these kids every day. :wow:

Whew !


04-21-2009, 09:39 PM
And proud happy P's they are.


"The reasons are simple," said Williams. "In addition to being extremely cute, they are also extremely talented. We get a lot of musical and entertainment groups but not a lot of jump rope teams and they fit well into our theme of family entertainment."

"They are ambassadors. They have to be of good character and integrity," Kelley said.

Kelley requires all of the girls to complete an etiquette class.

"They are in the public eye, and they need to know make eye contact, how to accept a compliment, and how to shake hands," Kelley said. "It is something that will go with them forever."

And team members, although young, understand the responsibility that comes with being a Firecracker.

"The reputation makes us have a good attitude that we carry on with what we do," said fifth-year Firecracker Allie Cory, 14.

Randy Kuvin, president of the Deerfield Township Board of Trustees, also calls the Firecrackers "ambassadors."

"You can't help but come away with positive feelings about the youth in our community after watching them," he said.

Dave Query, who retired as Kings Schools superintendent in August, was so impressed with the troupe that he became its volunteer business manager.

"They are like All-American girls, and people associate those very positive qualities with the school district."

Kelley said in her eight years of coaching, she has never heard a Firecracker say she didn't want to come to practice. There have been no major discipline problems; no dismissals.
The Firecrackers say that has a lot to do with her.

"Most coaches are real hard on you, but she makes it fun. She puts a lot of time into it," Cory said.

04-29-2009, 04:25 PM
that was some pretty ninja stuff they were pulling. That was actually really awesome.

05-07-2009, 06:25 PM
That was really cool.