View Full Version : Bob Long M-Tac ?

04-26-2009, 09:17 PM
I like the looks of it, and I would like to shoot one without a doubt.
But almost a thousand bucks seems to be an absurd price.
Is it just me ?
Anyone tried one ?


ANS has a video on their page :



04-26-2009, 11:39 PM
that looks pretty sweet, id like to hold one to see how it feels and shoots.

Don Carnage
04-26-2009, 11:50 PM
They were showing off the prototype one at Oklahoma D-Day last year. It wasn't functional that that point and had some unfinished external bits left to do. I remember it being pretty heavy. I know Bob Long will be at D-Day again this June, pretty sure he'll have plenty of these with him.

Overall, I wasn't too impressed. $1000 for just a base scenario gun isn't worth it. If a scenario player just wanted some rails on their gun, they can just slap a tactical Ion body on an Ion and go to town. It was heavy like a Tippmann, but Tippman players are loyal and the Bob Long name just doesn't mean too much to them.

Also, BenTippmann was at the same event showing off their new TM-7, which was cheaper and had the gas-thru ASA handle, eyes, cocker threaded, rails, and electro features for less $$$, it also had an integrated folding stock, which the Bob Long didn't have at all. Functionally, it's the exact internals as a Mini, so there is already aftermarket bolts, boards, etc.

Personally, I just think Bob Long has realized the scenario market is massive and willing to pay lots of money. But he's approaching it wrong. I'm sure he'll sell a few, but to really make a foothold among woodsballers, he's going to have to do better.

04-26-2009, 11:51 PM

you can save 5 dollars!


04-27-2009, 12:02 AM
mike says it is heavy as hell.

until LL i wont be able to get my hands on one.

04-27-2009, 08:41 AM
Yeah there pretty much for the elitest milsim crowd. Very heavy but thats also where the toughness comes in too. Definitely feels like a real firearm. Very well thought out. Pricey, but its ideal for someone with the extra cash that doesnt feel like doing a custom project. There is something to be said for "all factory parts." Kind of like a car. The more custom/aftermarket parts you slap on the more fickle it will be. All of that being said I think its a little over-engineered for me. Id just as soon shoot a stock Vike and save $600.

04-28-2009, 01:09 AM
If it was fed from the underside with a magazine system I would be extremely interested. As it stands it ircs me the same way as the rest do : My gun looks fancy but still has a huge hopper on top

04-28-2009, 03:08 AM
If it was fed from the underside with a magazine system I would be extremely interested. As it stands it ircs me the same way as the rest do : My gun looks fancy but still has a huge hopper on top

Scroll down the page to see the mod options, plus they're in Canada so shipping will be easy for most on this forum: http://www.milsig.ca/products.html


Don Carnage
04-30-2009, 12:05 PM
For 'magazine fed' there'a also the Q Loader SSI
not completely a magazine per-say, but bretty neat since it feeds from the bottom. It'll take A-5 e triggers, if you want to go electro.
Q Loader SSI (http://www.qloader.com/qmarker.html)

And of course the ATS Series
These things are pretty neat. Very different than anything out there. If you want a bigger load than what a standard magazine holds, they also offer a hopper adaper one, works similar to a warp-feed in theory.
ATS Site (http://www.getrealpaintball.com/)

Frizzle Fry
04-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Personally, I just think Bob Long has realized the scenario market is massive and willing to pay lots of money. But he's approaching it wrong. I'm sure he'll sell a few, but to really make a foothold among woodsballers, he's going to have to do better.

Exactly. The woodsball market is huge and woodsballers and milsimmers will spend $1000 on a marker, but not all at once... When you buy a Tippmann, RAP4, BT or Ariakon you spend $100-$350 and there are plentiful upgrades to purchase over time, and customizations that make the marker unique. Most woodsballers and scenario players I know would laugh if they were offered a $900 Marq7 in a millsim body...

I expect one of three things to happen;

1) BL sponsers a woodsball team who popularizes the marker, but nobody can ever afford it, they become collectors items 5 years from now and everyone haggles over them on forums.

2) BL cheapens it, or makes it a kit for existing Marqs, or even releases a "base" model and it sells, but quality suffers a bit and people aren't nearly as satisfied with the original idea.

3) BL discontinues it because nobody in their right mind would spend that kind of cash, and it goes the way of the SP8... Most woodsballers I know are wary of electronic markers anyway, especially quad-eyed $900 ones that you'd be afraid to scratch.