View Full Version : Hissing w/ pressure on the trigger?

Lancer X
04-28-2009, 11:17 AM
Hi all. Saturday was the first day I played with my ULE classic mag. I noticed that if I squeeze the trigger slowly, I get a slight air-leak hiss very soon after applying pressure.

This is a little weird, since when taking an accurately-aimed shot with a firearm, I'm used to pulling the trigger back slowly until the gun fires.

Is this just normal due to the design of the Mag?

04-28-2009, 11:41 AM
Do you have a level 10 bolt? If you do, this probably has to do with the carrier o-ring. When you pull the trigger a little bit, the sear begins to move and this moves the bolt slightly. This movement of the bolt will also move the bolt stem that is surrounded by the carrier o-ring. This may open up small gaps between the o-ring and bolt stem and allow some air to escape. I think :) . I may be way off base here, so anyone please correct me if I'm wrong. I believe if you are running a level 7 this may be the case as well. Good luck.


04-28-2009, 01:18 PM
You don't fire mags like you do real firearms, you will just short stroke it. Its part of the design wether you have a Lvl7 or Lvl10 bolt. You have to pull the trigger back completely and release completely. No slow squeezing. This is one thing many mag haters used to hate about mags, aside from the old stock carbon fiber trigger frame.

04-28-2009, 04:41 PM
If it is Level 7, make sure it doesnt have a Powertube spring. If it does, replace it with a .220 Powertube spacer. If you already have a .220 spacer, replace it with a smaller one(.215)

Lancer X
05-01-2009, 09:29 AM
AFAIK, it's a level 7 bolt. I bought a lvl 10 kit for it though & just haven't put it in yet.

Tuna, I haven't torn down the bolt and valve yet, so not sure what the config is yet. I'll check it out this weekend.

Thanks for the replies!