View Full Version : looking for decent $40/case paintballs

04-24-2009, 02:38 PM
I know, I know... another "where do you guys buy your paint" thread. :tard: But there hasn't been one in a while, and the paint that I've been using for years... well, it's not really available anymore. (I used to shoot DXS bronze, but the price has suddenly jumped WAY up. I would also shoot Sheridan Visible Impact sometimes, but they changed their formula or something. The paintballs don't look or behave the same anymore.) I've been buying paint locally from Wal*Mart and Dicks recently, and I've had some very disappointing cases. :(

Now, I play 100% woodsball, and what's more, my group plays hits, not breaks. (We all are friends who trust each other, so if you're hit, it doesn't matter if it breaks or not. You call yourself out.) Therefore, I don't need my paint to be brittle. I just need it to fly straight, and I'd like to keep it around $40 a case.

So, any recommendations?

How about Fluid Hydro paintballs? Anyone use them before?

What about RPS Stinger? DXS Triumph?

04-24-2009, 02:43 PM
Stinger was always hit and miss for me. I have had nothing but bad luck with Triumph.

For that price I would look at Premiums.

04-24-2009, 02:45 PM
i use diablo heat its pretty cheap like 35 a case here and it seems do to just fine for what i need but i also use a kit so that helps some. one thing i have found is try all the cheap stuff you may find something that works great. you will find some crap in the mix but buying from wal-mart and dicks its gonna be about the same or im guessing better.

04-24-2009, 03:04 PM
I've been pretty happy with weapons grade when I play semi. Seems to shoot straight and break most of the time.


I get it locally for about $35

Old School 626
04-24-2009, 03:20 PM
RP Premium has been solid for me, locally it goes for about $35.

I'll never buy diablo heat ever again... fricken skittles, feh!

04-24-2009, 03:20 PM
For that price I would look at Premiums.

You talking about RPS Premium? That's a little more than I was looking to spend.

I've been pretty happy with weapons grade when I play semi. Seems to shoot straight and break most of the time.

I looked at that.... but I'm really a fan of two-tone paint. I find that when my paintballs are dark and all one color, I can't see where they land. Maybe the orange ones, though.

04-24-2009, 03:23 PM
RP Premium has been solid for me, locally it goes for about $35.

Holy crap! :wow: Lucky you. That's not what it goes for online, or anywhere near me. I'm jealous.

04-24-2009, 05:43 PM
if you buy Fluid paintballs, dont go anything below Monsoon. Surge and Hydro suck to high heaven. Monsoon is very good for the price and it has a good fill. but if you want the ultimate get Abyss. It is up there with Evil and Gold.

04-24-2009, 05:59 PM
Holy crap! :wow: Lucky you. That's not what it goes for online, or anywhere near me. I'm jealous.

I've never had any $40.00 a case paint that would break.
I got so sick of bounces that I gave up on any paint other than
Marballizer or Draxxus Gold. To me the extra cost of Marbs is well worth
not having to watch 3 or 4 balls bounce off of an enemy target.
I only play for fun, no other reason, and I'm a mediocre player at best,
and when I finally do hit someone, I want it to break .

Used to be able to get ProBall around here and that was some good breaking paint
but I havent seen any of that in a long time now.

I've got to the point now if it costs $40.00 for a case I wont even look at it.


04-25-2009, 04:58 AM
I've always loved RPS but the price is a drag I do feel ya. But, I found just straite up whitebox paint found here (http://www.actionvillage.com/000-161-0040) I haven't had too big of an issue with. maybe a bit dimply or fragile but its decent paint for the price. My + for cheep good paint

04-25-2009, 09:16 AM
I have been using Marbs almost exclusively for the past few months. It is beautiful and round, however it does bounce a considerable amount. With warmer weather upon us, I will switch to Evil which tends toward just a touch brittle.

My "sponsor" carries the Draxxus brands. It truly is good paint, but IMO the two best are Marbs and Evil only being surpassed by Ultra when I am lucky enough to get my hands on some. I, like you, have found that just biting the bullet and buying good paint pays off. I can shoot 500 accurate balls instead of 1000 lesser quality and actually save money.

(in reponse to Going Home)

04-25-2009, 11:25 AM
if you buy Fluid paintballs, dont go anything below Monsoon. Surge and Hydro suck to high heaven. Monsoon is very good for the price and it has a good fill. but if you want the ultimate get Abyss. It is up there with Evil and Gold.

Why wouldn't you recommend surge or hydro? Inconsistent size? Too many bounces? :confused: Dimples?

Remember, my friends and I play HITS, not breaks. I don't care if the paintballs never break. I just want them to shoot relatively straight and be consistent in size.

04-25-2009, 05:17 PM
Personally, I have been preferring Heat. I know it's been mentioned earlier that it was "Skittles", but I can honestly say I've never had that problem that I've noticed.

Our team recently bought 17 cases for a recent scenario/big game and we had absolutely NO problems with it in any of the cases. It runs about $32-$39/case up here. We get it a little bit less through our sponsor...

Mighty Mike
04-26-2009, 03:08 AM
if you buy Fluid paintballs, dont go anything below Monsoon. Surge and Hydro suck to high heaven.

I totally agree. I had bad luck with Fluid Hydro a few weeks ago. I didnt want to spend too much on paint so I paid around $45 for a case of Hydro. The paintballs looked fine out of the box, but after a couple of games the paint broke inside every one of my pods, halo, and my barrel...it was just a complete mess and I was cleaning everything after every game. The day was pretty much ruined. I probably had that one bad box, but I will not use Hydro again. :mad:

04-26-2009, 03:58 AM
Best budget paint I ever shot was Draxxus ProCapps Recon. You can find it at Walmart for ~$40 a case.

It has a camo shell, if you are into that sort of thing, and a nice bright orange fill.

I did the "cool-aid" test with one and found it has very little oil in it so it won't stain easily.

Seems to break on target and not in the gun.

Bore ranges from ~ .687-.690 so it isn't terrible.

Never had an odd-shaped ball yet.

Only thing is once you break the sealed bag they won't keep for more than a month or two. After that they get extremely brittle.

04-26-2009, 08:32 AM
I just played yesterday with a case of fresh stingers and although it was annoying to size up ( very small bore ) it was fairly consistant and my gun shot hardly less consistant than with shooting marbs, although there was the occasional huge or tiny misfit ball.

04-26-2009, 01:30 PM
Give Formula 13 a chance. Decent paint for the price.

04-26-2009, 03:26 PM
X-ball podium, it has a bright orange fill and breaks most of the time. You can get a case for around 35$ at sport's authority.